Tyson Chandler? Answer to our problems?
I have been doing a lot of reading, thanks to 42’s Bee Bites (I don’t know if he gets paid, but by golly gee willickers, he damn sure should be.) And some writers have been saying that Tyson Chandler is the answer to our problems. While I agree Tyson is an upgrade over […]
New Orleans Hornets Summer Report Card
Over at Nba.com they evaluated all 32 teams off season.. the hornets recieved a ‘C’ Ariza will run the floor and be able to finish in the running game while getting fed by Paul. And there is still the quiet All-Star caliber presence of David West on another wing. But if the Hornets are […]
The High-Grade Sleepers
Espn has made a list of 3 teams that they consider sleepers for this upcoming season. The Mavericks, Bulls, and Hornets.. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/truehoop/0-43-49/The-High-Grade-Sleepers.html if someone already posted this im sorry.. Blame it on my head and not my heart.