New Orleans Pelicans Host Michael Carter-Williams, Trey Burke, and Alex Len in first Draft Workout

Today, the New Orleans Pelicans hosted their first set of potential draftee’s, as Trey Burke, Michael Carter-Williams, and Alex Len all came in today. Alex Len could not work out, but he interviewed with Dell and Monty. Burke and MCW both competed in drills, but did not go head-to-head. Below we will post some post workout interviews, along with thoughts from our videographer Andrew Smith.

Trey Burke Post-Workout Interview

Andrew Smith’s $.02: If Trey Burke is 6’0″, then I am 6’8″. I’m 6’5 my guess is that he’s closer to 5’10-ish.


Michael Carter-Williams Post-Workout Interview

Andrew Smith’s $.02: Another guy who’s listed hight I think may have been exaggerated.  MCW is listed as 6’6 but I’m at least 2 inches taller than him as his head was just over the top of the bridge of my nose, but he seemed very confident that his game would be able to transition to the NBA level.


Alex Len Post-Workout Interview

Andrew Smith’s $.02: Len seemed pretty bummed that he couldn’t show off his skills in the workout.


Dell Demps Post-Workout Interview

Monty Williams Post-Workout Interview

43 responses to “New Orleans Pelicans Host Michael Carter-Williams, Trey Burke, and Alex Len in first Draft Workout”

  1. Andrew is 6’5. For the record, he said MCW was a little shorter than him, maybe 6’4 or 6’4.5, though he is “listed” closer to 6’6″

    • Houpgarou Defensively, yeah. Offensively, doesn’t shoot nearly as good as Chalmers. Maybe a ceiling of Andre Miller on offense, which I would be really happy with personally. Floor of Eric Snow on offense. Best I got.

  2. Seems to me that Monty lit up a lot more when talking about Alex Len than he did when talking about the other players.

  3. After watching All the prospects I wouldn’t be mad with either one of them. Len was bummed but that is to be expected MCW done better than I expected But Trey Burke Handled Himself the best I believe to me he just Showed that he wanted to be there more and was really excited about playing there But I won’t Count Len Out Monty seem to really light up like Dell talking about the drafting When He got to talking about this kid.. All in all great work by Andrew Smith!

  4. After watching all i love burke but the way monty lit up about Len and highlights i watched of him in a few year Len and AD can be Bynum and Gasol less injured of course. At the end of the day i’ll be happy with Burke or Len

  5. The main target is Saric.  We will take him if he does not withdraw; however, if he does withdraw, Len will be the target.  
    Len probably won’t be available at 6, though.  I think Charlotte will take him.  
    Then it gets interesting.  
    1. Len
    2. Oladipo
    3. Bennett
    4. McLemore
    5. Noel
    6. Porter or Burke?
    I think we would go with Burke just because I think Monty and Dell value face time with the player.  Porter denied that to every team outside of 3.  That is not Monty’s style.

    • jsl05 You think Len is going #1????? Whaaaaaaaaat the…. that is the craziest Mock board that I’ve seen!!!

      • jsl05 I guess just the Len part.. but now I’m seeing that he’s rising. I guess this draft really is wide open but I would be absolutely shocked if a guy who was barely a lottery pick a month ago went #1.

      • Don’t think it’s that far fetched. Coaches love size (see Williams, Monty) and in a draft with so few sure things I can see clubs going big and guys like Len and zeller rising. If teams are sketchy about Noel’s knee or other concern with him, Len might be first big off the board

  6. If Monty likes Len’s conversation about family, that’s his favorite player.
    Len will be the pick if available and I don’t think Monty will go backwards on Rivers being able to play point.  They brought Burke and MCW in as the “only choice left” option.

  7. How about this scenario:  Pelicans do a sign & trade sending Eric Gordon, Al-Farouq Aminu and Grievius Vasquez to the Clippers for CP3. Then the Pelicans sign Dwight Howard as a FA. Then they draft Anthony Bennett with pick #6.
    Pelicans’ starting lineup for 2013-14: CP3 @ PG, Austin Rivers @ SG, Bennett @ SF, Anthony Davis @ PF, Dwight @ C. The Pelicans will then dominate the West for the next 5 years.

  8. Trey Burke showed his will to win and drive to make it to the next level, and also showed that he would LOVE to play fa the team.

  9. I say draft Len. I think we have a point guard in Rivers. As fans of our team, we have no patience to watch them grow. Pick up Iggy for the 3, pray for Gordon’s health and draft Len.

  10. If next years draft has some promising stars, I seen there are some centers in that draft. WHY not take a true PG in Burke to stamp that position along with Davis for the next 5-10 years and get your big man in the next draft. I don’t see nothing wrong with building the team in time RIGHT instead of rushing to win NOW.

  11. O by the way rivers is NO PG. he will start if and win Gordon is gone at his true position SG.

  12. I love the kid, but in no way, shape, or form is Rivers a point guard. Nothing he did in college or high school suggests he is an NBA point guard. He can handle the ball & score. Nothing more. Besides Burke is far superior than Rivers right now and he hasn’t played 1 NBA game.

  13. I would take Rivers, who could possibly be another Westbrook over Burke, who reminds me of a Deron Williams, who will look for his shot before getting his teammates involved. Rivers has the size to defend better and if he is off on a night Gordon can handle the ball.

    • You can’t be serious. Westbrook is one of the top 4 athletes in this league. Rivers is no where near the top tier athleticism this league has. He hits the floor with every attempted lay up while Westbrook slams with authority with one foot inside the free throw plus he’s shorter than Rivers. When you think Westbrook as an athlete you think D.Rose & John Wall. If you think Rivers you think Grant Hill lol

  14. Not following that. Westbrook not known for looking for teammates while.Burke seems to have a solid setup game

  15. But what about this trade Eric Gordan, Robin Lopez to Phoneix for their pick Jared Dudley and Micheal Beasley and draft both
    PG Burke/Vasquez
    SG Rivers/Dudley
    SF Beasley/Aminu
    PF Davis/Anderson
    C Len/Smith

  16. But what about this trade Eric Gordan, Robin Lopez to Phoneix for their pick Jared Dudley and sign Andrei Kirilenko, Ryan Hollins and draft both
    PG Burke/Vasquez/Roberts
    SG Rivers/Dudley/Mason Jr
    SF Kirilenko/Aminu/Miller
    PF Davis/Anderson/Thomas
    C Len/Smith/Hollins

    • mateor with all the possible trades for Bledsoe going around I feel like the clips would only consider that if they missed on a Dwight Howard sign and trade or a trade for Aaron Afflalo with Orlando. Also Boston is after Bledsoe and apparently the pacers might trade granger for Bledsoe

  17. This could most likely happen i’ve to trade ideas with free agent signings and re signings.
    Trade #1 trade Gordon,Vasquez and Miller for Jeff Green,Avery Bradley and Celtics 16th overall pick
    Sign Tyreke Evans and Chase Budginer
    Re sign Aminu and Francisco Garcia.
    Draft Trey Burke and Kelly Olynyk
    Hold on to Lopez for this season and sign Andrew Bogut in 2014
    C Lopez-Smith-Olynyk
    PF Davis-Anderson-Thomas
    SF Green-Aminu-Budginer
    SG Evans-Rivers-Garcia
    PG Burke-Bradley-Roberts
    Trade # 2  Gordon,Lopez and Vasquez to the Nuggets for Javale McGee,Wilson Chandler and the 22nd pick
    Sign Iggy,Tony Allen andWill Bynum
    Draft Trey Burke and Jeff Withley
    C McGee–Smith-Withley
    PF Davis-Anderson-Thomas
    SF Iggy-Aminu-Miller
    SG Chandler-Rivers-Allen
    PG Burke-Bynum-Roberts

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