The Hornets247 2010-2011 Season Teaser Trailer
Sometimes, you find a piece of music that’s just perfect. Sometimes you put video to that music. Sometimes you get this: Two days to go. Are you ready?
Live Chat with the Hornets247.com Writers
Did you think we were done with our Season Opening Extravaganza? Season Preview Round-table discussion? Podcast? We’re not done! We have a video coming later today, and . . . Come join us tomorrow(Tuesday, October 26th), at 12:30 CDT for a live chat! All of your favorite Hornets247 bloggers will be on it at some […]
Hornets247 Podcast – The Season Opens
Welcome to the first Hornets247.com Podcast. Find out what the blog’s intrepid writers think – while at the same time discover that Schwan(right) and McNamara(wrong) never seem to agree on anything. Also, feel free to wonder if Joe Gerrity knows that he used two different names for the Podcast before commenting on what you think […]