Hornets Beat: Eric Gordon

Our writers answer five burning questions about Eric Gordon.

Maybe this is all that Gordon meant when he said his heart was in Phoenix.

1. On a scale of 1-10, how disappointed are you in Gordon’s comment that his “heart is in Phoenix?”

James Grayson: 9, and it’s not 10 because he’s not Chris Paul and he hasn’t been in the city of New Orleans for long. I lived in Phoenix for four months and I stayed in New Orleans for five days. I can assure you that New Orleans is the better city.

Michael McNamara: 5. Honestly, what he said doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that it just doesn’t make sense to say it. What is the upside? Have you heard Roy Hibbert say anything about his heart being in Portland? It serves no purpose. Just wait to see how it plays out and then lie to whichever fan base supports the team that gave you $58 million, telling them your heart is in ‘their’ city.

Jake Madison: 7. I feel like the point of that statement was to try and force the Hornets not to match the contract offer. No other restricted free agent has said anything like that.

Mason Ginsberg: 8. To release that kind of statement giving another organization that kind of praise isn’t only a slap in the face to the Hornets and the city of New Orleans, but it’s also just stupid. What does he have to gain by saying something like that? His leverage is incredibly limited in this situation; if he believed that those words would keep the Hornets from matching the Suns’ offer, he clearly lacks an understanding of how the NBA works.

Joe Gerrity: 8. All I can think is that his agent talked with Phoenix and they worked out a possible way to lower the the Hornets asking price in a sign and trade. Let’s be real– it’s not as simple as just matching and moving on now. There’s a relationship to be repaired between Gordon, the team, and the fans. The Hornets had all the cards prior to this.

2. If your hand was forced and you had to do a match, then trade with Houston, what would you be asking for in return?

JG: I’d be asking for Kevin Martin, Donatas Motiejunas, Royce White or an unprotected first round pick. It’s quite a lot, but I believe there’s a number of teams lining up for Eric Gordon, so someone has to pay the price for a maximum contract guy.

MM: Give me Kyle Lowry, Donatas Montiejunas, and Terrance Jones. I know Montiejunas wants to come over, but I try to get him to stay overseas and up his trade value, then eventually move him down the road. I move Lowry to Toronto for their 2013 1st and Ed Davis. Then, with Darius Miller, Terrance Jones, and SkyNet, I recreate UK’s championship front line. Next year I got a nice young core, tons of cap room, a trade chip in Montiejunas, and two likely top 10 picks. (update: Rockets are trading Lowry to Toronto for a lottery pick, so the heavy lifting has been done for us!)

JM: Since Houston is in the division, the price goes up for them. I ask for Lowry, Montiejunas, White and at least one pick.

MG: I would offer Jack and Gordon for Kyle Lowry, Kevin Martin, Donatas Motiejūnas, Jeremy Lamb, and next year’s first round pick. The Rockets are building for the future right now; with their current roster, they’re a lottery team for sure, so that first round pick could have some value. With Dragic heading to Phoenix and Lin likely staying with New York, I’m not sure how likely it is that they part with Lowry unless they get another PG in return.

Joe: Jack and Gordon for Lowry, Motiejūnas, next year’s first rounder, a future second rounder, and either White or Lamb.

3. If your hand was forced and you had to do a sign and trade with Phoenix, what would you be asking for in return?

JG: I would ask for Kendall Marshall, Marcin Gortat and an unprotected first round pick (and a salary filler). Marshall would be the point guard of the future and would allow Austin Rivers to play a more natural Shooting-Guard position. Gortat is on a very valuable contract of 7.5 million a year. The first round pick would almost likely be a lottery one.

MM: Exact same trade as James ideally. Gortat is a must. Then give me 2 out of the following three: Jared Dudley, Kendall Marshall, unprotected 2013 pick. Throw in Lakers 2013 1st-rounder too. I actually prefer that package to any that Houston could offer. If they refuse to include Gortat, they would have to give me everything else, 3-4 1st rounders, Marshall, Lopez, and Dudley.

JM: I agree with James. I want Marshall, Gortat and the Suns’ unprotected first–not one of the Lakers’ picks.

MG: Kendall Marshall, Marcin Gortat, and the Suns’ 2013 and 2014 first round picks (they can give up those picks in back-to-back years because they now have the Lakers’ 2013 first round pick).  A lineup of something close to Dragic/Gordon/Beasley/Morris/Frye is nowhere near playoff-caliber, which should make both of those picks quite valuable. Let’s see how badly the Suns really want Gordon.

Joe: I’m not dying for Gortat frankly, since I think the center position can be addressed for the long term in a better way. Plus he’s a free agent in two years. In my world we need a third team– like Sacramento– to come in. I’ll spare you the details, but we get good young talent, future picks, and zero long term contacts.

4. If Hornets simply match, how worried (scale of 1-10) are you that Gordon will be a disturbance in the locker room?

JG: 5. I know it might seem optimistic here to expect Gordon not to be a problem, but I think it will be fine. Hopefully after a season Eric might realise that he’s on a good team and apart of a stellar up and coming organisation.

MM: 2. Honestly, if the Hornets match, this is a non-issue by the time training camp opens. My bigger fear is that Gordon knows that Anthony Davis will be the face of the franchise sooner or later, and he is a guy who would rather be ‘the man’ than a winner if he had to choose between the two. I would rather Davis just start out as the face of the franchise from day one, like Durant did, rather than have these two wrestle with this issue as Davis catches up to Gordon, then eventually passes him. I don’t think Gordon will take too kindly to that.

JM: 1. I don’t think that Monty WIlliams will let any sort of locker room drama fly. Plus, I’m sure once Gordon’s checks start getting deposited that he’ll quiet down.

MG: 3. He won’t be a distraction in the locker room; my only concern is how long it will take for the fans to move past his recent comments and get behind him again. He should be able to do some damage control if he ends up staying in New Orleans, but after what happened with Chris Paul a year ago, fans won’t forgive him overnight.

Joe: 5. I never would have thought he was the type of guy to come out and essentially throw the city of New Orleans under the bus after a day in Arizona. Now that he has, I can’t see him any other way. I don’t think it will be loud and obvious, but if he really wants to go elsewhere and winds up in New Orleans anyway, I could see him being a minor distraction on occasion. What if, for example, Austin Rivers is occasionally the go-to guy for last second shots? I could see Gordon pouting about it. I could also see the fans HATING him if he were to sit out with anything but the most serious of injuries. That’s where I see a real possibility for off the court issues.

5. Gut feeling: How do you see this situation playing out?

JG: I really believe the Hornets want Eric in New Orleans. If they show him that he’s the center of their focus then I believe he stays and is happy. Any time a person gets $58 million he should be happy no matter what city he’s in. This whole thing has been about leverage and Gordon’s agent was not very happy with the Hornets not giving his client an extension months ago. This released statement is a way of getting back at the Hornets. Let’s hope that things work out for the best because Gordon can be a leader for this organisation.

MM: Unfortunately, I think Demps matches and the Hornets try to make it work. I think they will eventually regret it if they take that route, simply because of the issue I brought up in my last response. NBA players have egos, and I just don’t see Gordon stepping aside to play second banana to a guy who is 4-5 years younger. When Seattle drafted Durant, they shipped out Ray Allen and let Rashard Lewis walk. I think the Hornets should do the same, but I fear that they will try to blaze their own path rather than follow the example that the Sonics/Thunder laid out for them.

JM: The Hornets will match, but expect them to explore every trade option–not just to the Suns or Rockets. However, I see Gordon being dealt later than sooner.

MG: This one is tough. I love Gordon’s game and want him to be here, but we can’t forget that the Suns offered max money ($14.5 million per season) to a guy who hasn’t proven that he can stay healthy. If the Hornets can get sufficient value in the form of draft picks and young talent while saving a ton of money in the process, it’s an option that they have to explore. Ultimately, though, it’s clear that Dell Demps really wants Gordon to be the leader of this team, so it’s nowhere near a sure thing that he gets dealt purely because of his comments. I’ll put slightly better odds on him staying than him going, but if dealer Dell gets an offer that he can’t pass up, he now has extra motivation to send Gordon packing.

Joe: I tend to believe that someone will come up with an offer that’s of good value, and Dell will send Gordon packing. The last thing this franchise needs is a injury plagued SG (who doesn’t want to be here) making max money while riding the pine half the season. It’s simply risky to throw out marginal max contacts so early in a rebuild, and — for good reason– I don’t think Dell takes spending that kind of money lightly.

138 responses to “Hornets Beat: Eric Gordon”

  1. Seems like the fans really took the biggest blow from Eric Gordon. No other FA has come out and made statements like this just to show the other team they don’t want to be here. I mean even Batum let his agent do that. Also just read that Beasley and Dragic are going to be playing for the Suns next year. So getting Marshall shouldn’t be as big of a problem right? ….oh Phoenix is one of the top 10 nicest cities in the country.

    • That is 4/30 million for Dragic. 3/18 million for Beasley. With all the contracts they still have and the ones soon too be added it would bring their cap to $57,786,014 for 10 players. For the 11th and 12th roster spots would take the cap slighty over with 58.044 million. That is not even including Lopez and Brooks contracts which would push them way over the cap threshold. So a sign-and-trade would be the likely choice right? I know there is the amnesty provision, but if anyone could shed some light that would be great.

      • Keep in mind, your math is calculating the AVERAGE of the salaries. All Phoenix has to do is fit in the first year of the salary. So, Dragic might average 7.5, but he might only make 6.5 this year, etc.

        They can rescind the QO to Brooks and Lopez and amnesty Childress and have plenty of money to throw the max at Gordon- which again, isn’t 14.5 THIS year, it is around 13.

        A sign and trade would not be required, but if he becomes a Sun, it will be because a sign and trade went down. 0% chance Hornets just let him walk.

      • Ya Gordon’s salary next year averages to 12,922,194. But thanks for all the other information. So it seems the direction the Suns are going is to not re-sign Lopez and Brown. Also do you think that Demps is waiting for the Gordon problem to end, before he starts being more active in FA?

      • I’ve explained a detailed approximation in HR, but I’ll post it here so everybody can see

        All their players currently in guaranteed contracts:

        Gortat – 7 258 960
        Childress – 6 500 000
        Frye – 6 000 000
        Dudley – 4 250 000
        Warrick – 4 000 000
        Morris – 2 005 560
        Telfair – 1 567 500 (they didn’t waive him before July 1)

        Total = 31 582 020

        Add Marshall’s projected salary (http://bit.ly/9BqhGs) of 1 599 300 ==> Total now = 33 182 320

        If they signed Dragic to a ~30/4 (4.5% raise since non Bird rights), Beasley to ~18/3 (4.5% raise) then using Larry Coon’s contract calculator, their starting salaries will be for Dragic 7 025 761 and for Beasley that’s 5 741 627. Total now is 45 948 708.. they now have 10 players under contract, per CBA rules, if a team is under the required number of players of 13 (previous 12), they’d have to add 3 “shadow” players at the minimum of 473 604 so total now is 47 369 520. If you peg the salary cap at least year’s number of 58.044 million, then they’d have a little over 10 million in cap space left. But its been widely reported that Gordon will recieve the max of 58/4 (4.5% raise, as per Larry Coon there is an increase in the max salary for 2012/13). Therefore, his starting salary would be right around 13 583 138.

        This means they can’t give him an offer sheet. This is assuming that they renounce bird rights on Lopez, Brown, etc..

        only way they get to sign Gordon is to amnesty Childress.

    • Ryan came out of his man cave to write his article of the month- don’t get greedy!

      Seriously, he is busy putting together some sweet Shirts that will be available on the site soon. I got a sneak peak of a SkyNet one and one other design and I gotta say I will be buying both.

      • Can y’all do another trade certification thing and the top 5 people (or fewer) get shirts?

      • There will be giveaways.

        nikkoewan is getting one on me for his Philippines coverage last year. Josh gets one from me for being creative.

        More to come.

      • Thanks, Jason!!! I didn’t participate in the trade thing. I also read one of your comments that said y’all would do a CBA summary thing in the summerfrom back in March. Nice call.

      • We try. We fail sometimes, but we do try.

        We have some more `fun’ planned. Stay tuned, brah!

      • Is it too late to do the trade certification? Because I didn’t know about this site till about a month ago

    • Obviously you are a Suns fan, and we love having the other side engage in intelligent discussion on our site. So, how about you present your offer, we will counter, etc. and we can discuss this like adults.

    • If the Suns think he is worth a max contract, they should definitely be willing to let two guys go that are really not part of their future. Marshall just became tradeable since they signed Dragic. I doubt that Gortat is the center of the future.

      • You are actually wrong. Gortat IS our center of the future (as of now). You think we will start Lopez after spending all this money to revamp the franchise. No way. I believe that Gortat and Dudley are off limits. Everything else is okay. I really like Gordon so if it came down to it…. I (key word: I) would give up Gortat and ONE of the 1st round LAKERS picks. You have to understand that the fans are behind Gortat for giving us such an amazing breakout season. But I would, instead, be willing to do a sign-and-trade for Lopez, throw in a couple protected picks (One Suns and one Lakers) picks or ONE suns (unprotected) pick. If this is too little and Dell doesn’t buy into it, I think the Suns have an opportunity going after O.J. Mayo.

        New Orleans will be risking quite a bit with the hope that the money will calm EG down. “Once the paychecks hit his accounts he will start acting right.” Okay… but what if he doesn’t. Then your screwed and he will demand a trade which will decrease his trade value because teams will know that the Hornets are in a must trade situation. Do you really want a Dwight Howard incident. The magic are the most dyfunctional team in the league. Dwight had the entire FO fired, gets into a physical fight with Jameer Nelson during practice, demands a trade, then they re-sign Jameer Nelson and Dwight still wants a trade even after the whole FO thing. Its just ugly to watch and the fans are embarrassed and angry with the entire franchise, not just with Dwight. Don’t let this happen to you.

      • Yeah you don’t announce to everyone immediately how little you’re willing to sell something for. You expect a little negotiating. A good business tip: when buying, make your first offer lower than market value; when selling, make your first offer higher than market value. If the other side is good, they will drive it up/down to market value. If they don’t, you win.

  2. [quote]Joe: I’m not dying for Gortat frankly, since I think the center position can be addressed for the long term in a better way. Plus he’s a free agent in two years. …. I’ll spare you the details, but we get good young talent, future picks, and zero long term contacts.[/quote]

    ok i’m confused…
    gortat is a good young talent, without a burdensome long term contract
    how is that not EXACTLY what you claim is best?
    he is the dream scenario of age, production and value

    in any event, if the suns agree to part with gortat in a any package for the right to overpay eric gordon, suns fans should torch their arena and then salt the ground behind them

      • 28 is not exactly young. I’d rather look to flip him elsewhere to a team without a C and wants to be in the playoffs.

        Bucks come to mind – Jennings/Henson/pick for Jack/Gortat?

        Utah as well – maybe have another team involved. We get Hayward

        Or HOU – that TOR pick?

    • Just my opinion, but he’s not young, he’s not great, and he’s the best player he’ll ever be. It’s all downhill (ish) from here for Gortat. I’d prefer someone younger.

  3. Great discussion. I’m on bored with the Gortat, Marshall, and first rounders route. Gortat does more than fill a need on a pretty good contract.

  4. Again, I just don’t see the suns giving up all that for an overpaid injury prone guy like Eric Gordon.

    • They just lost the face of their franchise and if they don’t get Gordon, they have to sell their fan base on a Dragic/Gortat combo? Maybe they get OJ Mayo?

      Hornets are in power position here. While I agree that Phoenix wants to keep Gortat, I think the Hornets can get anything else. Would Suns say no to: Both Lakers first rounders, Suns 2013 pick, and either Dudley or Marshall?

    • They just offered him a max contract. Obviously, they have faith in him. If you watched their recruitment video, they called him the “cornerstone” of their franchise. I’m sure they would give up a back-up point guard and an above-average center for what they think is a superstar.

    • Read mine! I called the trade to Toronto, made it a part of my offer.Give me the pick over Lowry anyway

    • so the rockets have moved/moved on from budinger, lowry, dragic, dalembert & lee…and have offer sheet out to asik

      guess they are all in on jeremy lin
      risky moves in my opinion
      this is why it’s so hard to build a team without drafting a superstar

  5. +1 to MM for basically calling Lowry to Toronto. If all this doesn’t work out maybe we can put in a claim for Calderon when he gets amnestied.

  6. One of the writers for this website said something about Kirilienko. Just read that he wants to come back but “wants WAY to much money”. Reports are he will just stay in Russia.

  7. Good food for thought gentleman. I hope Mason G. is wrong and this guy is not associated with our organization after mid-July.

    To cut to the chase Eric Gordon appears to be a knucklehead. Tweeting during games??? Saying he “loves” NOLA and Monty and Dell and then going 180 degrees differently in Phoenix once his feelings are hurt?? I don’t understand why anyone would think the guy *won’t* be a distraction if not a cancer in the lockeroom.

    And this isn’t even addressing the issue if he’s proven he’s worth a max deal, which he hasn’t.

    The dude threw the city I love under the bus; quite frankly, I’d have a hard time fully supporting him as a Hornet, and I’m crazy about my team. I suspect a lot of others feel the same way, and I’d prefer, strongly, to move on without him as we all work to get the city to embrace its new franchise.

    We need a 2 and a 5 and can always use draft picks. Some combination of trades or deals will get us that, and Phoenix will have their max contract guy.

    The more I’ve thought about this, the more it has occured to me that Gordon is who we think he is … oft-hurt, a prima donna, prone to pouting, and more interested about himself than about playing for a winning franchise. Buh-bye and don’t let the door hit your a** when you leave my city.

  8. 1. 8. There was absolutely no point in saying that. I think he was just taking a jab at us. That did not help him get the contract because this was all after it was offered.

    2. Kevin Martin, Terrence Jones, Donatas Motiejunas, 2013 1st-round pick unprotected (whichever pick is better between Houston and Toronto)

    3. Marcin Gortat, Kendall Marshall, unprotected 2013 1st-round pick

    4. 1. He’ll be happy when he gets his money and how the fans embrace him. Monty won’t let anything happen, especially when we sign Willie Green.

    5. Every source is saying that we will match the offer and keep him, and I agree.

    • Has anyone thought about…. S&T marshall, dudley, and 1st round pick and use the money to go after mcgee that would go to gorddon?? It would have a great young team that you could buil around.

  9. Obviously, it comes down to a matter of elite talent vs. durability vs. amount of money/contract length. It would suck royally if we were to match and then Gordon can’t play. That being said trading away Gordon for Marshall,(maybe Gortat too) and the Suns two first round picks next year might sway me. The reason being Gordon or no Gordon this team is still 3 years away from seriously competing out west. Having their two picks plus our pick would give us enough ammo to move into the top 5 of the draft ( if we are not there already) and draft our “James Harden”. I.E. our sixth man on a contender who is good enough to close games. That would give us marshall, top 5 pick, Rivers, and Davis. This team would struggle for 2 years, but in that 3rd year there would be a light that goes off. This would give us a young core for the forseeable future, while riding us of the uncertainty( injury wise )/ “dont wanna be here” attitude that is EG.

  10. I think you guys are overboard with your trade ideas for Gordon. Joe is closest to the mark with his analysis: NO just lost some leverage, and now they have to think twice about keeping a guy who said his heart is somewhere else. Gortat, Marshall, and an unprotected 1st from Phoenix? Or more? I don’t follow NO enough to know what their needs are, but the Suns shouldn’t make that trade. Not sure what the Houston trade could be now that it looks like Lowry is gone.

    • I dont think its overboard at all. Marshall while receiving a lot of attention wasn’t even a lottery pick. The lakers fist rounder probably will be in the 20’s. The only real jewel in this deal is Phoenix’s pick in 2013 because that could be high. If they they think Gordon is really worth a max deal, then this is not too much to give up.

      • You left out Gortat. The proposal I said was overboard is Gortat, Marshall, and an unprotected 1st. That’s an above-average center (on a good contract), a young PG prospect, and a likely high 1st-round pick. Too much.

        The Suns would offer Marshall, an unprotected 1st, and the Lakers’ 1st – what you said above. That’s reasonable.

  11. What are the hornets planning to do in free agency? Why is demps waiting so long for to sign any free agents?

      • because we are patiently using our cap instead of blowing it on just about anybody?

    • Right now the only thing happening is a lot of teams are overpaying for, mostly, restricted free agents so that the current team won’t match. We don’t want to get in to that situation. We should wait to get good value, and avoid long-term, overpriced contracts.

      • Did yall reads Gordon comments: “Phoenix signed two other young guys that are very talented,” he said. “They’re already established and they’re already going to get better.” ESPN.com. So while we are patiently waiting to use our cap on less skilled players who won’t be here next year or the year after, everyone else is making moves. I don’t care how much you are getting paid, no one wants to play in an empty arena with less skilled teammates.

    • Just read that. Guys with more knowledge of the CBA than I have, is the TP right about that? My understanding is that Gordon never signs the offer sheet, we sign him, and then we can trade him to the team that gave him the offer sheet he didn’t sign…

    • If I understand cbafaq.com correctly, that article is wrong.

      A S&T is still possible so long as he does NOT sign the offer sheet on July 11. Otherwise S&Ts are only possible with the other 28 teams (not including NOH and PHO) and must have Gordon’s consent (for only 1 year).

      If he wants to go to PHX, he must instead sign a contract with NOH with a stipulation that he must be traded to PHX or else the contract is null and void. And THEN PHX and NOH can start talking about the deal.

  12. Players do have egos but we forget that Demps and Williams are former players. Those egos don’t just go away. EG really pooped and stepped in it. This franchise has suffered through some horrible personalities and changing the culture has to put emphasis on not accepting or tolerating that type of behavior. I think we match but keep the talks open with teams to move him. Let’s just hope that EG is not as stupid as his prepared statement; but to say it was prepared makes him real stupid in my opinion. I have to believe this will work to our advantage. Phoenix really showed signs of desperation with this offer and acquiring Michael Beasley. MB has considerable issues too.

  13. Doesn’t it seem like PHX is primed to trade Kendall Marshall now that they’ve acquired Dragic? Should the acquisition of Dragic lend credence to the belief that we’ve already got something in the works? I wouldn’t be unhappy at all w/ Marshall, Gortat, and the PHX unprotected 2013 1st rounder.

    • That’s too much. NOLA probably won’t get Gortat. Marshall and 2 1sts, or *possibly* Gortat and 1 1st.

  14. Did you see John Reid’s article where he writes, “The New Orleans Hornets will have to either match the Phoenix Suns’ four-year, $58 million contract offer to Eric Gordon or let him go without receiving compensation. Under NBA rules, the New Orleans Hornets are not permitted to work out a sign-and-trade deal with the Suns because Gordon is a restricted free agent. In free agency, teams are permitted to work out sign-and-trade deals involving only unrestricted free agents.

    What’s the deal with that?

    • If Eric Gordon actually signs the offer from Phoenix, and we match, then no he cannot be traded to Phoenix for the duration of his 4 year contract. Which is why this whole situation is rather questionable. If his desire truly is to play in Phoenix, his best bet is to NOT sign the offer from them, and hope for us to sign-and-trade him.

    • He is actually answering questions on the comment section of the article.
      “If a newly-signed player is not part of a sign-and-trade, his new team cannot trade him until December 15 of the calendar year in which he was signed or three months after the date on which he signed, whichever arrives later.” I was wondering if this means that when we extended the QO to Gordon at the draft the he becomes a newly signed player.

  15. You overlook one scenario which is extremely unlikely. However, i think it’s important to include in the analysis. What if Gordon threatens to sign NO’s qualifying offer, plays one year, and becomes an UFA next summer? If I’m his agent and I’m good at what I do, I’m looking into the cost of insurance against career-ending injury. What would, say, $2 million buy in the way of future income if Gordon suffers serious injury next season while playing out his contractural obligation to NO? The insurance would be very expensive, but it would mitigate Gordon’s risk. Gordon would be playing the ultimate trump card.

    • I doubt he’d be able to get insurance like that due to his injury history.
      Similarly to the Knicks not being able to insure Stats contract

    • this is addressed elsewhere.

      why address the unlikely when addressing “burning questions”?

      choosing is not ignoring.

  16. I’m pro trading Gordon was before this whole episode. I felt there were far to many things that could go wrong than right. Now he’s just gone and add a bunch of other things that could go wrong to the equation. It’s this type of. Mindset that allows franchise to be held hostage by players.

    I’ve said it multiple times the draft is the highest percentage avenue to build a championship team. Lets not ask for a whole bunch of players and make sure we get an unprotected pick next year. I’d be cool with flipping Gortat and Frye two a team like Houston.

  17. Has anyone thought about…. S&T marshall, dudley, and 1st round pick and use the money to go after mcgee that would go to gorddon?? It would have a great young team that you could build around.

    • If we got mcgee…marshall is PG , Davis is PF, Rivers is SG, Mcgee is C and all under 25. Great young team that can compete now and will be great in a couple years. Plus you might get a lottery pick next year with suns pick.

  18. Hey guys,
    Long time suns fan here (completely heart broken one now Nash is in a lakers uniform). Anyway, if the suns trade gortat im going to be ripped Gortat is the only thing close to a front court the suns have. I know that me saying I want Eric Gordon is not big news to NOLA fans but the suns need Gordon. But the price or Gortat is not something the suns will let go of. I can see the lakers draft picks and Marshall since the suns have a history of trading every draft pick available (I.E. rondo deng) I don’t want to see Marshall go I truly feel like he would fly with the suns and I have a feeling he will be a stud in the future. When it comes to eric gordon the suns need a scorer desperately so saying you guys are in the drivers seat is a understatement I honestly thing the suns give away the lakers draft picks and Marshall maybe lopez but I know maybe not the thing you want to hear but the thing is the suns need gordon more than anyone. I may be wrong but without him we are looking at the number one draft pick next year. Maybe im wrong but im hoping that we don’t give our lives away like the suns normally do… I think gordon might need his head checked for wanting to leave a team like NOLA with the young nucleus of players you guys have. Honestly I think davis is a stud and rivers will be a JJ reddick, but with gordon wanting to come to Phoenix its kind of like Mila Kunis coming up to you and asking you out on a date. Honestly since Nash no one ever looks at phoenix so the fact that a young talent like gordon wants to come here makes me realize that players here don’t just want to play for teams like the lakers, knicks, Celtics. I apologize for the spelling mistakes im typing on a droid that is auto correcting alot. Thanks.

    • I doubt seriously if they would give up Gortat, unless they had a Plan B for a big. I see the Suns wanting to give us those picks. I think Hornets go for the picks and Marshall and try to package the picks for a higher pick. That’s Dell’s kind of MO.

    • Its your awesome medical staff! Players with injury history are attracted to that I think… But yeah the suns NEEEED some scoring. Super bad! Gordon would really bring a boost to that missing element.

      Ps. Also sorry to see nash go to the lakers. 🙁

      • Thank You mazonmafia, its tough to see a guy who lead us to 2 conference finals leave, but i will say im happy he will get a good shot at a ring he if anyone in the league deserves it. Again thank you NOLA for the responses. I am always nervous about writing on other teams forums. I can honestly say Hornets fans are very respectful and you have my utmost respect. I appreciate it. I hope both our teams see each other in the Conference Finals one day. and this deal works out great for both parties. Thanks again Hornet fans all of you have my respect and always will


  19. Gortat, Marshall, Dudley, PHX #1, LAL#1 is what I’m asking for. If I don’t get it, I match. I may even ask for more, like Morris or Lopez. I’m not taking a bad deal. We have all the power. End of story.

    I may be crazy here, but am I the only one that thinks a year from now Gordon will have more trade value when he’s locked in for 3 years and we can deal with 29 teams instead of 1? Why take a bag of magic beans from Phoenix in some shotgun wedding S&T now when we can match and deal him in a year? He’s an asset, we lock up the asset and stay open to dealing him whenever we want. We don’t HAVE to sign and trade him now for a bad deal, and we don’t HAVE to keep him around for 4 years if we match.

    • David, no offene but I think that’s a ridiculous trade request. That’s essentially 5 first round picks, at least 2 of whom (Dudley and Gortat) are known commodities with value in the league.

      If NOLA doesn’t want to make a reasonable trade for Gordon, that’s fine, and they certainly have more leverage than PHX. But given what’s played out with Howard, Carmelo, and other players who have openly said they wanted to play elsewhere, smart teams think twice before keeping such a player. And NOLA traded away CP3 rather than deal with such a situation; heck, they didn’t get as much for CP3 as you’re asking for in your Gordon trade above!

  20. Confirmed by the Hornets: As a restricted free agent, the Hornets cannot trade Eric Gordon before July 11. The only way the Hornets could trade Eric Gordon is if he doesn’t sign an offer sheet with any other team and accepts an contract offer from the Hornets on July 11 or later.

    Here is the official CBA rule.

    To qualify for a sign-and-trade, all of the following must be true:

    The player must re-sign with his prior team — a team cannot include
    another team’s free agent in a sign-and-trade.

    The player must finish the preceding season with that team (deals are
    no longer allowed that sign-and-trade players who are out of the
    league, such as the sign-and-trade that sent Keith Van Horn from
    Dallas to New Jersey as part of the Jason Kidd trade in 2008).

    The player cannot be a restricted free agent who has signed an offer
    sheet with another team.

    If a team matches an offer sheet and retains their free agent, then for one year they cannot trade him witout his consent, and they cannot trade him at all to the team that signed him to an offer sheet. They also can’t trade the player in a sign-and-trade transaction.

    -John Reid, TP

    • The T-P could have just asked Hornets247.com and we would have gotten them that info WAY faster.

      Maybe next time

      • Ya but I thought we could do a sign-and-trade. I’m kind of confused about the whole situation.

      • We can do a sign and trade. But only if he doesnt sign the offer sheet with Phoenix.

        If he signs the offer sheet we cant trade him till next year and we can never trade him to the suns.

  21. eric gordon speaks:


    “Phoenix just showed a lot more interest, overall, and definitely in how they negotiated,” Gordon said. “I don’t know what New Orleans’ plans are for me. There are no negotiations right now.”

    “They drafted another shooting guard, a combo guard like me, which tells me they have another plan,” Gordon said.

    “Phoenix signed two other young guys that are very talented,” he said. “They’re already established and they’re already going to get better.”

    • Really funny reading his quotes right now. Its like the dude got brainwashed. He forgot that Dell and Monty wanted to build around him. He forgot that he’ll be #1 from Day 1, evidently with how Dell and Monty stated that they don’t want to put too much pressure on two 19 y/o. And I don’t think he understands what RFA means. NYAHAHAHAHA

    • This guy isn’t very bright… And I’m an eric gordon fan. Seriously. Love his style and I am from Indiana and a huge IU fan. But come on buddy! The hornets have consistently said they will match any offer to retain you. You are a RESTRICTED FA!!! Read the rules. You are not going anywhere. And you are calling the suns established?? Wow. You realize they missed the playoffs the past two years and just lost their best player? Did you forget that the suns are signing two young talented players in austin rivers and anthony davis? Do you really think michael beasley is going to help you win a championship??? Dragic is one average piece. The rest of the team should be should be coming off the bench except maybe gortat…. Eric Gordon, please, become educated about your own profession.

  22. I’m neither a fan of the Hornets nor the Suns, but I can’t for the life of me understand why Hornets fans are so upset by Gordon’s comments. He said his heart is in Phoenix. So? That’s not a knock against the Hornets or the fanbase. He didn’t insult anyone. That just means he thinks his future is better served in Phoenix. If you guys match, he has to stay regardless so no big deal. He just thinks he has a longer term future in Phoenix because the Hornets just drafted his possible replacement, Austin Rivers.

    • Yea, for what ever reason, some people here really just can’t read. This is not the first time. For what ever reason, before the season, some says Gordon doesn’t want to be here in NO.

      And now some are over react. I get homerism. But I don’t get crazy illogical over reaction. As if the Hornets is the one and only good one.

  23. After reading a lot of the quotes from what he has said and how this is all turning out, I say just trade him to whoever and get back what we can. If his ego is bruised cos we took the 2 best rookies we could in the draft to build a future for our team then he can take his 9 games from last year contribution and go away.

    He is not max worthy anyway and if he thinks 9 games last year justifies paying him max his crazy. PHX are going to be crap for a while and if he thinks it is better there then let him go and get back what we can.

  24. If we can work out a trade to send him to the Bobcats I would do that in a heartbeat.

    It is clear his agent is doing a good job but in the process it looks like all he wants is money and big dog status. Doesn’t actually give a toss about winning. I say S&T and make sure we get the PHX pick for next year as it will be lottery for sure and take whatever other pieces we can get.

  25. I love how stupid PHX fans are, they are all drooling over lineups with both EG and AD………… wth???? why would we give them AD and EG…. seriously dumbest bunch of people ever….

    • Huh? What Suns fan thinks they’re getting Anthony Davis? I’m not sure where you’re reading that. The Suns are as likely to get Magic Johnson as they are Anthony Davis: it’s not happening.

  26. Seriously, if EG is going to be a punk . . . and he is, then good riddance to bad rubbish. Get what we can and get him out of dodge. I hope the new Bees are full of players that want to be there. The fans deserve that. We don’t need another prima donna.

  27. I hope Phoenix really knows what they are wishing for. Gordon has shown himself to be nothing but an immature spoiled little brat that pouts every time a bigger better kid comes anywhere near his toys.

  28. C Gortat
    PF Davis Ayon Smith
    SF Aminu
    SG Rivers Henry
    PG Jack Marshall Vasquez

    With the trade to phoenix, is this a playoff team?

    • In the Eastern Conference yes, Western Conference probably not. Hornets would probably add a veteran shooting guard, though, and bring Rivers off the bench.

    • IMO get back PHX picks for the next 2 years which will be in the lottery for sure. Don’t take back any crap contracts and go after a RFA/UFA center with the money we free up.

      Take our licks for the next 2 years and build a contender like OKC have done.

  29. You have got to be kidding me. If I’m Eric Gordon, I realize that if I don’t start, it’s either because I’m injured, or because I threw a tantrum. Rivers is not going to start unless Jack isn’t available. Rivers is an entire different piece from Gordon. Was Joe Dumars constantly worried that Vinnie Johnson would take his starting role? NO. Rivers is meant to fill the Johnson role of coming off the bench, and provide depth. That’s what the Hornets meant by drafting Rivers. Gordon is a shooting guard, not a combo guard.

    • I’m glad Marcus is doing well in Sacto where they play no D, but no, I don’t want him back. I’d love to see players who believe in the system. Monty is our biggest asset right now. As Anthony Davis develops, having him surrounded by quality, coachable, high character teammates who work hard is more important than almost anything else (at least in my opinion). So I hope we get good solid team players in exchange for Eric “Waaahh Waaaah Why Don’t You Love Me More” Gordon.

      • Yea, Thornton’s inconsistency killed me. He played defense when the game was on the line, but not all the time. I’d still rather him over all the FA SGs available this year. At least he was humble when he was here.

  30. It doesn’t make much sense, after a one-day visit he says “my heart is in Phoenix”. I could understand it if he said that about Indy, his hometown and a team that had the third seed in the East, but the Suns have missed the playoffs the last two seasons. People also seem to forget that Steve Nash inflates his teammates’ stats, so their current value may be overstated.

    Either this is a publicity stunt to try to get him a max deal, or a poorly thought out impulse. Or maybe he’s intimidated by the presence of our two rookies, who knows.

    The whole thing seems fishy, it seems like the Hornets are closer to contending than the Suns. Marshall is talented, but he’s no Steve Nash, and all those players benefited greatly from him.

    It’ll be interesting to see how Dell plays this one.

    • I’d say the Suns are closer to contending in the next 2-3 years (esp. if they get Gordon), but because of Davis the Hornets are better positioned in the long term (at least 4-5 years out). Remember that Gordon’s been on poor teams his whole career so far. The Suns aren’t close to contending, but they’re closer than the Bees.

    • Lucas is right there with Doghouse with the boiling-over passion, just a man of fewer words.

      If you ever come to town, you can have my tickets.

      Love this guy.

  31. Batum just signed with Minnesota. Even after Portland said it would match any offer and would not agree to a sign and trade. Like Gordon, he says his heart is in Minnesota.

    • He actually said he wanted to play for monty… And then minny offered him lots of cash… 🙂 seems to change things. I have no doubt his heart is in minny and gordon’s is in phx. If someone in phx offered you $58,000,000 wouldnt your heart up and move?? Haha

  32. EG definitely has alienated himself from the Hornets, their fans and the entire Gulf Coast Region. He cannot even compare his displeasure for the Hornets to CP3. CP3 had legitimate rights to be frustrated with Shinn and his administration plus no ownership but even then he exhibited class. He never once dogged our organization and definitely not to the extent EG has. He was actually impressed by an orange carpet, paid employees welcoming him and then the announcer announcing his name while his picture was on the screen at the US Airways Center. Did we have to do all of that after he was traded by the Clippers? Welcome to the real world. Besides, if Phoenix was the place he wanted to play, why did he visit Indiana first? Phoenix needed a fix because the handwriting was on the wall regarding Nash. EG wanted millions for a resume that was filled with time off the court more than time on the court. And if the Suns hadn’t bitten he would have carried his show onto Houston. Instead of making the Hornets look bad he has definitely shown us that he is immature and unprofessional. In the ESPN article he said the Suns negotiated better. I guess giving you want you want without earning it makes you better but remember everybody is somebody’s fool – FOOL! I guess there is a big difference between dry, desert heat and humidity if EG is the case study.

  33. Joe: I’m not dying for Gortat frankly, since I think the center position can be addressed for the long term in a better way. Plus he’s a free agent in two years. In my world we need a third team– like Sacramento– to come in. I’ll spare you the details, but we get good young talent, future picks, and zero long term contacts.

    please joe can u spare us the details……..i hope it involves cousins and there little PG isiah thomas…..

  34. I have a feeling that if we wouldn’t have won the lottery, Gordon would be more interested. We could’ve gotten T-Rob, and Gordon may have somehow liked that better v

  35. I tell you what. If he doesn’t want to be here, the hornets could just match and trade him to PHX for Marshall, Gortat or Lopez and an unprotected first rounder. Gordon won’t play more than 30 Games and Beasley will mess things up (again). So we get another top ten pick next year!

  36. When I first heard that Gordon didn’t want to be here, I was very upset. The last couple days I’ve been ranting to every friend I could find that we need to get him out of here. But I’ve calmed down a little. I am still in favor of trying to find a sign/trade, but only if the package is adequate. Gordon is too good to trade away for a marginal haul because our (the fans) feelings are hurt. The truth is that CP3 cracked our ribs and we just haven’t healed. Gordon is hardly the first star, quasi-star, or w/e you want to call him to try to force his way out. Frankly, I almost expect it from NBA players now. Anything else is a pleasant surprise (see Durant/Rose).

    This is a different situation, but Drew Brees didn’t really want to be here when he came either. Miami was his first choice, if I remember correctly. And now, despite the tense contract negotiations, he is essentially canonized here. Seriously, go read The Onion’s article about how Brees could literally murder someone here and get away with it. It’s hysterical.

    There are very few NBA afflictions that cannot be healed by winning. If Gordon winds up here for 4 years, he’s gonna have to suck it up. And he will. And if we start winning, this will all go away. Not quickly, not without bumps here and there, but eventually.

    In the end, if we do keep Gordon, despite having trade offers on the table, doesn’t that show him that we DO plan to build with him?

  37. I was relieved actually to see EG10’s follow up comments; if for no other reason than it’s not the city of NO he dislikes, it’s the market testing and the mixed signals of the FO (to him). Proves things can and will get smoothed over. I like Gortat/Marshall/and pick idea but neither of those is a franchise player unless we luck into Shabizz in 2013. Franchise guys don’t grow on trees (even injury prone ones). This guy will be a Hornet. If Rivers turns out to what we hope, this is a big 3 to work around with cap space for a 4th. Gordon’s departure would once again leave a HUGE hole in our collective offensive skillset. Monty and Dell know this, therefore he will be a Hornet in 2012-13. I’m telling you right now. Jack will be our starting “PG” this season to start but Gordon will be the PG on the court. Book it.

  38. This may be just my opinion, but my “heart” would at wherever I was offered $58 million too. Look, his agent is a genius. If Gordon had opted to become an unrestricted FA, I think his chances of getting anywhere close to a max contract were basically zero, considering his injury history. By keeping his client restricted, he knows there is a baseline bid for his services, and someone was going to overpay for his player. It looks like it will be the Hornets in this case. He got his player a max contract that he in-no-way deserves, congrats to Gordon and his agent.

    Im not really upset with Gordon. I get it that he thought he was worth a max contract, and he is all butt-hurt that the Hornets obviously didn’t think so. Thats part of negotiations. He needs to take the emotion out of it, and hire a PR person for pete’s sake. Make no mistake though, this whole thing was about the $$.

  39. One thing that should be noted, unrelated to the Eric Gordon issue: two teams in our division are an absolute mess. Houston’s roster, as currently constructed, is hilarious. They have half a dozen young, unproven power forwards, no centers if the Bulls match, Earl Boykins and Shaun Livingston at the point, and some old pretty okay players in Scola and Martin who they would be willing to pretty much give away at this point. Dallas is Dirk. That’s all. Just Dirk. The division just got much, much, much easier. I’m not saying we should buy in right now. Just that we got the jump on the rebuild, and if we don’t mess it up could be the best team in the division in two years.

  40. It’s clearly just a case of him being a spurned lover. I really don’t want someone that immature anyway.

    My question is, has he always felt this angst towards Hornets management or did the Rivers trade push it over the top? Seems like a convenient excuse to me, but who knows maybe he was under the impression we were drafting a big.

  41. This probably isn’t likely, but I would pursue Rajon Rondo for Gordon. Maybe we can get a package of Avery Bradley, Brandon Bass, and their firsr-round pick.

    • Rondo would be great, but it’s just not happening. If anything, we would have to package several people for him, not the other way around

      • I meant I would do Rondo for Gordon straight up, but if that didn’t work we could do the Avery Bradley trade.

      • after the way Rondo played in the playoffs, I just don’t think it’s possible, even if Boston wants to start fresh (which doesn’t seem to be the case). Would be nice for us, but no way Boston does that

  42. Anybody want to pick up Elton Brand off the waiver wire? One year deal. could be worth it if he can play spot minutes at Center.

  43. I think we should overpay to get Elton Brand. Give him $8-9 million. He only has one year left on his current deal. We could just let him expire next year and have him take the banging down low. Or we could trade him at the deadline because big expiring contracts are attractive.

  44. If the sign and trade is an option. What’s stopping NOLA from trading gordon to Charlotte for D.J. Augustin and a 2013 1st rnd pick???

    • Josh is right about Gordon needing to agree. Not to mention that Charlotte’s pick will probably be top-3 next year; not sure they’d trade that and DJ for Gordon.

  45. On Celticshub.com, Celtics fans didn’t like it. I wonder if y’all will.

    New Orleans:
    Avery Bradley, Brandon Bass, 2013 unprotected 1st-round pick

    Eric Gordon

  46. There is absolutely no way your getting the Polish Hammer or Marshall. Since we lost Nash it would be stupid to include Marshall who is a potential top PG in this league and The Hammer is our only option at starting Center. Take your pick of Frye or Lopez and we’ll throw in this years Lakers 1st round pick and 1 of our 1st round picks lottery protected for the first year, top 10 protected year 2, top 3 protected year 3 and if you don’t get it by then it turns in to 2 second rounders in consecutive years.

    Sorry to break it to you guys but you don’t get fair trade value in a sign and trade especially when the guy has made it absolutely clear he wants nothing to do with your team. Maybe if the front office over there had a clue as of what they were doing and treated their stars with respect they wouldn’t all be desperate to bolt.

    I know what’s coming now, all the responses are going to sound like this: Your an idiot who doesn’t know anything about basketball or our team, that’s not enough this is a negotiation, Phoenix Breads non basketball knowledge having @#$%&*?$, your tripping if you think we’ll let him go for less than every good player on your team plus 20 unprotected first round picks, But really deep down every single N.O. fan knows I’m right. When a class act like CP3 wants nothing to do with your Organization and then the main piece to that trade wants nothing to do with your Organization there’s something major wrong with your Organization.

    We lost Nash and Amare in the last 3 years but neither of them went to the media asking for trades or releasing statements on how badly they wanted out of Phoenix. In fact it was just the Opposite, they both left under good terms and both made sure we were able to get sign and trade deals for them. They also both released statements saying how much they loved the Phoenix Suns Organization, the fans and the city, so before you get all upset at Phoenix or at Gordon and start asking for the world in a sign and trade maybe you should start asking why can’t our front office seem to keep any worth while players happy.

    • Restricted free agent.

      You write alot for someone who hasn’t read.

      If Phoenix doesn’t compy with a trade, and we match, Phoenix can’t get him. Can’t trade after. Where does happiness play in?

      The deal will be something everyone grumbles about, but I’m thinking a player and 2back-to-back firsts.

      ValleyOfTheSuns thought it reasonable and so did Hornets247 on the radio show I hosted today.

      You are welcome.

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