Post Lottery Mock Draft: New Orleans Pelicans Go International

So now that the order is set, let’s take a look at how this draft might shake out.

1. Cleveland Cavaliers – Nerlens Noel, F/C, Kentucky

Small forward is Cleveland’s biggest need, but Noel is a much better prospect than Otto Porter at this point, so Cleveland will take him. A couple years after LeBron left, the Cavs have a nice trio to build around and tons of picks, cap room, and flexibility. All they need now is the Suns training staff.

2. Orlando Magic – Trey Burke, PG, Michigan

The Magic have a lot of good, young pieces but no young floor general to get all these guys the ball. Jameer Nelson can hold down the fort for now, but the future face of this franchise will be Trey Burke.

3. Washington Wizards – Otto Porter, SF, Georgetown

Is there a better fit in this draft? Porter, who attended Georgetown right down the road, fills the small forward spot for Washington and gives them a devastating perimeter trio of Wall-Beal-Porter. Not bad. Plus they have Trevor Ariza to help guide him for a year!

4. Charlotte Hornets – Ben McLemore, SG, Kansas

The Bobcats Hornets fell two spots today, but they might still get the player that fits their needs best anyway in McLemore. A wing duo of him and MKG gives you tons of athleticism, shooting, and incredible upside.

5. Phoenix Suns – Victor Oladipo, SG, Indiana

The Suns are in dire need of some perimeter defense and athleticism to play their style of basketball. Not to mention, they have a huge hole at shooting guard. Oladipo solves all their problems.

6. New Orleans Pelicans – Dario Saric, SF, Croatia

If the draft falls like this, Dell will likely be choosing between Saric, Alex Len, Michael Carter-Williams, and trading the pick. I would say that trading the pick is the most likely outcome at this point, but if the Pelicans do keep the pick I think they take Saric and groom him to be the small forward of the future for this franchise. They would have some options with Saric, as they could either bring him along slowly next year and let him play sparingly, or they can choose to let him play in Europe, then bring him over when he is a little more polished. Either way, small forward is obviously the biggest position of need and Dell has been scouting Saric for a few years now, so it could be a perfect fit.

Other Notes and Observations

– I will say two things about this pick

1. Somebody is going to fall. Every year, we think we know who the top five will be and all of a sudden guys rise and guys fall. Last year, I had Andre Drummond going #2 in my mock draft, for instance. On the flip side, I didn’t have Dion Waiters in my top 14. So it is very fluid and the guys to watch here are Alex Len and Anthony Bennett. If one or both of those guys intrigue GM’s ahead of us, one of the better players ahead of us could fall. The problem with that, however, is that both guys just had surgery and won’t be able to wow coaches and GM’s in personal workouts. If someone were to fall, my guess is that it would be Otto Porter. Washington could easily take Anthony Bennet and if that happens, Porter could fall right into our laps.

2. The Pelicans will look hard to move this pick. Eric Bledsoe, Chandler Parsons, and Demar Derozen. Guys like this will be targeted by Dell and if he can add a young veteran who can help the team short term and long term, I think he moves the pick.

– The salary cap hit for the 6th pick is approximately 2.6 million. If the Pelicans keep the pick, they are looking at approximately $14-$16 million in cap room this summer depending on what they set the cap at this summer.

– Did you notce that Monty made it a point to mention Austin Rivers when the reporter spoke to him prior to the picks being announced. I am paraphrasing, but she said something like, “You got the #1 pick and Anthony Davis last year. How great would it be if you won the lottery again tonight?” and he said, “Yes, we were incredibly luck to get Anthony AND Austin Rivers last year, so another top pick would be a blessing.” She didnt say anything about Rivers. He did. I just took it as even more evidence that they still believe Rivers is a big part of the future, and if that is the case, I don’t think they will be looking to add a guard with this pick.

– Leave your mock in the comments and get ready for the Sixth Pick Tournament coming this way later this week!

137 responses to “Post Lottery Mock Draft: New Orleans Pelicans Go International”

  1. This site really hates Alex Len.  He’s an unbelievably athletic 5 who is big enough to bang in Year 1.  By drafting him, it would free us up to trade Lopez’s serviceability and favorable contract to help acquire another piece like Bledsoe.

    • MikeStanley1 I wouldn’t mind Len. He’s got the offensive skills to score in double figures on a regular basis and he couldn’t possibly be a worse rebounder than Lopez.

    • MikeStanley1 I actually put Len in at first, but I think Saric by a nose just because of need

      • Michael McNamara MikeStanley1 Some of Len’s explosive/athletic baseline moves where he ATTACKS the basket are very impressive.  I think he’s got a mass and tenacity that no other big in this draft (including Noel) has.

      • MikeStanley1 Michael McNamara You dont have to convince me. i am a fan

    • MikeStanley1 
      Well look at Len’s productivity, or lack there of.  He rarely strung two good games together.  That’s a huge problem when you are looking for evidence that his can translate his athleticism into something on a basketball court and he was a sophomore in the ACC.  Look at how he fared against good ACC teams and weak ACC teams.  He only scored more than 12 points in 6 of 20 ACC games, and three of those were his first three ACC games.  Clearly teams figured out how to stop him with college level talent.  That’s a big concern!

      • In Len’s defense, much of his lackluster production had to do with the
        Maryland guards ignoring him. He didn’t have much trouble scoring when
        he actually got the ball.

      • fearthepelicans 
        To refute your point:  Mason Plumblee, who played the same position in the same conference despite being several inches shorter than Len, shot 6 percentage points better then Len despite Mason’s taking 15% more shots.  Mason’s true shooting percentage is also 6 percentage points high than Len’s.  (You can also look at Len’s shooting percentage game by game in the first link I posted.)  Mason also had significantly better rebounds (2), assists (1), and steals (0.8) per game than Len [and points(5)].  See the link below for the details.

        All these stats can’t be wrong.  Len’s lack of college performance is a big concern.

      • 504ever fearthepelicans That is true. However, it should also be considered that Plumlee is 4 years older than Len and played on a much better team.
        I’m not saying you’re concerns aren’t warranted. I’m fully aware Len is a boom or bust prospect. I just happen to think he’s worth the risk in a weak draft like this one.

      • 504ever fearthepelicans And thanks for the link. I’m going to have some fun with it.

  2. By the way I rigged Chad Ford’s various mock draft scenarios and came up with the EXACT same top 5 as you did, MM.  So although things are fluid, you and Ford agree on the Top 5 as of now…

  3. Can we start a draft stock hurting rumor on olidipo? Lol. But I agree, someone will fall. Hopefully some team wants someone to put the ball in the basket.

    • Jmiles562000 Chad Ford’s various mock scenarios had Phoenix taking Olidipo as high as 2nd overall if they had been fortunate enough to land that pick.  So I don’t see any way he slides past them at #5.

  4. Would not mind stashing away Saric for a season to develop a little more. This team is looking for an impact player though, so I believe Dell will be reluctant to be patient.

    • First thought was that I wouldn’t mind Saric actually. Second was to wonder if he gets stashed or not.

  5. MM – I don’t understand the CBA well, so when you say “trade the pick” for Bledsoe or Parsons – is it really that simple through an exception that we possess? Or would we have to make salaries match (or come close)?
    I’d hate to trade a starting 5 (Len) and his rookie salary for a starting 1 (Bledsoe) and a soon to be low max salary. I’d rather trade dollar for dollar (the rumored EG/Lopez for Bledsoe/Jordan/Hill) and keep that cheap starting player with the #6 pick.

    • MikeStanley1 Since we have so much cap room, we can trade the pick straight up for any player(s) making less than 16 million or so with nothing else needed to be added

  6. Would love it if we were able to trade the pick for Parsons, and then trade for Bledsoe later.
    On a different note, if we keep the pick, can this Saric kid hit a 3 and play D. All I’ve heard so far is that he’s the next Magic Johnson.

    • BowToTheBill23  
      From what I’ve seen of him, he can hit the three and drive to the hoop pretty well and is a pretty good passer. D is my biggest x factor on whether Dell goes for him and from the few videos I’ve seen he can block shots and get steals. He reminds me a lot of Parsons so if Houston doesn’t want to trade (for some strange reason) than it could work in our favor still

  7. Rob Hennigan (Magic GM) is too smart to take Trey Burke second.  My Mock
    Cavs – Noel
    Magic – McLemore
    Wiz – Porter
    Cats – Bennett
    Suns – Oladipo
    Pels – Len

  8. 1.Clev- Noel
    2. Orl-Burke
    3. Wash- Porter
    4.Char- Mclemore
    5.Phoe- Oladipo
    6.N.O.- Michael Carter Williams
    *Grevis is contract year. Not many PG’s in free agency other than you know who(CP3)

  9. with the 6th pick im ok with saric….but i would love to trade that pick for utah’s 14th and 21st pick….get shroeder and adetokoubo….

    • mojart My hope is Utah loses Jefferson and wants to trade up fro Len.  we use Utah’s two picks for two Euros who we leave in Europe for another year to give us full cap space for FAs.

  10. For the record, this is who I think DELL would take. If it were me, and I couldn’t trade it, I would take Zeller. 
    The odds of getting a guy who will be on your team for 10-15 years is so small. These guys are all stocks, essentially. Eventually, 98% of them will be moved in some fashion. Give me the one I know will maintain value over time. Give me Zeller.

      • jsl05 Michael McNamara If I had to give odds of one of those main five being there at six, it would go: 
        Porter – 50%
        Oladipo – 20%
        Burke – 10%
        Mclemore- 1%
        Noel – 0%

  11. Do we have any proof that we were going to take Meyers Leonard last year if Rivers wasn’t available?  I remember hearing it but I didn’t know if there was proof.

    • jsl05 I dont have Dell’s journal or anything like that, but it was pretty widely known amongst those in organization, in the media room, etc

      • Well I think that we still don’t have that ultra big man that they want, and the pick will be Len or Zeller. Monty repeatedly mentions “that Lakers series” and is watching Memphis this year…

      • jsl05 I agree. If they can find a solid trade for Lopez, Len could be the pick, though drafting a big who already had a stress fracture in the foot has got to be scary. Remember, Monty was in Portland with Oden

  12. How about this. Take Len with #6. Sign Kyle Korver (Provides outside shooting and a lot of space for Gordon and Davis to work in). Lopez then becomes a tradeable asset for either A. more wing depth or B. upgrade at PG.

    • maximusskern I like it. Would still need at least 2 perimeter defenders in that scenario, but its a start

  13. i want a trey burke vs mcw 
    len vs zeller
    oladipo vs mclemore
    porter vs saric 
    sixth pick tournament….:)

  14. Sixth Pick Tournament bracket will be unveiled either Friday or Saturday and the matchups kick off next Monday! Should be a ton of fun once again

  15. I guess just hope Porter or Burke slide in the draft. Everything leans to Phoenix taking Oladipo. Noel & McLemore will be long gone.

  16. 1 Cavs – Noel
    2 Magic – McLemore
    3 Wiz – Porter
    4 Bobcats – Bennett
    5 Suns  Oladipo
    6 Pelicans Burke

  17. I think 6th is too high to take an international player.  Maybe we buy Dallas’s pick 13th and do a Euro-stash there.  That would put us ahead of whoever might get Utah’s picks, if Utah trades it to another Euro-stasher, and Dallas likely wants out to free up cap space for Paul and/or Howard.  Maybe we euro-stash Schroeder, not Saric.
    I also think we should buy our way in the 2nd round for a shot at one of several quality seniors who will be available and can play right away.  Just one intriguing possibility is Ryan Kelly, who may be a Ryan Anderson in the making.

    • 504ever  
      I like the idea of trading down for Saric/Schroeder. I’m biased towards Schroeder since I’m tired of cringing when our small forward gets the ball farther than 6 feet from the goal. And I agree on the second round pick as well but not so much for Kelly. He’s has the potential to be the next Ryan Anderson but his defense is not that great and with a team needing defense,I don’t know if he’d be the right pick for that.

  18. I don’t see the Wizards taking
    Porter after all if I recall they took two small forwards two years ago
    (Vessely and Singleton).  I see it as this:
     1. Cavs – Nerlens Noel- either Zeller or Varaejo will be dealt by next year’s trade deadline.
    2. Magic- Ben McLemore- inserting McLemore the starting lineup could allow Aaron Affalo play the 3 spot.
    3. Wizards- Anthony Bennett- have huge upside than any of the two forwards the Wizards drafted in 2011.
    Bobcats- Victor Oladipo- need a two guard, could be trading the pick
    (Minnesota possibly will trade Derrick Williams & 9th pick to get a
    SG ) 
    5. Suns- Otto Porter- SG and SF will be a huge need for the Suns.
    6. Pelicans- Trey Burke- if Burke is here, they will not rush and take him. After all, Sacramento, the next pick will take either Burke, MCW, or CJ McCollum.
     Dario Saric will be a reach here, unless he has an impressive workout, its a ballsy risk. However, if he has the speed of an SF, can be a good defender, and can drain the three, he maybe the Damian Lillard of this draft (besides McCollum).

  19. I know that none of us are overly familiar with Saric. I have only watched two halves in his career. Tons of videos out there on him. Here is my favorite. It is the 1st quarter of a game from 3-4 months ago. Just the 1st quarter, but you can see the TYPE of player he is A lot of flair. Very Rubio-ish, but in a SF’s body. Lots of hustle too and an odd stoke, but it isn’t broken, just a little flat. Your thoughts?

    • Michael McNamara Plan on watching after listening to the podcast.  Chad Ford has compared Saric to Magic Johnson.

    • Michael McNamara Since it looks like our team will be modeled after the spurs, he could potentially be our Manu!

      • Jared Ennis Michael McNamara I can see that comparison. Better rebounder than Manu at this stage, not as good of a shooter. But flair, passing, IQ – all very similar

    • Michael McNamara What would you say too trading Gordan to Charlotte for Gerald Henderson and their #4 pick??

      • Dillion77 Michael McNamara Impossible. Henderson is technically not under contract for them. But the concept? I would do it in a heartbeat. I would trade Gordon for #4 (Charlotte) or #5 (Phoenix) straight up if it was on the table

      • Michael McNamara Dillion77 Then do you think any possible trade could be possible for Gordon? like Kemba for Gordon or Gordon for Dragic? And also wouldnt mind just taking Saric let him develop for a year then get a medium lottery pick next year??

      • Dillion77 Michael McNamara  maybe mkg, tyrus thomas and their 4th pick for EG and our 6th pick?

      • mojart Dillion77 Michael McNamara possibly just cant see Charlotte letting go of MKG that fast

      • mojart Dillion77 Michael McNamaraPG-Dragic, Roberts
        SG-Oladipo, Rivers
        SF-Clark(FA), Willliams
        PF-Davis, Anderson
        C-Pekovic(FA), Lopez
        with a trade to Minnesota for Williams, with another trade of Gordon to Suns for Dragic and a pick, i like this roster and im not too harsh on if all else fails, draft Burke or Saric.

      • Michael McNamara  What are the odds that both SG’s are gone by the time Phoenix comes to pick and they are interested in Gordon? Could a trade be worked out?

    • Michael McNamara Does this guy have any ties to Russia?? For some reason I remember Dell raving about some young guy over seas that he needed to go see more of. I believe it was in Russia but I could be wrong, maybe someone else who was there can help me. If this is the guy then there is a for sure intrigue by Dell, and I wouldnt be surprised if we drafted this guy.

      • Edbballin504 Michael McNamara I think you are thinking about when he was in love with Montiejunas a couple of years ago. But Dell has seen plenty of Saric in International play. Kid has been a stud since he dominated the U-16 tournament. Was unanimous MVP and averaged a triple-double

      • Michael McNamara Edbballin504 No this was this past season, the last chalk talk. I bet this is the guy. Because there are no other international prospects as high as this guy right now. Do you think he’s ready to start right away? Sticking with the international flavor…Is his upside higher than Len?

      • Edbballin504 Michael McNamara I dont think anybody outside of Oladipo and maybe CJ McCollum are ready to start right away on a good team. Remember, the Pelicans have 15 million in cap room, that is where we will get our other starter IMO

    • Michael McNamara Saric is an intriguing prospect with his combination of height, passing, and ball handling.  I still don’t know if he would ever be good enough to start at SF here since he isn’t a great defender or shooter, but I definitely wouldn’t mind drafting him and allowing him to develop in Europe for a couple years.

    • He is sooo slooow. No jump shot or post game at 6’10 and this is who you want to draft? How’s his defense? Oh yeah it doesn’t exist!

    • Michael McNamara 
      He’s just so slow. I don’t see him staying in front of the bottom of the league SF let alone the top.

  20. 1. Cleveland- Noel is a lock. Varejeo will be traded by the deadline no doubt.
    2. Orlando- Trey Burke. They need, as you said, a floor general. They have some interesting pieces in Harkless, Harris, Afflalo, and Vucevic. Getting someone to direct that offense would be a big need filled.
    3. Wizards- Anthony Bennett. He can play both forward spots (only on the offensive end). A good fit (once again, only on the offensive end) with Wall and Beal. I think the Wizards will see him for his “upside”
    4. Charlotte- Alex Len. Charlotte is will probably reach for Len because Bismack Biyambo is just that bad.
    5. Phoenix Suns- Shabazz Muhammed. I think they will fall in love with his scoring and form a two headed tank machine of Muhammed/Michael Beasley… But on a serious note, they pass on Oladipo because he isn’t as flashy.
    5. New Orleans- Victor Oladipo. Dell will get his defensive guard. This guy fits Monty’s scheme as well as anybody in the draft. And with Monty saying he believes in Austin Rivers as the future, that just further reiterates the fact that he is the top target.

    • Jared Ennis Honestly I would love if this happened! We would have the choice of Oladipo and Porter. If only if only

      • SnowofSX2 Jared Ennis You don’t have McLemore in your Top 6.  Even if McLemore were to fall past #2 which he probably won’t, I don’t see both Charlotte and Phoenix passing up on him.
        I could definitely see Len possibly move into the Top 5 though, because this isn’t a great draft and GM’s would rather miss on a big guy with potential than a wing.

      • cnoel23 SnowofSX2 Jared Ennis I do not know what I was thinking. Mclemore should of been at 4. I’ve seen a lot of Magic games this year. They have quite a few good wing players but no one to really distribute.

      • SnowofSX2 Jared Ennis Ideally. I think Porter has a better shot of being there. The one I am losing faith in being there is Oladipo because it appears he is flying up draft boards.

    • Jared Ennis 
      I don’t know how you call a player coming off of major knee surgery that’s expected to be a center weighting at 206 pounds a lock.
      And I willing to make a sizable bet that McElmore doesn’t fall out of the top 6 barring he doesn’t get injured or arrested between now and the draft.

      • daThRONe Jared Ennis 98% of any draft expert you talk to will say that Noel is the best player in this draft. His ceiling is the highest of any player. The major knee surgery is always a red flag but it hasn’t prevented players from going number 1 before. Kyrie Irving only played 11 games in college. And he was picked by that same team.

      • Jared Ennis daThRONe 
        I agree Noel may be the consensus number 1 player now, but it’s not a lock. Irving didn’t have major knee injury and was seen as a sure thing at the next level. There much more doubt about Noel and they have both Varjeo and Zeller.

      • daThRONe Jared Ennis Varejeo is on his way out. He will be traded soon and they have tried to trade him for the last two seasons. His contract is outrageous and he’s not getting any younger. And only a fool would pass on Noel because they have Zeller…. Come one bro, Noel is infinitely better than Zeller. If they stay at number one, they will take the guy with the highest ceiling. The dude freakin had a game in which he blocked 12 shots this past year. And about Irving, even guys like Chad Ford were saying that he was a risky pick because of his injury. People are quick to forget that he had a lot of injury question marks coming into the league. He played 11 games in college. I would of been more worried taking a guy who only played 11 games than about Noel’s injury….

  21. 1. Cavs- Noel: he’s a lock down defender who the Cavs could use. This is the Cavs (Irving and Noel) version of Rivers and Davis. Need I say anymore?
    2. Magic- McLemore: I think they can’t pass up the possibility of this guy. He is a nice scorer and will be a star. If Affalo doesn’t work on later on while McLemore is developing, they could trade Affalo.
    3. Wizards- Porter: Having Wall, Beal, and Porter is a GREAT starting 3. They shouldn’t want a PF or C just cause I think their frontcourt is decent enough to withstand for now (shout out to Okafor!)
    4. “Hornets”- Bennett: They have Walker and MKG to be their “scoring threats” but they don’t really have a big guy. Even though he is hurt he has great upside.
    5. Suns- Oladipo: Way too much potential to pass up. Hopefully they’ll want to trade Oladipo and their 14 1st pick and others for Gordon =P
    6. Pelicans- Burke: I know you said they’re confident in Rivers and may not draft a guard but I think you can’t pass on Burke especially since he is getting CP3 comparisons. He’s a pretty good overall player and definitely the best available. I’ve been reading a lot of how maybe Vasquez should play a Manu type role. I’ve never thought of it like this but that could work and you could develop Rivers into a Tony Parker type role and work him exclusively at point guard along with Burke.
    I would hope Porter, Burke, or Oladipo fall to us. If neither of them fall, I think we may trade the pick. Maybe we could try and get Bledsoe or maybe a future 2014 pick.

    • SnowofSX2 I noticed how Monty made a point to mention Rivers as well.  I thought it was because he’s like a son to him, but I’m glad to hear somebody else talk about it.  With that said, I think the comment was made about not needing another guard because Burke won’t be there.  If he’s there of course we will take him.  Rivers just stops us from “reaching” for another guard, but if one of the best avail is there they will take the shot.

  22. The more I watch Saric the more and more I like him. I wouldn’t be opposed to him if Oladipo or Porter don’t fall to us but I think it would be smart to trade down a bit and maybe net a second round pick in there as well if there’s someone who catches managements eye. Another option I like is to trade straight up for a nice pick (Parsons was brought up) which is another viable option that should boost the team, with this one being less of a risk.

  23. We really don’t need Saric. So what if he’s tall, can dribble, and pass? We need atheleticism! We need defense! Saric has neither. Kill the draft Saric talks please. Why would you want a 6’10 point guard who can’t blow by Europeans with his 1st or 2nd step, can’t shoot, & can’t defend?

    • yaboytonez Again, it doesn’t matter what WE want, it is about what Dell wants. If the top five are gone, Saric and Len fit what Dell seems to covet.

      • I can appreciate that. But it sucks to know that our 1st pick of the new franchise could be Dario Saric…way to start off on the wrong foot. When you think of a Pelican you think lackluster. This is what Saric personifies, its a boring pick in a week draft. That’s all I’m saying.

      • yaboytonez 
        I just don’t feel you draft Euro guys really high unless there is something special about them, physically or skill wise that will definitely translate now or their so rare in terms of talent that they don’t come around that often.
        You don’t draft Euro guys high, you should draft them low and let them develop, lottery teams should not take Euro guys that won’t play here for a couple of years, that’s what playoff teams do because no one they would draft would be able to make their team.
        The only Euro guy i take is Rudy Gobert, and that would be a purchased pick, hell the Pelicans should be on a pick buying spree, but that’s for another post.
        I would draft Caldwell-Pope at 6 before i EVER draft Saric in the 12

      • NemesisKING yaboytonez Get the information, then decide. Just because you havent seen a guy a lot doesnt mean he is automatically bad. Study Saric in depth, watch him as much as you watched the other college guys, then decide. Ignorance is when you have a strong opinion and base it off little to no knowledge. Get the knowledge, then if you have the same opinion, fine. But you got 36 days to study, use it

      • Michael McNamara yaboytonez 
        Nobody was talking about Saric before some guy mentioned him a few weeks ago, no one knew who he was. I think the talk needs to stop too, who here has ever watched Saric play one game, and not one game on youtube after the name was first mentioned? 
        I hear something different, when i listen and read, i think they’re going to resign Aminu, there invested, if you listen to Monty talk about him, he talks like Aminu will be here, so i would guess that they know he’s going to resign. Aminu > Saric, Saric won’t help you win next year.
        As far as not drafting a guard because of Rivers, Did Dell say that specifically? Because Xavier will be gone, Mason, Terrell Harris, GV won’t be starting and could be gone and if we trade Gordon we will need a shooting guard, if nothing else we will have to fill wholes on the roster at guard.

      • NemesisKING Michael McNamara yaboytonez Actually, I have mentioned Saric in several Missing Pieces, dating all the way back to January, so that is simply not true. 

        Again, study him, then say what you like and dont like. Help inform your fellow Pelicans fans. You have 36 days to study, why turn your answers in now?

  24. Looking forward to the draft. Somebody always falls so they say. I will be on pins and needles until then.

  25. Ok how I see the top 6 going
    Cavs- Porter
    Magic- Noel
    Wizards- Bennett
    Bobcats- McElmore
    Suns- Oladipo
    NOLA- Burke
    I don’t think Cleveland goes Noel. I think they want to win now. Not only will Noel knee prevent that his weight is an issue for a guy with the skillset of a 5. Lets not forget they went Waiters last year when many thought that was a major stretch. Porter fits the there only need and they have been very high on him the whole process.

    • It’s the Cavs they’re despertate.I mean Phil Jackson laughed in their faces when they offered the HC job to him.

  26. is Saric that good at 6?  would we make the trade at 13 and take Saric?

    Is EG more valuable than the 5 pick to phx?

    Would love to make both moves.

    • I think they def like him better than 6. They would have to really sweeten a deal for us to give up EG. I really don’t know if they have the pieces to make us deal. Maybe Dragic but I don’t see the suns giving him up!!

  27. This is kind of off the subject but what does everybody think about EG for Pau Gasol straight up trade?

    • No way for one reason we’ve Ryan Anderson at PF unless you moving Gasol to center that maybe could make sense.

      • I believe gasol has the skills to play center with no problem!! Especially looking at who else we could get at center. Jefferson is the next best option. I don’t see anyone good enough to draft at 6. Just a thought.

      • I deeply agree because despite Gasol’s age he have at east 2 to 4 years left in the tank.I perfer Jefferson because he’s a scorer and bigger than Rob Lopez.The Pels need a bigger body at center hands down!!

  28. Food for thought: CBSSports’ Jeff Goodman has the Pelicans taking Trey Burke at #6 (#1:Noel, #2McElmore, #3 Bennett, #4 Len, #5Olipido), saying the following:
    Trey Burke, PG, Michigan: Another guard for the Hornets? Yes. Another
    guard. Look, you can’t count on Austin Rivers improving. Eric Gordon has
    been a malcontent. And Greivis Vasquez was wonderful but would be even
    moreso as a reserve. This gives them a combo scoring guard, makes Gordon
    movable and gives them a leader. Sold.
     In looking at it, it does make sense for Burke to drop. The only team ahead of us with any kind of need for a PG is Orlando, and I can’t see passing on McElmore if he’s available, based on the reports I have read.
    In the predictions, I had us at #6 with Michael Carter-Williams, as I did not think Burke would fall that far. It looks like, no matter what, we do have a chance at getting a solid piece of the puzzle. Perhaps not a star or an All-Star, but definitely a solid pick.

      • Papa Pelican I dont know why that is lol. It is a very real possibility. Dell wanted Meyers Leonard at 10 if Rivers was off the board last year. Len is far better than Leonard was coming out

      • Papa Pelican I think it’s possible. He certainly has the talent and athleticism for it.

      • Papa Pelican If he stays relatively injury free, I think he will be a 15 and 9 guy with 2 blocks who plays solid defense both in the post and in the pick and roll. Basically, a bigger and better version of Spencer Hawes

    • jamrenaissance I have gone through nearly 20 possible scenarios this morning and I really believe either Burke or Porter will be there at 6.

      • More and more, Len, Carter-Williams, or a trade are more likely scenarios at #6.

      • Michael McNamara jamrenaissance Well, the only team before us that makes sense taking Burke is Orlando. Similarly, I haven’t seen anything that says the Cavs take anyone other than Noel or, as stretch, Porter. So, the question becomes “Do they think Burke is better than McElmore or whoever is left between Noel and Porter?”. I’m guessing the answer is “no”, which leaves Burke to fall to New Orleans.
        Actually, there is one other scenario I see – PHX trading Dragic and taking Burke with the pick. Of course, I only see that as part of a scenario where PHX has agreed in principle with the New Orleans to trade Gordon for something along the lines of a Dragic/Gortat combo, but (a) they wouldn’t be able to officially consummate that by draft day, IIRC, so PHX would really be putting themselves out there by taking that chance, and (b) I can’t see New Orleans not wanting that #5 pick as part of a package for Gordon.

  29. I like the idea of Burke at 6. Scott Van Pelt of ESPN doesn’t like Noel or Porter. Saying Porter is too small and that all Noel can do is block shots.

    • It’s true about Noel he’s a defensive center he wont be depened on scoring unless a team can fix the kinks in his offensive play as for Porter he is undersize at SF he looks more like SG at best he’s a offensive sf/sg his defense is a weakness and at his size he can get walked all over by bigger opponets.

    • I’ve seen his videos he have a offensive game which is what the Pels ned at the same time he really don’t play much defense.

      • I think we need more athletic players. We could use some more defense as well but if we want to draft someone who is all offense there are better options to be had no? Trading the pick is still an option.

      • Papa Pelican yaboytonez He looked really good because everyone on the court was really slow and white. Whats going to happen when he has an NBA defender on him? That is the problem with most European players is that they are not used to playing against world class athletes that are bigger faster and stronger than most of them, so when they make it to the NBA they are shell shocked and have a tough time being productive at both ends of the court. Even some of the best European prospects like a Ricky Rubio haven’t really cracked up to what they were thought to be.

  30. In high school Magic Johnson could dunk, he flew up and down the court, he had a swmblence of an offensive game, and he was a playmaker. Chad Ford says Dario Saric could be the next Magic based on flashes in a pan. My “studying” continues. Join me fellow Pelicans!

  31. The quote from Monte reminds me of parents with one child who is clearly superior to the other child in some way.  When you compliment the parent about their superior child’s superior ability, they often mention their other child in a way that makes it seem like the two children are equal.  This is especially true if one of the children is listening, or in Monty’s case watching TV, but the parent’s statement never changes reality.  I don’t view Monty’s statement as reflection of reality either, just a desire to appear even handed.  
    Rivers is still a back-up combo guard with no unique/special skill that is deserving of playing time.  Even if he does develop, he may never have a true position that he can start at effectively.  In today’s “pick and” offensive game, Rivers is neither a quality shooter or driver.  The best thing anyone can say about him is his defense has improved to the point where he was an acceptable 2nd team defender.  That’s not much.  
    Now management may chose not to draft best player available if he is a PG, but they do so at their own expense (literally).  If one of these PGs with strong college careers, some of whom have great camp numbers too, become a big deal in the NBA, Dell and Monty will look foolish for passing on them (especially if/when they outshine Rivers).  That’s the huge risk Dell and Monty run.
    Drafting a big at 6 is fraught with danger.  Len underperformed his athleticism in college and currently has a bad wheel.  Zeller played like a sissy, avoiding contact and not playing well when it did happen, in college.  How do you think he will he do in the rough and tumble NBA?
    Dell and Monty have a month to make a good plan for the off season that include the 6th pick.  I expect them to do it, but it won’t be easy.  This is why they get the big bucks.

    • 504ever LOL.  So this is definitely un-PC, but it’s almost like Austin is Anthony’s “special” little brother.

  32. I do find it interesting that few of the Mock Draft’s I’ve looked at today have Burke going to Orlando.  Chad Ford is the only national mock draft of note I’ve seen come to that conclusion.  
    CBS Sports, Draft Express, Sports Illustrated, Hoopsworld,,,
    All these sources put Burke available at #6.  All but Draft Express mock the Pelicans selecting Burke.  It is difficult to accept that the only people plugged into the New Orleans Front Office are Chad Ford and the writers here.    
    The idea the pick “will be traded” is a reach.  If only because Washington is also rumored to be shopping their pick.  Lottery teams trying to trade out of the lottery will diminish the value the Pelicans can receive in return.

    • usnfish I will let you in on a secret: NObody is “plugged in”. The reason? Because even Dell has no idea how the next 35 days will play out. If he has already made up his mind, if Orlando has, heck if Cleveland has, then those are terrible GM’s. This process still has a LONG way to go. Every mock draft you see is a complete guess. Maybe a day or two before the draft a few things might leak, but until then everyone is just giving educated guesses.

  33. What I think/What I’d do
    1. Porter/Noel
    2. Noel/Oladipo
    3. Bennett/Porter
    4. McLemore/McLemore
    5. Oladipo/Len
    6. Len/Caldwell-Pope

  34. Drafting Sariac would be a big time mistake in my mind. He is a guy with a HUGE risk over him, and at his finest product would be another role player, not an all-star. I think our best bet if none of those top 5 guys drop to 6 would be just to trade the pick or throw it into some kind of package along with some players in order to land some young vets like McNamara talks about. Maybe like a 6th overall Grevis & Lopez for Bledsoe and Jordon? However, if Dell cant make a move with the pick and is forced to use it, I think he should go with Shabazz Muhammad. I say this because this is a guy who has a TON of potential and is one of a few guys in this draft class, that has the potential to be a star. Why not take a shot at Shabazz and at worst, if he cant become a great all around player, there is one thing he can for sure do, and that is score, and well all know there Is a demand for that in the NBA.

    • jdtufts10It’s
      funny that you used “role player” to describe Sariac because you can
      expect Monty to attempt to build our team with just that…..role
      players.  I’m not saying it will be a good or bad thing to draft him and
      I don’t have an opinion other than that.  That’s what Monty believes in
      and that’s what he was in the NBA.  To me you just justified getting

      • BigBLDavis Hahahah very true… but as it comes down to our needs at SF, I would take a Shabazz over Sariac any day of the week because Sariac is a good 3-4 years from being able to produce at the NBA level like we would need him to be. Where as Shabazz could come in on day one and make an impact and be a useful player for us and a viable scoring option. I feel like Dell is a good evaluator of talent and understands that we need players who can come in and make an impact, as opposed to babying through the Euro league and D-League for a few years. I would be shocked if he actually took Sariac with the pick.

      • jdtufts10 I can’t even begin to debate you on who to pick because I wouldn’t pick anyone at 6th if the draft falls like this mock has it.  I’m all for trading down, but finding the right trade partner could be a harder decision than picking 6th.

    • Europenan talent has decline over the years alot of these guys don’t mind being drafted but will be draft and stash.Saric would be a player that might not play in the states til 2014 or 15.The Pelicans need Burke or Shabazz.

      • Papa Pelican Speaking of Burke, I would agree if he’s avail grab him and I have no doubt that we will.  But help a novice out will you?  How does the lineup look with Austin once we do that?  Put him at SG, or move our Most Improved Player in the NBA (He should’ve one the title) Grievis thru trade and go Burke/Austin or vice versa?

      • Papa Pelican That’s what I was thinking, but I was afraid that Austin size and D was a problem being the starting SG.

      • daThRONe True, but with Monty’s father like feelings towards him, and us using the 10th to get him, I fell like they are going to try hard to make him a starter.  Next season will tell a lot on that theory.

  35. Varejao contract isn’t outrageous. He’s due 9mil this year and 9.8 the next with is partly guaranteed. This team has a ton of cap space as well. Zeller most certainly isn’t the prospect Noel is, however the two combine make C a position that the Cavs don’t have to gamble on if they aren’t comfortable with Nerlens.
    Porter is seen as the consensus 3rd best player in the draft. He’s considered a safe pick for a team that has what it believes is it Batman and Robin. And based on Dan Gilbert wants to start winning ASAP.
    Noel may be the odds favorite, but far from a lock IMO.
    Irving is still injury prone but coming out of college his ankle issue is wasn’t close to Noel knee.

  36. I’ve a 3 team trade NO-BOS-DEN
    Pelicans get:Wilson Chandler,Danlio Gallinarli and the Nuggets 27th pick
    Celtics get Eric Gordon
    The Nuggets get Paul Pierce,Avery Bradley and the Celtic 16th pick
    The Pelicans draft Trey Burke (PG) Michigan and 27th pick Lucas Nogueria (C) Brazil

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