Tag: Chris Paul

  • What Happens to the “Woo” When Chris Paul Leaves?

    Newer Hornets fans might not be aware of this, but the CP3 “Woo” isn’t actually Chris Paul’s. In fact, it’s Ric Flair’s, who was a good friend of the previous Hornets owner, George Shinn. Before Paul heard the noise after every time he did something good on the court, it was Baron Davis who was […]

  • With or Without Chris Paul, Life Goes on

    With or Without Chris Paul, Life Goes on           In years past, when rumors of Chris Paul trades swirled television and the web, I would fight it. Heated arguments arose between me and several friends about where, why, and for whom Chris Paul would be traded. As if I could somehow control what would happen with […]

  • How Marcus Thornton Becomes a New Orleans Hornet Again

    Update- Apparently what I said about Paul and Thornton not liking each other is flat out wrong. I heard it, and after I ran it through my head a dozen times last night I convinced myself that it made perfect sense. The reality is that it isn’t true, the two actually are actually pretty decent […]

  • Chris Paul Preparing for Trade, Prefers Clippers to Warriors

    Chris Paul has been told to prepare for a trade from the New Orleans Hornets, according to sources familiar with what is transpiring in New Orleans. Although we predicted yesterday that the Hornets will likely deal Paul within the next few days to the Golden State Warriors, Paul is said to prefer the Clippers, who […]

  • Chris Paul Will Be Dealt Shortly

    Chris Paul will likely be traded to the Golden State Warriors within the next few days according to sources familiar with the Hornets internal decision making. Wonder why I say that? Among other reasons (Mr. Sources #4 told me), the team has supposedly been preparing biographies for players who would not be inbound if Paul […]

  • Ranking the Assets

    It’s time to be honest with ourselves and realize that it is a foregone conclusion that Chris Paul will not re-sign with the Hornets once his current contract has expired. He has given this franchise hundreds of brilliant moments, and can arguably be called the GHAT (Greatest Hornet of All-Time), but we will soon have […]

  • Point: Chris Paul is the Problem

    Be not afraid of greatness: some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. — Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V, William Shakespeare Yeah, I said it. Chris Paul is the problem. He doesn’t have to be, but he is. Maybe. It’s not his offense, his defense, his size, […]

  • Hornets Beat: Trading Chris Paul

    In this edition of Hornets Beat we tackle Chris Paul (no, not literally) and the potential for a trade. It’s not a topic any of us want to discuss particularly, but it appears that Paul and his agent do, so that’s that. Joining us today are a number of internationally renowned basketball writers. Matt Moore, […]

  • Dear Chris Paul: Leave New Orleans the Right Way

    Dear Chris Paul, Although you’re not my favorite person right now, that doesn’t take away from the reality that you deserve a ticker tape parade for what you’ve done for basketball in New Orleans. Without you, it’s a very real possibility that we wouldn’t still have a professional team anymore. Save maybe Drew Brees, I […]

  • Chris Paul and Some of the New Orleans Hornets Media

    This afternoon at the first day the Alario Center opened for player workouts, Chris Paul stood in front of a group of 20- some odd members of the media and took some time to answer questions. As everyone gathered around Paul, the guy on the front of half the NBA sections on the planet, it […]

  • The Time is Now For Dell Demps

    Last year we got a glimpse of who Dell Demps will be as a general manager. Call it Dell 101, if you will. It’s the first real view anyone has had of Dell as a top executive, and he’s so far passed with flying colors. This year, if the tentative deal we’ve heard about holds, […]

  • While Chris Paul’s Crunch Time Numbers Fell Off Last Year, The Hornets Remained Clutch

    With the news that the lockout ended, I started getting back into looking at stats and whatnot from last year. One thing I noticed, which I’m guessing a lot of us probably suspected, is that Chris Paul didn’t bring his usual excellence to crunch time last season. His numbers were down drastically from the previous […]

  • It’s Tomorrow for Hornets Fans: Time to Think About Chris Paul

    On Saturday Michael wrote about how great it was that a new CBA has been agreed upon by the Players and Owners, who will now be collectively known as the NBA. One problem? It doesn’t help the Hornets keep Chris Paul. Let’s review. No hard cap (or anything even close) Luxury tax penalties will start […]

  • Be happy about the deal today; worry about Paul tomorrow

    As predicted, the second that this new deal was announced, Hornets fans started wondering what it’s impact would be on the future of Chris Paul. Of course, national writers haven’t made it any easier as they make allusions to what the allowance of extend-and-trade deals will mean for Chris Paul and Dwight Howard, but that […]

  • CBA Framework Established, More Work to Do

    Details will follow over the course of the next few days, and this thing can be derailed by a number of factors, but a CBA framework has been established. This means the BRI split and major system issues have been agreed upon by the negotiators. The lawyers, antitrust folks, etc. weren’t in on this. This […]

  • What the proposed CBA means to the Hornets and Chris Paul

    ESPN has obtained a copy of the seven page offer that the players plan on discussing, and possibly voting on, at some point today. It might be pointless to break down this current proposal, as speculation continues to grow that the players will turn down this latest offer and push for decertification, but what else […]

  • Five Storylines Sure to Rock the World of New Orleans Hornets Fans

    Whenever this silly lockout does come to a conclusion, New Orleans Hornets fans are going to find themselves right in the middle of some pretty serious stories that will likely determine the long and short term future of the franchise as a whole. Ha! You thought the lockout was a big deal? That was just […]

  • 42 Seconds: Serendipity

    I’ve rarely been falsely accused of being upbeat, optimistic, etc. I’ve believed something good was going to happen because I didn’t have enough information, but that’s not the same thing. Of late, however, I seem to have a spring in my step, at least compared to the people I converse with about the NBA, or, […]

  • Dibs on the 2012 Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy


    Gotcha, suckas! Yeah, that’s right. I called dibs. I’d like to thank all the people that made this possible: Larry O’Brien, David Stern, The New Orleans Hornets, and, of course, Mortimer K. Dibs. Someone out there is already saying, “You can’t call dibs until the season is canceled.” You are thinking shotgun, my friend. Shotgun […]

  • My self-imposed lockout is over!

    Prior to July 1st, it was impossible not to see me everywhere on this site. Ryan and I were pounding out podcasts, I was begging for the Hornets to take the immortal Charles Jenkins in nearly every pre-draft article I wrote, and I was just as guilty as anyone in the free agent/trade speculation department. […]