Tag: Michael McNamara

  • In the NO Podcast Episode 11: Team Crazy

    In episode eleven Michael and Ryan talk about the Carmelo Anthony trade rumors and the state of the Western Conference.  We also drool over Blake Griffin, wonder if Memphis or Houston can make a push, and Michael asks for your help in the comments with suggestions for turning the Sacramento Kings into Team Crazy.  Runtime just […]

  • In the NO Podcast Episode 10: Not Trying

    We’re taking the Podcast to twice a week now.  This one will be talking about the previous games, and what’s ahead this week.  On Thursday, we’ll be talking about Trades and the Western Conference.  Hope you enjoy!  Run time is about 24 minutes. Update: Sorry about the original version cutting short at 14:00 guys.  Version […]

  • In the NO Podcast Episode 9: Broken Wings

    Our Podcast returns from Holiday Hiatus, and Michael and Ryan talk about their favorite wins and losses of 2010, what they would be doing if they were Dell Demps(i.e. trade speculation) and generally spend way too much talking about the terrible wing players playing for the Hornets. Enjoy!

  • In the NO Podcast – Episode 8: 30 Percent

    Michael and Ryan talk about the Hornets week, more about the team sale, Mike gets something off his chest about the Jarrett Jack trade, and then at the end things get a little testy as Michael introduces a fun new segment called “Ambush”.  He even makes Ryan eat his words.  Jerk.

  • In the NO Podcast: Sadface

    This week we talk about the games following a depressing loss to the Spurs, touch on the news about the Sale of the Hornets, grumble about the “passive” tag being applied to CP3, answer a question emailed us by a reader, and talk about the upoming week.  Caution:  Some of the content may cause sad faces. S’okay […]

  • Hornets247 Podcast Episode 6: In the NO?

    McNamara and Schwan talk turkey as the Hornets play like turkey over the course of the Thanksgiving week.  They address the defense, Jarrett Jack, CP3’s play, Monty Williams, and McNamara’s bladder-loosening fear of the Thunder.  Wimp. We also try out a new podcast name, suggested by the excellent hewhorocks.  If you like it, maybe he’s […]

  • Hornets247 Podcast: Episode 5

    Jarrett Jack is ready to listen.  Just look at him sitting there with his popcorn.  Are you ready?  You should be.  The runtime of episode is about 20 minutes as Ryan Schwan and Michael McNamara talk about the big trade, reminisce a little about Peja, and talk about what they saw over the past week of […]

  • Hornets247 Podcast: Episode 4

    I was hoping to get this done before the Game On – but I was slow.  Anyways, Michael and I talk about the Hornets winning ways, more trade speculation, what teams we wouldn’t like to see in the playoffs(nice to talk about that) and I call him Eeyore.  He deserves it. Don’t forget those questions […]

  • Hornets247 Podcast: Episode 3

    In this episode Ryan Schwan and Michael McNamara unveil the Numbers game, talk the guard rotation, speculate on a Peja/Thornton trade, and weigh in on whether they think the Hornets are of championship quality right now. Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouller – each and every day! And as usual, we’re featuring Dr. John.  Sweet Home […]

  • Hornets247 Predicts the 2010-2011 NBA season

    On the eve of the regular season, Hornets247 is ready to make our predictions. No time to waste, so lets get right to it. MVP Michael McNamara: Kevin Durant- 33 PPG for #1 seed in the West. Joe Gerrity: Kevin Durant ROY MM: John Wall JG: Blake Griffin

  • Live Chat with the Hornest247.com Writers

    Hello All!  We’ll be chatting today at 12:30 CDT.  Prepare your witticisms and questions! Hornets247.com’s Season Preview Chat

  • Live Chat with the Hornets247.com Writers

    Did you think we were done with our Season Opening Extravaganza?  Season Preview Round-table discussion?  Podcast?  We’re not done!  We have a video coming later today, and . . . Come join us tomorrow(Tuesday, October 26th), at 12:30 CDT for a live chat!  All of your favorite Hornets247 bloggers will be on it at some […]

  • Hornets247 Podcast – The Season Opens

    Welcome to the first Hornets247.com Podcast.  Find out what the blog’s intrepid writers think – while at the same time discover that Schwan(right) and McNamara(wrong) never seem to agree on anything.  Also, feel free to wonder if Joe Gerrity knows that he used two different names for the Podcast before commenting on what you think […]