Ive been thinking a lot lately about who we could pick up in FA to make our team instantly better and i think ive come to a player who has a lot to offer…
Who could this person be u may ask? well none other than Josh Howard.
sure in the past few years howard has started to decline due to injuries and a few off court problems, but we must look at his upside. he was playing great basketball in Washington for 20-25 min a game until he hurt his knee. Howard is EXACTLY the player the hornets need to improve their roster. think of what howard can do when healthy. I remember when Dallas was the best team in the NBA. how did they do it? with a consistent howard X-factor. Howard would come out nightly and in the first quarter alone he would score 15pts to get his team off to a fast start. as many of us hornets fans kno, CP3 likes to wait until the second half to start scoring so having this early boost would be awesome. Not only that but when howard was healthy he was a lock down defender. he has the size, speed, and athleticism to defend any 3 and most 2s.
Howard could be that player who when we need him to he could score 20 or even 30 on any night. he isnt a horrible 3pt shooter and is actually pretty good when open which will happen a lot because of CP3. not only that but howard would mesh well with the NOLA offense because he doesnt need the ball to score. he comes off a lot of screens to take open jumpers or back door passes. this is perfect because CP could get him the ball whenever. Howard can also back down 2s if we wanted to go with a big lineup.
At worst i think howard would give us a solid 25 mins a night with 12ppg, 4rb, 1asisst, and play solid defense. if nothing else this can fill in peja’s time or maybe even open up being able to trade peja for Garcia of Sacremento as another journal entry suggests.
This guy used to score 40 points multiple times a season and i think he still can. If the hornets could snag Howard with a 2 year 10-12 million dollar deal i say do it. We probably could get him at this price too because not many teams are looking to give him big money after his injuries. This would also satisfy CP3’s want of the FO to gather talent because Howard has a ton of it. plus we wouldnt be tied down with a long term contract and also we could trade away songalia and JuJu to get back under the cap this season.
What are you guy’s thoughts?
Any names ud like to see on the roster from the FA pool?