New Orleans Pelicans Lottery Day Discussion Thread

Today can unofficially be deemed the first day of the New Orleans Pelicans offseason, as the first domino is set to fall down at 7:30 tonight. The Pelicans own an 8.8% chance at securing the first overall pick in the 2013 draft and have a 55.3% chance of drafting in the top five. As Ryan Schwan has pointed out, a top five pick is more likely than not going to produce a player that is either a good starter or a star, so history says that securing a top five pick likely bodes well for the Pelicans.

The Pelicans draft odds are below. Sign up for Livefyre and leave your predictions below as to what pick you think we will get and who you think we will take with that pick. Anybody who guesses both will be in the running for a very special prize!

And prior to the draft, hear about all the Pelicans possibilities by watching our Live Google Chat from last night and catching up on our Missing Piece series from this season.

Pelicans Draft Odds

1st – 8.8%

2nd – 9.7%

3rd  – 10.7%

4th – 0%

5th – 26.1%

6th – 36%

7th – 8.4%

8th – 0.4%


Remember, leave your predictions below.

234 responses to “New Orleans Pelicans Lottery Day Discussion Thread”

  1. Pumped for today! Obviously I am not eligible for the prize, but I am going to leave my prediction anyway:
    Pelicans get the 3rd pick, and with Otto Porter and Trey Burke still on the board, they select Victor Oladipo.

    • Michael McNamara Ya know that wouldn’t be a bad day at the office after all the discussion. I think that Dipo’s ceiling is higher than both.

      • Brow Down 504ever Don’t be so sure. 
        One thing that is a lot to fun to do is to go and look at Mock drafts at this time of the season from previous years. Things change BIG TIME in these next few weeks. 
        And of the guys said to be virtual locks for the top 7 (Porter, Oladipo, Noel, Burke, McLemore), I would bet that Porter is the most likely to fall. Think about this: Otto Porter weighs less than Austin Rivers coming into the league last year. We saw Rivers get pushed around by shooting guards last season. How is Porter going to cover small forwards? And for all those saying, “Well, he will just put on 15-20 pounds.” tell that to Corey Brewer and Brandan Wright. It is not always that easy. Combine that with his average athleticism, and I am telling you, he can fall

      • Michael McNamara Fair enough, but how many SF’s in the league use their weight to bully defenders around or use a post game? Porter has the length that is the most important thing in a defensive 3. There are plenty of examples of great defensive 3s currently in the league that don’t tip the scales.

      • Brow Down 504ever All that needs to happen is Cleveland to win the lottery and select Noel.  The other teams in the top five (ORL, CHA, PHX) would probably pass on Porter for Burke, McLemore and Oladipo.  Boom, Porter @ #5 to NOLA.

    • jamrenaissance Just my opinion, but any front office that takes MCW over CJ McCollum should re-examine themselves.

  2. 6th Trey Burke as he will simply be BPA
    I expect Porter, Oladipo, McElmore, Noel, and Bennett all to be gone.

  3. What I want :  5th and Burke
    What we probably end up with : 6th and Michael Carter-Williams or Anthony Bennett

      • usnfish 
        Not with the number 1 pick. Top Three, I can dig it. With the Number 1, I would rather trade for Greg Monroe.

  4. I’ll take Oladipo at 5; I’m hoping someone ahead of us gets infatuated with size or raw athleticism and reaches.
    I’m the commenter formerly known as “Will” if that matters to anyone; doubt it but I figured I’d reintroduce myself due to adopting a username.

  5. I’m going in witht the mindset that we’re picking 8th and that anything higher is a success. Last year, I was expecting 7 and 13…

  6. I think we get oladipo with the 3rd pick. But if by some crazy chance Mclemore is available at 3 we will take him instead.

  7. Come onnnnnnn top 3 pick. Well… I want #1 pick so we can trade out but I’ll be satisfied with a top 3 lol

    • My board: Noel, McLemore, Porter, Oladipo, Burke.  I think anywhere outside of there we should probably trade out.
      On the Lottery Mock Draft simulator for ESPN I just got #1 pick… is that a sign?! lol

  8. Pick #6, and unfortunately we’ll draft Trey Burke (if we even keep the pick – I think Trey gets drafted with the 6th pick, but we will have traded it by then)

  9. For the contest, I’m going with 6th and MCW.
    But I wouldn’t be surprised to see a trade if we move either up or down tonight.

    • I think either the Magic fall a little to 3 or 4 and pick Burke or someone else would reach and pick Burke, McCollum, Bennett, or Len.

  10. I don’t know what pick we’ll get; but if it’s not Oladipo, we’re either taking an international guy or trading down or for a vet.

  11. I think the picks go as such
    Porter- Cavs

  12. Good work, but that linked article on the value of the pick is mostly worthless. The sample size is way, way, way too small, all the variables were cherry picked, and it doesn’t account for competence, the margin of error would be enormous. Fun read though, the difference between the 5th and 6th pick would be infinitesimally small.
    I will guess Oladipo at the 5.

  13. Does anybody know the approximate odds on a top 3 pick if, say, the 14-10 come up tonight and nothing changes? What I’m asking is how much do our chances go up with each team that passes with the order unchanged?

    • That’s a good question, and I don’t know if it’s already been answered. If you can wait until later tonight (after work!), I can write a script to calculate that for us.

  14. Even though it’s never happened before according to the #’s, I say the Pelicans pick 4th and select Oladipo. If not and they are even out of the top 5, I think they’ll trade the pick for a veteran.

    • yankeesman77 It is literally impossible for us to pick 4th.  Teams only “win” the first 3 picks.  After that, the original order stays true to form.

  15. If we land a top three pick we should draft Otto Porter, simply because he would be a perfect fit for what they hornets need at the three ( A very versatile offensive player that can be extremely efficient even without the ball in his hands, that also has the potential in Monty’s system to excel on the defensive end of the court.) and we all know after last season, we have NO ONE currently on our roster who can even slightly slow down the Lebron’s, Kobe’s and Durant’s of the league, thus making a solid three guard a must have if we want to solidify the Pelicans on the defensive end. To be a successful team in the NBA today you have to have a great defender at the three. Don’t believe me? Take a look at all of the teams in the conference championships, they all of top tier defensive players at the three position ( Spurs – Kawhi Leonard, Grizz- Tony Allen, Pacers- Paul George, Heat – Lebron James)  that can shut down another teams star. If the Pels land are able to land Porter, then make a few key offseason acquisitions such as acquiring Bledsoe from the Clippers, as well as a solid center (sorry AD will be a better PF anyway, think a Kevin Garnett), like a Nikola Peković from the T’wolves, we could be looking at the best defensive starting lineup in the NBA. Bledsoe and Gordon in the back court would be able to guard just about anyone, with Porter being a sloid defender at the three, and Pekovic and Davis anchoring the paint, our starting five could play with even the best offensive teams in the NBA. That is why porter would be the perfect fit in my mind, and is why I dream of landing one of those top three picks, however, it is very likely that we do not land at top three, so in the chance of that, we should spend our pick thinking about the offensive side of the ball. If we land a 5-7 pick I think we need to draft Trey Burke, the most outstanding player in college basketball last year. Now everyone has read the reports on how he is barely, if, six feet, and how he is a sub par defender at the point guard, but a lot of people are overlooking his potential in the NBA and just role player potential, but STAR potential. There are very few guys in this draft that truly have the potential to be Stars in the NBA, and god knows it, the hornets need some star power in the worse way. Burke was one of the most exciting players last year to watch in college basketball, and one of the most prolific scorers as well. The Pels are in desperate need of a big time scorer and a guy who can create offense from the point guard position, as seen throughout the year, the constant pick and role game with Grevis and Lopez went way stagnant at times, and didn’t really strike fear into the minds of coaches when preparing for them. Think about Trey Burke’s ability to get into the lane and cause the collapse of a defensive with guys like Anderson & Gordon out on the arch ready to knock down the trey, as well as his own ability to flat of shoot the ball. That part of the addition of Trey Burke that would excite me the most is the tandem of Him and Anthony Davis. Think about a trey Burke’s prolific passing ability and what that could do with teamed up with Anthony Davis. It would be the NEW Lob City, and the Pels would be one of the most exciting teams in the NBA to watch, and have a solid rookie tandem of Anothy David and Trey Burke. Those two could compliment each other so well, and together could do some serious damage.  Those guys could be the staples of our team for our team for how it is built, much like how the spurs were built around Tim Duncan and Tony Parker (very similar combo, with Burke being a better shooter than Parker, and AD playing much more above the rim than Timmy D). Dell Demps was a Spurs man when he started, so he has seen how it has worked, and knows how to make it work, so with the Spurs on their possible final run of their dynasty, there needs to be a new one in the Southwest Division, so with the combo of Burke and Davis could that be us? I would be happy with either of the two if the Pels drafted them, regarless of the outcome of the pick tonight I will be a huge Pelicans fan no matter what and always support them…. Unless the draft Alex Len with our first round pick…. then im out.

  16. I hope we get the 2nd pick and then trade back to four with the Cavs for the 2st and 3rd pick in the 2nd round. Then we pick Oladipo, Tony Snell, and Lucas Nogueira

  17. As if today wasn’t interesting enough: Talked to a friend who works for an Eastern Conference team and the Celtics are intent on moving Pierce. One of the possibilities they brough up internally? 
    Pierce and Avery Bradley for Eric Gordon
    Celtics like the idea of Rondo-Gordon-Green core and could move KG for another young player or if he retires, they can go after somebody like Josh Smith. 
    If this trade were to go down, I would have to believe Pierce would never play a game here. He would either be rerouted for some additional pieces (best case sceanrio) or bought out like Rashard Lewis was, as only $5 million of his contract is guaranteed (worst case)
    Bradley makes 2.5 million next year, so even in the worst case scenario the Pelicans swap Gordon for Bradley and open up an additional 6 million in cap space this year and 11 million next year. 

    • Michael McNamara If I were Dell Demps, I think I would lose my voice by how loudly I’d scream yes.

    • Michael McNamara  
      Yeah that’s good, but not great.  Bradley is a good piece and good value contract for one more year, and Pierce is an expiring who can still play.  That probably works best if you have an SG you can acquire for Pierce, separately, or in the draft (Oladipo?).

    • Michael McNamara We’d get cheap young talent at an area of need and would be able to add more assets, either by trading Pierce or buying him out. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

    • Michael McNamara Pierce would never play a game here?  What if we were to get CP3?  That would be a tough team to beat.

    • Michael McNamara 
      I think we can do better. I like Bradley but I’d still be holding out for a draft pick. We don’t need cap space we need difference makers.
      Not a terrible trade just not what I think is the best we could do. I like Bledsoe/Jordan better.

      • daThRONe Michael McNamara Mason made a suggestion. What if you flipped Pierce for Granger. After his current deal is up, you resign him to a modest deal since he is from the area. Use the pick and the 12 mil in cap space this summer on wings and a PG. Something like this:
        Would also have Vasquez to ship off for something in this scenario

      • jdtufts10 Michael McNamara daThRONe Yeah. He is my personal favorite of the young wings and the one I believe Dell would target if we moved Gordon

      • Michael McNamara daThRONe I’ve been going through so many trade scenarios on how to get Bradley.  This is great news.  I say if we get a top 3 pick we go overboard on D and run with Rivers/Bradley/Iggy?/Davis/Noel and hold teams to 80ppg.

      • I like that. I think Henderson is underrated. It puts us in win now mode, but this is realistic. If this team can’t get it done we still have time to re-load with Davis-Burke-Henderson.

    • Michael McNamara 
      Bradley would be the best defensive player in the NBA when paired with Monty, but I feel like we would be loosing some serious fire power on the offensive end, because Gordon can score, when he plays…. What do you think? I’d still prefer the Beldsoe/Jordon trade.

    • Michael McNamara Bradley and either Pierce as a veteran presence to develop the youngsters or Pierce as a trade chip in the hands of Dell would be an incredible haul, at this point, for Eric Gordon. I can’t see getting full value for Gordon given his injury history.

    • Michael McNamara 
      I like the defense that the Pelicans would pick up with Bradley but I
      don’t see his contributions being as high as a healthy Gordon (whether
      that’s with him playing or as a trade piece). I would like to see us
      land a player like Bradley but I think Gordon is too much to lose in
      case his trade value goes up if he can stay healthy this year.

    • Seems like we could get a better haul even tho I like Bradley, he would not be needed if we are able to get dipo who is Avery with more upside but les handle.
      Love the idea someone shared above of flipping pierce for Bledsoe, that would make the deal palatable.
      Don’t see the need to drop pierce if it went down, great locker room guy leader for a year then cap space, then again, guess at this stage he’d only want to play for a contender

  18. I think we pick 5th and select Trey Burke.  If we pick higher we take Oladipo.  It’s really hard to say because I’m sure the GM’s were talking at the combine and there are possibly so many discussions happening that we’ll never really know how this all gonna play out.  I just want us to make it happen!!!

  19. I think it depends who’s available. I believe Oladipo is the best fit for the Pelicans but I could see them drafting Burke if he’s available and V.O. isn’t. If not, Demps will probably trade down.
    I would like to see them get a second round pick though, possible through a Vasquez/Lopez deal maybe?

  20. If the Pierce and Bradley for Gordon trade happens, could we bring in CP3?  That would be a sick lineup.

  21. To those that are interested, I came up with the odds for top 3 picks assuming each team comes up in order as is.
    If Utah comes up 14) 1-8.84% 2-9.76% 3- 10.78% Top 3-29.38%
    13) 1-8.90% 2-9.83% 3-10.87% Top 3- 29.60%
    12) 1-8.96% 2-9.91% 3-10.99% Top 3-29.86%
    11) 1-9.00% 2-10.00% 3-11.12% Top 3- 30.12%
    10) 1-9.14% 2-10.14% 3- 11.31% Top 3- 30.59%
    9) 1-9.30% 2-10.35% 3-11.61% Top 3-31.26%
    8) 1-9.59% 2-10.73% 3-12.12% Top 3-32.44%
    7) 1-10.06% 2- 11.35% 3- 12.97% Top 3-34.38%
    6) 1-10.84% 2-12.37% 3-14.38% Top 3-37.59%

    • BowToTheBill23 Nice. Thanks for this. Man, when they start pulling teams out of the envelopes, my heart will be going a mile a minute. I don’t know if I will have the heart to look when it gets around the 7 or 8 range

    • What I take from it is that if they pull up 7 and it’s still in order, now we have a better than 1/3 shot at top three and over a 10% chance at 1. The jumps get rather large starting at 8.

      • BowToTheBill23 Basically, yes. If none of the 8-14 leaps into the top 6, then we have a GREAT shot at pulling top 3.

      • jsl05 palochak oddly enough, I could see any of those happening. I don’t see Oladipo dropping past 4, and I could see Dell moving up to grab him. I really don’t know what to expect, but I’m inclined to think we’d make a trade at 6

  22. Bold Prediction: We jump into the top 3, Phoenix gets dropped to 5 or 6. Come draft day, Noel, Mclemore, Oladipo, Porter go top 4. Phoenix bummed out they missed on the two best shooting guards. We trade Gordon for their pick and possibly something else. Use that pick to draft Burke.

      • jsl05 LieutenantKumar 
        It depends on who we draft. If we drafted Porter, then Vasquez could play the two. If Oladipo, then Vasquez can either start till Burke is ready (Monty likes bringing people slowly), or play as the leader of the second unit with Rivers, Anderson, and Smith, or we could trade him for something of value.

      • LieutenantKumar jsl05 I do like that idea.  They almost definitely wouldn’t take Burke with Dragic and Marshal on the team already.

      • jsl05 LieutenantKumar 
        It also gives us a metric buttload of capspace. Ideally we draft Oladipo and throw money at Iggy. Use the rest for a good center, or look to trade Vasquez+ Lopez for that center.

  23. If the Pierce trade goes down, flip Pierce for Bledsoe.
    Bledsoe/Bradley/Oladipo/Rhyno/Brow for small-ball.

      • jsl05 jamrenaissance I’m tempted to believe McNamara’s friend over Smith… hence the salt comment. 🙂 I’m just reporting…

      • Interesting how this site is good enough to be on the radio regularly (870 and more last night and in news clips today) and to have things checked out BUT are never cited. The major media, right or wrong, are cited.

      • Jason Calmes Haters gotta hate, man. 
        After a quick Google Search of “Eric Gordon Paul Pierce”, I found a number of sites giving McNamara credit for the rumor. Most cite his Twitter feed and not, but… well… baby steps.

      • Jason Calmes Well, there ya go. A few people out there are giving it the proper citation.

  24. What I want, 2nd pick mclemore
    What I think 6 th pick trade down pick Schroeder or jamaal Franklin, mcw if he falls real far

  25. My prediction is that we’ll stay put at 5 and we take Alex Len because I think the “big 4” will be gone and Len would seem like the logical choice if Michael is right about the team not having any real interest in Trey Burke.

    • fearthepelicans  Len is a big possibility.     PP and Bradley trade isn’t bad for us either b/c Bradley is slowly coming into his own where EG is unknown.

    • Pierce wouldn’t be on a rebuliding team because the upgrades the Pels are doing.After all the Pels are just two years remove of being in the playoffs

      • Papa Pelican If we sign CP3, Pierce could be our small forward with Oladipo at shooting guard.

      • It would be good to get rid of Gordon anyway.EG is a strange character kinda like Ricky Williams was with the Saints too distant.I rather have a player who wants to lead not whinned.

      • Brow Down jsl05 I know; all MM said was that his friend told him the Celtics were interested, and everyone makes it out as something that’ll happen and will blast him if it doesn’t.

      • Papa Pelican I would too, but I wouldn’t be too upset if our starting lineup included CP3, Oladipo, Pierce (only a 1 year contract), Davis, and Lopez with Vasquez, Rivers, Anderson, and Smith off the bench

      • Papa Pelican Only problem is cap space, but if we buy out Pierce, you never now.

      • If Paul were to return to the Pels he might want say on who should come here or leave because of the stable ownership this franchise have now.

      • Papa Pelican True, but now that VDN was just fired, he’ll likely be staying.  So much for that.

      • If you trade Gordon and Lopez to the Lakers in a sign in trade for howard and give him  the max,them trade Vasquez and 2014 first rd to the Hawks for Smith
        Davis Anderson/Thomas
        Josh Smith/Aminu/Miller
        Olidipo/Rivers/Mason Jr

      • Wow i just posted a dream roster before you told me about VDN firing..Im on board for Bledsoe or Jennings.

      • jsl05 Brow Down You noticed that too, huh? Celtics are discussing at least half a dozen scenarios for moving Pierce. EG is one of them. Stated that clearly, and now all of a sudden, the two teams are talking and a deal is coming down the pike.
        Exact reason I keep most info to myself!

      • Michael McNamara jsl05 Brow Down I told the guys on CelticsBlog that and they seemed to understand (at least the writer).

      • If Pierce would play for the Pelicans i know he would like to have more insite on their plans for this season and beyond.I just don’t want to see another Rahard Lewis like trade that was for nothing yeah it benifit the Pels to get rid of Ariza and Okafor for cap relief.It’s the not getting talent in return that bothered me..

      • Papa Pelican If we can’t get CP, I see no way we would keep Pierce.  As Mason recommended to MM, we could flip PP for Granger.

    • No vokle, but most of the guys will be at Tracey’s and I will be here commenting as will others during the lotto

    • yankeesman77 Vokle was just so spotty. We will get the google chats to a point where they are better and more interactive. As for chat rooms, we are working on better versions of that too. Stick with us!

  26. I’ll be right here in time for the draft lottery party since I don’t live anywhere near Nola. Anything less than a top 5 pick will be an utter disappointment. I hope we trade for anything out of the top 5.

    • Caffeinedisaster They should do one with all the writers like the 4 yesterday and then Ryan and James and Joe and even Chris

  27. One thing I’m noticing with the “livefyre” commenting format is that the latest comments aren’t updating on the “recent comments” section on the right side of the page.  Just an observation

  28. Another minor recommendation:
    On Gmail and Google Drive chats, when you’re in a different tab, the tab informs you of the latest messages in parenthesis.  That would be cool if we could have something like that (if you know what I mean) for comments.

  29. Number 1 Pick & Select Noel. I love twin Towers although I know that wouldn’t fit a need. Also I don’t want Paul back that knee is going to become an issue in like 5 minutes.

    • Michael McNamara According to that article, I’d say it’d go
      1) Suns- If Morris is playing New Orleans, it’s a lock.
      2) Mavs- Dirk could go 34 in a row.
      3) Cavs- I think Irving could go 2 for 2.

  30. My best case scenario:
    1. Pelicans
    2. Charlotte
    3. Orlando
    Orlando then gives up assets to switch spots with us so they can get Noel. Harkless, Harris, Vucevic, and Nicholson are all nice young players. Plus they have their own picks and future 1st rounders from the Lakers, Nuggets, and 76ers.
    Take a couple of those assets and fall back to 3 and take one of the top wing players, whoever Charlotte doesn’t take. 
    Your ideal scenario?

    • Michael McNamara Take and keep Noel, redshirt him this year, get the #1 pick next year and take Wiggins.

      • kidjock Michael McNamara Would be tough to sit through another year of losing, but the door prize might make it worth it

  31. Anthony Bennett – I see Charles Barkley if you removed his motor and made him injury prone. Guy has so much talent but is so lazy on the defensive end.

    • Jmiles562000 You know it! If it aint broke, dont fix it. 
      I wouldnt say I am superstitious, but I am a little stitious

  32. My prediction is we stay at five, trade down with Utah 2 for 1, draft two Euro guys, let them play in Europe for another year so we can have our full cap to go after Iggy and Pek.

  33. How fun is the lottery? It makes all that terrible basketball worthwhile – just a shame Marcus Smart is off the board…

      • Michael McNamara Wouldn’t Bill Simmons love it if we won the lottery again. I like Bill, but he calls out conspiracy with the best of them…

  34. Mike, I think it was the Indiana vs Illinois game when olidipo lost the ball and got back on defense to block the shot late in the game. Since then I wanted this kid to be a pelican. Can’t teach what he has!

  35. Just so it’s at the top of the page and easier for people who want to look at to see, here is my post from earlier on our odds assuming everything stays true to form for each pick.
    To those that are interested, I came up with the odds for top 3 picks assuming each team comes up in order as is.
    If Utah comes up 14) 1-8.84% 2-9.76% 3- 10.78% Top 3-29.38%
    13) 1-8.90% 2-9.83% 3-10.87% Top 3- 29.60%
    12) 1-8.96% 2-9.91% 3-10.99% Top 3-29.86%
    11) 1-9.00% 2-10.00% 3-11.12% Top 3- 30.12%
    10) 1-9.14% 2-10.14% 3- 11.31% Top 3- 30.59%
    9) 1-9.30% 2-10.35% 3-11.61% Top 3-31.26%
    8) 1-9.59% 2-10.73% 3-12.12% Top 3-32.44%
    7) 1-10.06% 2- 11.35% 3- 12.97% Top 3-34.38%
    6) 1-10.84% 2-12.37% 3-14.38% Top 3-37.59%

  36. The way ESPN does the Lottery is like one of those teachers who waits until the very end of class to cover the lesson.

  37. Here we go. Hope your heart doesn’t jump out of your chest. Hope mine doesn’t either.

  38. Am I allowed to say I’d punch Dan Gilbert’s son in the face? I don’t care. I wanna punch that kid in the face.

      • MikeStanley1 Jmiles562000 No chance, they’ll be back in the lottery. They’re probably gonna draft the guy who won’t even play for them this season.

      • They’re a playoff team next year regardless.  Bucks are done, and they’d possibly pass Atlanta and New York as well.  Noel would set the table for King James’ return and championship runs.

      • MikeStanley1 Why would they pass New York? They were the 2 seed, Bucks require less rebuilding to be competitive than Cleveland…

  39. Don’t think Cavs take Noel. If they really want to make a run next year, don’t think they’ll take Noel.

    • I think they end up taking Porter. It’s there only need and they are high on him. Noel has more than enough question marks to justify passing on him as if you needed one.

  40. if burke doesn’t go number 2 to orlando, he may fall to us, charlotte has kemba, clev has irving, phoenix has dragic, wash has wall

  41. Bold prediction: Neither Irving nor 1st pick will ever win a ring in Cleveland. (I know really going bold here lol).

  42. So who’s going to be on the bench for Cleveland? Thompson and Varejo will be handling it until Noel gets healthy but what about after. It’d be hard to sit Varejo if he imitates what he was doing last season pre injury and thompson still has a lot more potential for growth

  43. I feel like with Cleveland winning and thus probably almost surely ending the chance they will take Otto Porter Jr there’s a good chance that he or Oladipo could fall at 6. We could of course trade it for Bledsoe or add Lopez, Vasquez or a future pick to move up but I went in thinking we would be in a good position regardless of what pick we got and I still think that.

    • JayDogon Yes but then the Wizards will take Porter cause they need a 3.  McLemore will go to the Hornets if he was to fall and Oladipo will go to the Suns! Wizards getting into the top 3 messed up everything for us, but hopefully one of those teams that could use a big falls in love with Bennett, Zeller, or Len! Then I could see Oladipo maybe falling to us.  If not maybe Burke, Len, Shabazz, Zeller, or Bennett will be our pick.  If they think Bennett can play the 3????

      • NOLA_P if that were to happen and I would much rather either trade the pick for Bledsoe (Or draft someone for the Clippers with an agreement for Bledsoe) or trade back and get 2 first rounders or a first of this year and one of next.

  44. IMO the 2 teams that hold the cards for the entire draft are ORL @ 2 and CHA @ 4. CLE (1) is easy, Noel. I think ORL (2) reaches and goes Burke at 2. WASH (3) is another easy one with hometown hero Porter. CHA (4) should go McLemore but I could see them reaching for Bennett. Then PHX (5) will take Oladipo. We are the odd team out. I would guess Demps and Monty work out Shabbaz, and if he doesnt work out then we trade the pick for a vet or trade down by adding GV or Lopez to swap picks with CHA.

      • JayDogon Edbballin504 I agree. But Im a bit disappointed, I cant even lie. Was hoping for a top 3, 5 at worst. O well…

      • Edbballin504 I was hoping for top 4 to insure we got McLemore, Oladipo, OPJ or Noel but I knew that no matter where we landed we would have a myriad of options whether it be trade it for Bledsoe or even trade back to acquire an extra first in this or next year’s draft

    • Edbballin504 I really hope Charlotte goes for Bennett! Maybe they will see him as their new Larry Johnson since the name change and what not…lol!  That would be sweet cause then the Suns would have there choice of McLemore & Oladipo and we get the other.  I would love this scenario!!!!

  45. What happens if the Pierce/Bradley trade happens?  I was hoping for Burke, but don’t think it’s a strong possibility that he is there at six.  All of this has gotten confusing to me….I bow out.  I’ll keep reading comments for clarity.

    • LaNative  
      Well if the organization is trying to project Rivers as the PG of the future why go and draft a PG. Or even if they are going for a Jennings/Bledsoe, it just seems to be crowding that position. The way I see it is that we need a SF or a good defender which would be Porter  or Dipo. If neither are there, we could trade down to get multiple picks (whether that be for this year or next) and draft someone who fits one of those two criteria. This draft may not have that one superstar but it has a lot of underrated quality that could have some unnoticed talent. I just don’t want to see us crowding up the PG position or the PF if they drafted Bennet.

      • mrcatz22 LaNative , I hear ya about the PG position, however, there are so many questions marks surrounding Austin Rivers.  But, maybe his year of experience will help.  You think?

      • LaNative mrcatz22  
        From what I saw from rivers at the end of the season (before the injury), I’m much more hopeful that he can contribute as a combo style guard but he needs another year or two of experience before I would consider him ready to be a consistent starter. And then it depends where Monty wants to play him too. We do need a PG but I don’t think we should get it from the draft, someone more seasoned would be better in my books

  46. Honestly I can see the Wizards trading up or doing a draft and trade with Cavs for Noel. Also I wouldn’t be shocked if the Cavs drafted Porter #1 out right. From the reports I read Cleveland is really high on Porter.

  47. Slight Revision #6 and Porter, although I’ll admit C.J. McCollum and trade down are also in the picture now.

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