CBA Framework Established, More Work to Do

Details will follow over the course of the next few days, and this thing can be derailed by a number of factors, but a CBA framework has been established.

This means the BRI split and major system issues have been agreed upon by the negotiators. The lawyers, antitrust folks, etc. weren’t in on this.

This framework seems to be based on the pre-disclaimer 50-50 deal. It is a 51-49 band.

A 66-game season starting on Christmas is the target. My guess is this is a season with 4 games vs division opponents and 2 games against everyone else. Free Agency and Training Camp are targeted to begin on Friday, December 9th . . . two weeks from now. The opening day games from the original schedule will be played on Christmas.

This is positive, but this is also a tactic. There were actual negotiations happening in these talks, so some of these details haven’t been spread through the respective communities. It stands to reason that the players have gotten more system issues than they had 10 days ago, which means this could be a move to test the owners that were pushing for more BRI and more system issues. Their resolve is the biggest threat to this deal getting done. Asking them to shoot down this deal in a more public fashion is the nature of the test. It is a dare. It is a daring dare.

Don’t forget revenue sharing . . . that’s still out there, so it seems. Although, it may have been a move on revenue sharing that gets this done at the 50-50 level rather than more skewed to the owners.

For the New Orleans Hornets, this paves the way, if it goes through, for them to translate those ticket sales into attendance numbers, and puts us squarely on the path to new ownership. Contraction, it seems, for the moment, has been averted. Henry Abbott agrees on that enough to call us “winners” in this fight.

It also places the Chris Paul situation front and center, with Dell Demps looking to bring players in or ship Chris out, and Monty trying to put forward a system that can handle all of this given that not even half of his roster is known to him, including who the starting power forward is, as the David West situation still has to unfold.

Two weeks to plan.

Two weeks to execute.

It’s an interesting time.

Stay tuned.

47 responses to “CBA Framework Established, More Work to Do”

  1. Finally I can end my lockout on hornets247 with my first post since the lockout started. Let’s hope they can finalize this when the owners n players vote. Can’t wait!

  2. nothing better than starting the weekend here in good ol’ germany with this news…
    the next 30 days could be very interesting. i’m looking forward to your coverage. 🙂

  3. • The NBA is happy with this deal. The players are OK with it. Complete details of the new CBA won’t be disclosed for a few days, at least, but it’s clear the NBA got much of what it wanted. It reduced the players’ share of BRI by at least six percent (or $240 million per season) and will ultimately put significant restrictions on player movement, through the luxury tax, that will prevent big or more attractive markets from luring top players away from their incumbent teams.

    “I think it will largely prevent the high-spending teams from competing in the free-agency market in the way they [have] in the past,” Silver said. “It’s a compromise. It’s not the system we sought out to get in terms of the harder cap, but the luxury tax is harsher than it was in the past deal and we hope it’s effective. You never can be sure, but we feel, ultimately, it will give fans in every community hope that their team will be able to compete for championships and that their basis for believing in their team will be a function of management rather than how deep the owners’ pockets are or how large the market is.”

    The players? It seems they got a deal they can live with. While many players will likely be unhappy with the concessions made by the union, the majority will vote to approve the deal, in part because they believe it’s the best deal they can get and in part because they are not willing to sacrifice an entire season’s salary.

    Read more:

    • Cant be the 26th because NOLA has Monday Night Football here (ATL comes to town). I’d expect us to open on the road, and play our first home game Wed Dec 28th at the earliest.

      • That’s right edbballin. How on earth could I forget that? LOL. And if the schedule did stand as is, which I don’t think it will, the Hornets would be @Bobcats on that day. With that said though, I think 12/28 against Boston would make for a really nice home opener.

      • It would.

        I’d like to see a team we’d kill. Sadly, a team that might kill us markets mo’ betta. Boston could have High turnover, so maybe we’d have a shot.


        Dream dream dream.

        It’s been too long.

      • Boston opening night would be almost as good as the original plan of CHI. Day of the week is important too. Regardless, I’d love to see us open with BOS. I’d feel as if the NBA is looking out for us.

  4. This is going to be the hardest season for us, trying to KEEP cp3 and still pull in other pieces! WOW. If we could some how pull Granger, Chandler, and of course D.West back in, we’d be at least a conference finals contender. but…the possibility of that is….. so slim. so so slim. FINGERS CROSSED EVERYONE

    • Matter of a fact, pull Dwight Howard…. but then we’d need to cross EVERYTHING. toes, legs, arms, pants, shoe laces alll along with our fingers

    • How dare you talk about us trying to ‘keep’ Chris Paul. From what I’m reading on various Hornets forums, he’s already a Knick.

      • stop your going to make me cry. lol no but seriously, I HOPE this isn’t true. other wise, we need to trade his behind fast as we can.

    • Yeah those roster acquisitions arent going to happen. The only one even plausible is David coming back but I think even that is going to go by the wayside. Odds are some team is going to over pay him during the free agency period and we just keep Landry. Nice optimism though, wish it could really happen.

      • oh of course I know those aren’t happening… just be…. optimistic…or maybe Im just lying to myself

  5. I’m optimistic.

    1) With Dell Demps now able to contact his players we still have time to maneuver who’s gonna be in and out. I’d like to see David West back by any means possible as he was the driving force for keeping this team in the playoff race last year. I still like the option of keeping La-La-La-la-La-La-LANNNNNNDRRRRYYYYYY in a Hornets uniform, coming off the bench which would give West some much needed time to rest early in the 4th and offers a nice difference of bodies.

    2) Next to Glen Rice, Chris Paul is my favorite Hornet of all time and most likely, all of yours too but if that means we can get valuable assets for him in the future that puts this franchise in a prime position a year or 2 from now to really be an elite team in the West, then we have to trade him. It’ll be difficult but there’s still enough assets on the table that can be had for CP3.

    3) Figure out who our next shooting guard is gonna be. Nothing irritated me more than seeing Trevor take a 3 from the wing and miss from 5 feet. We need a lock down shooter like a Nick Young that can just put up points and pump up CP3’s assist numbers.

    4) Get tougher and smarter. The Hornets showed they could at least compete with LA during that playoff series last year but in order to survive, we can’t allow a guy like Bynum to eat up the paint and get deeper in the hole. Even if that means taking a charge, we can definitely get into the heads of these teams and win these tough games.

    5) Finally. Lets have some fun this season. With the season ticket #’s in New Orleans, the team has a bright future and can attain an owner that shares the same ideals as Monty and Demps.

    Let’s Geaux Hornets!

    P.S: I’m so glad we are back here and back to see so many of you here. I just hope we can get most games here without a running play by play of games through streams if possible.

    • I agree that watching Trevor Ariza clank threes all year long was unnevering. But Trevor Ariza does not play shooting guard. Marco Belinelli started the vast majority of games at the 2.

      Get a “lock down” shooter like Nick Young to “pump up” CP’s assists?

      Nick Young scored 15ppg in 32 mins floor for an undisciplined Washington team.

      Marco scored 11ppg in 25 mints floor for a highly disciplined NO team. That’s about equal overall productivity.

      Young 3pt shooting: 39% year, 38 % career
      Marco 3pt shooting 41% year, 40% career

      Young shooting percentage overall 44% year, 44% career
      Marco shooting percentage overall 44%, 43% career

      Nick Young actually had many more turnovers than assists; Marco had many more assists than turnovers. Marco’s defense was way better.

      Let’s Go Hornets!

  6. WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
    There will be a significant number of players who will not vote to approve this deal, but there won’t be a majority. The deal will pass.
    7 hours ago

    WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
    One vet player texting me, doubting he’ll vote to approve deal. “We (bleeping) caved,” he said. He’s been entrenched on issues entire way.
    7 hours ago

    That player is probably ornery Kevin Garnett. LOL.

  7. So glad to be back and interact with my Hornets247 family again! Its been awhile! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for, now with basketball back in New Orleans. Looking forward to see what Demps pulls off to fill out the roster. Great month ahead!

  8. RicBucher Ric Bucher
    Team personnel have been told lockout rules are still in place, so no communication with players yet. Might still be a day or more away.
    10 minutes ago

    I know we love interviews but this means don’t look for any player interviews today.

  9. Great news! Now, let’s just get a good owner and hope the team stays in New Orleans for a long time and that someone else moves to Seattle.

  10. The new system ruins the Knicks chances of getting CP3 anyway because the leauge wants all 30 teams to compete for a title even if that was a reality Deron Williams would be on the short list to replace Paul.On the Hornets remain in New Orleans Stern said he’s committed to keepping the team here and Jac Sperling said that they’re negotiating (spell check) with state for a long term lease,a no relocation clause and a attendance mandate.So it looks good from here for now.

  11. Like pinoyballah, looks like I can end my lockout against most things NBA and come back to Hornets247 🙂 Hearing about the constant back and forth of negotiations gets tiring so had to ignore the NBA for a while.

    Honestly though I’m more excited to see how the various Hornets personnel issues shake up than for the butchered season to actually get under way. I’m sure that will change as the first games draw near but for now still seems like a lot of things have happen to really get me excited for the season.

    Anyways glad to see the Hornets247 is pumped and getting going in full force, oh and @42 with a name now… Man it’s been a while…

  12. RicBucher Ric Bucher
    Also: trade deadline expected to be pushed back to March. Could mean season ends for U.S. players w/foreign no-outs and they’re then dealt.
    38 minutes ago

  13. They caved on SO MANY system issues that were creating the competitive balance for us. This is a minor disaster.

    • From what I’m reading there’s a vet player saying the players caved.

      WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
      One vet player texting me, doubting he’ll vote to approve deal. “We (bleeping) caved,” he said. He’s been entrenched on issues entire way.
      11 hours ago

  14. per ESPN:

    “The agreement is also said to include a relaxation of many of the system issues from the league’s Nov. 10 proposal — issues that led to the union’s disclaimer and subsequent lawsuit. The league sought to control spending and improve competitive balance through a highly punitive luxury tax and further spending restrictions to be imposed on taxpaying teams, which the union considered unacceptable. Friday’s compromise included the elimination of the smaller mid-level exception for taxpayers, the restoration of sign-and-trade and extend-and-trade transactions, and the removal of the harsher tax penalties for teams that are taxpayers four times in a five-year span.”

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