I thought this was a team in a basketball league, but I’m questioning this most fundamental assumption. For two successive offseasons, fans have celebrated the possible arrival of a player as if they had won a title. This seems so contrary to the basic nature of sports to me that I have to ask: What in Dante’s kitchen is going on?
As I start this post, I’m looking for that cogito, ergo sum moment to happen sometime before I hit publish. I want my doubt erased.
We are supposed to get about 30 people to play a game, 10 more to coach, 10 to officiate, and 15,000 – 20,000 to watch, and another several hundred to keep them herded, hydrated, and happy.
One ball, two teams.
Sharing . . . not an option, caring as it might be.
That is life when it is stripped bare. Scarcity. Demand exceeding supply. That is why sports are appealing, I think. People, as individuals and as groups, love conquerors. Sports are proxies for this, some more convoluted in connection than others. History and psychology are rife with examples. This is where bandwagon fans come from, yes yes? Tearing down colors for another’s or for none just as soon as the eyes turn elsewhere . . . flags . . . jerseys . . . so similar . . . it’s a tribal thing, yes yes? It’s the commoditization of victory, of pride, of loyalty. It’s the selling of `winner’. Who’s buying?
Sun Tzu, one of the greatest military minds in history, along with Wellington, Caesar, and Alexander, was more of an economist, however. The Art of War is a book more about economics than militarism. It is in a military guise, sure, but that’s not where the wisdom stems from so much as where it is applied to. Joining the two is the source of his insights in many cases.
Despite his place in history, it is often overlooked that he said the greatest generals were those that won fights without winning. Through proper strikes, timing, logistics, spies, an army could win a war . . . a war . . . without firing an arrow so long as their knives were sharp. So, this military genius says real winning happens outside of the game.
Circling back to basketball, is this why people are fascinated with trades? Is this why the Heat’s personnel moves were so polarizing? Was the move some new weapon? Are we in an arms race? An 80-miles-from-Cuba-n missile crisis? They can strike every major American city but Seattle from their position, after all, in a cruel bit of trans-temporal zemblanity.
I have never been one for poring over trades, player data, team data, etc. in an effort to gain weapons in the fights our teams fight. I’ve always considered these to be flights of fancy, imaginations at play, a dehumanizing caricature of real life events with no regard for the real effects the trades have on the players and their lives and families.
That may be an oversight on my part. Sun Tzu would say so. Sun Tzu would say that teams should do everything they can to win the war, not just the battle, and that the battles are won before the fights. So we should be trading, signing, drafting. We should be doing everything we can to surround ourselves with money, talent, experts, technology, facilities. We should be going buck wild trying to win this war.
The powerhouses, the perennial winners, the classic teams, have all of these things and more. This come as much from their longevity than their success, with some cause-effect going the other way, too.
Another correlation with these powerhouse teams is the fact that they are in the so-called large markets. These markets have attracted the more people in the United States either over time (New Amsterdam) or in recent history (Dallas, Atlanta). Some teams in these markets have been maligned for their success and derivative attracting power. Who’s to blame them for their attracting power? These jobs have a prestige . . . think teaching at Greendale Community College vs. teach at Harvard . . . that was earned over time and will remain with them until they rest on their laurels too much, and it may remain even then. Besides, millions of other people feel the same way that some of these players do.
As Sun Tzu would say, the ground is not equal, and those with the advantage of ground have already won.
After going through this, I think there is more to trade fantasy than hoping for some effective artillery in this Hundred Years’ War of ours. I think it’s more about validation. If we could get this great player to choose us, or if we just `have’ him, then we are strong. It says something about the community as a group and as individuals. Conversely, their departure has the opposite effect. Once one invests emotion, pain comes from the inevitable separation . . . think break-up. If the thing invested in is hard to replace, so much more so . . . think break-up.
It’s clear after thinking through all this that folks are completely justified in their rejoicing like they’ve won a title before opening tip. I really think this is where I’d come to in this. I really thought . . . maybe hoped . . . that I’d come to the conclusion that this other game was somehow lesser, that is was `wrong’ to play that other game. I didn’t.
Nevertheless, I don’t care.
I don’t care a whit.
I want to see competition. I want to see teams play. I want to see struggle. If it’s David and Goliath, I’m fine with that. I’m fine getting my teeth kicked in . . . or having my team’s collective teeth kicked in. Most people want the title, they want the destination. I’m weird, I guess. I want the journey. I want the story. I want to see the characters develop. I want the comebacks, the drama, the heartbreaks. I want to feel each and every defeat that sweetens each and every victory.
Sadly, over the past year-plus here in New Orleans, the games raging off the court have been far more meaningful than those on the court. Even more sadly, these aren’t playing to become great, but playing to exist. Our great game has been to win the privilege to possibly be the worst franchise in the NBA . . . rather than a non-franchise or a disenfranchised region . . . rather than fighting to be the best like less than all the rest.
We’ve been playing the attracting game, the buying game, the branding game, the attendance game, the PR game, the finance game, the tv game, the relocation game, the contraction game, the CBA game, the cap game, the tax game, the trade game, the ownership game, the waiting game, and on, and on.
So many games, none of which involve a basketball even if they involve basketball.
If this all works out in favor of a team here in New Orleans, hopefully we will have what we need to start playing the same game as everyone else. A good owner, or ownership group, will doing things like build a practice facility, will be more than a bean-counter, more than a checkbook, and more than happy-go-lucky money vacuum. They will start to milk us, the fans, the city, and the region, for everything we’ll give in advertising, public money, and direct and indirect payments. Time will tell who we get, their talent level, and depth of dedication. They will not only make this job as attractive a place to work day-to-day as any other in the NBA, but will also work on making this team a real part of the city.
The clock will start again next year on this team trying to get more than 5 consecutive years of professional basketball here, a mark set by the New Orleans Jazz (see you in the start of 2017 if we aren’t locked out then). Once there is a mandate from the people, an owner may feel confident laying money down to take this team to the top level when the opportunity arises.
In the meantime, we don’t have the luxury Sun Tzu supposed. We have to compete. We have to compete on the court 82 times a year in regular season competition (usually), and we have to field a business team each and every day.
This ownership change will change the game without a doubt. How it changes remains to be seen. I just want a couple of years where I can worry about the ball going bouncy-bounce rather than earning before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
You can keep the titles and the superstars.
Give me my team and my game . . . just the one . . . just for a little while. Let me be a fan for one blessed game. One.
Win or lose.
I’m fine taking a break before getting into any of these other games again.
12 responses to “What Game are We Playing?”
This is the best article I have ever read before. No one word can describe. Not amazing, fantastic, orgasmic, awesome, cool, smart because it is above all of those. I hope that one day I can write an article half as good as this. You are awesome. Marry me.
my bad I forgot to edit before i posted.
It should read:
This is the best article I have ever read. No one word can describe it.
BigEasyBaller, my other posts talked it over and they are very mad at you . . . watch you back around these here parts.
Really thought, good readers make good writers, my friend.
Translation: thanks.
Usually i find myself skimming through your articles based upon the amount of time i have available to me, But this time even with my most important examine of the year coming up i took the time to read the whole thing. Great Job bro
also your writing style is very similar to that on grantland, if your ever looking for a second job. Possibly look there?
Very nice.
Sort of related– I actually prefer losers to winners, oddly enough. If the Hornets won a title, then their journey would be over IMO. It would never be as good again. When the Saints won is when I really stopped caring as much about them. Nowhere to go but down. Plus you’re just one of a crowd when you root for a winner.
Yes, but the title represents the ultimate journey, the one that can’t be beaten. The amount of joy that comes with said championship and that one moment (or 4 moments in the NBA) is worth that price you refer to.
And you, in your heart of hearts, know if you are a bandwagon fan.
Sidenote: If you are one of the 10,000 strong going into this season, I feel you should be able to claim forevermore that you are not a bandwagon fan.
I sort of understand where you are coming from.
Being a long ago Cub’s fan, the position you take is very understandable.
I used to own season tickets behind home pate, looking right down the first base line.
Winning???? Oh, I guess it was OK. But the team was special. the GAME was special! Mark Grace. Sandberg at second. Bobbie Denier, Jody Foster, on and on and on…a whole hell of a lot of good losers!!!
Mark Grace would hang out at the bar aftrerwards and drink and chat. Gary Matthews would spend so much time walking and talking to fans, it was as if WE were the team, not just fans.
OK. We lost. But we had so much fun and the game was what counted.
Then along comes Sammy Sosa and his pumped up bat and arms!
I quit.
The game was being made dirty.
Winning was THE thing.
No, winning was NOT the only thing for me.
It was, and always will be, the game.
Win OR lose…play THE game. You as players today are simply the caretakers of the game for the moment.
Don’t “F” with it. Leave it in good, or better shape than when you found it.
Let’s stop all this Paul talk.
Trade him. Get some hard working, FAN LOVING players i here and let’s get it on!
42… That was seriously beautiful. I’m at a loss for words.
Your post really is very good, poetic even. I would add that if you were impressed with Sun Tzu you could also say he was stressing administration, preparation and team work, which the current Hornet administration seems to be doing quite well with. As a Hornets fan that suffered through the 18 or was it 19 win season the current GM and coach seem to be gold. By the end of the year we may have very tasty lemonade from the lemon tree Chris has left us.
Another fantastic post. I am ready for the inevitable to happen. I am tired of the circus, the lying and the angst. It is time for us to get the best possible value and move forward.
Your points about the games that do not include a basketball struck a chord with me as well. This city and this region have been in a battle to justify their existence for over 6 years now. We don’t need to prove it to outsiders, we’ve proven it to ourselves and I think (I hope) we are a better community for it. With respect to the team, I do feel that we need to prove it to outsiders. However, I feel like we are being played for fools. I am disappointed that the CBA did not go further to encourage (not ensure) the viability of small market teams. We are being asked as taxpayers, business owners and individual fans to commit our loyalty and treasury to a team in a game that is rigged against us. We are being asked to commit to the NBA (and ultimately a new owner) to support a team that has virtually no legitimate chance of winning a championship with the way the rules are set up to allow the big market teams to outspend the small market teams. I’m in for this season, however, I have to seriously consider whether I will be in for next season and beyond. My decision is not directly tied to Chris Paul’s decision to leave New Orleans, rather, to the system that allows for such an uneven playing field.
You’re so pretty when you get all existential on me. Bravo. Well done. Take a bow.