The New Orleans Pelicans

Today, the New Orleans Hornets announced they will begin using the nickname New Orleans Pelicans beginning this offseason. The press conference at the New Orleans Arena included the announcement and unveiling of the logos and uniforms.

This confirms reports made here in November, and here in October.


  • The colors are red, gold, and blue.
  • The logos include a main Pelicans logo, a fleur de lis motif, and a NOLA symbol
  • The font is inspired by local signs
  • The uniforms, mascot, dance team, etc. will be rolled out over the coming months, with some likely in Summer.
  • As noted elsewhere, the Pelican is the state bird and represents the state on many levels, included the resilience of the state after numerous disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 (National Geographic image may be disturbing).
  • Merchandise is available online at will be available in the store at the game Friday, January 25, 2013.

Here is the official intro video for the New Orleans Pelicans name change, first appearing on the mobile version of

Here is a link to all the logos with some additional information about them, the colors, etc.



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If you need something ask this guy


The Nelson twins endorse this Pelicans hat.

104 responses to “The New Orleans Pelicans”

  1. I’d assume the team will cover this in their prepared presentation, but if they don’t any kind of info on when they’re planning on rolling out the new merchandise would be real helpful. I want to buy as much old gear as possible for memory’s sake down the road, and then plan out what to buy in the offseason, player-number-wise … the Brow? Gordon? Vasquez? Rino? Smitty? All the above?

  2. Ask this:

    “Fans will want to shorten the name just like they did for other teams that had a nickname longer than 2 syllables, Timberwolves to T-Wolves, Knickerbockers to Knicks for example. Was any consideration given to the fact that neither Pelicans nor Pelcs exactly roll off the tongue?

  3. Oppps,im lost today in the page. @Jason, i tried to look for the article of the logo company contest, and wanted to check it back but cant get to older posts. Cant find any “older articles” or archive anywhere. Is that correct? (the “Writters” link all the way down was inactive,wantedtocheck there if there was a mail to report this. Sorry if this is not the proper place!

  4. I love it! really represents our city and our state. I have heard a lot of people that think pelicans aren’t intimidating or that they are lame. But has any athlete or fan ever gone into a game, scared of the opposing team because of the mascot? I just don’t get it. I’d rather it represent the city I grew up in than be some random cool animal. Even though I liked “Krewe” it could be a hell of a lot worse.

  5. What about a last minute switch to the New Orleans Beignets? I’d like to see Glen Davis knock down a pair of free throws when the fans behind the basket are waving giant, powdery beignets.

  6. I was watching the spurs game last night and Sean Elliot questioned, who will be scared of a pelican? I’d be more threatened by a hornet

  7. The legit logo is honestly better than any I have seen so far. That thing is beautiful and I love the font. What a great day!

  8. Honestly, who in this area associates New Orleans with the pelican? Maybe my grandparents did, but they’ve been dead 10+ years. Nowadays, it’s Mardi Gras, cheesy Second Lines, annoyingly voiced Yats and getting drunk.

    The logo is good looking, but who fears a pelican?

      • I fear the Pelican. Those things are badder than Ostriches AND can fly!

        Ben Franklin had some excellent arguments for why the turkey should be the national bird.

        It doesn’t matter, since the eagle is just more intimidating.

        No, I don’t like “Saints” as a team name either.

    • Same people that fear leprechauns, boats, lakes, pants, car pistons, boot spurs, the net, gold nuggets, heat, deers, jazz, magic, the sun, & pants

      • leprechauns



        Clipper ships were large, fast and went to exotic places.

        Not great but not horrible.


        Not a good name.


        Knickerbockers is a silly name.

        car pistons

        Forged in violence and heat, they help power the world.

        Not great but not horrible.

        boot spurs

        Not the greatest name.

        the net

        Horrible name

        gold nuggets

        Not so great.

        heat, jazz, magic, the sun

        Range from silly to stupid.


        Full grown male deer who bash each other in the head. Only the biggest and toughest gets to do the nasty with all the ladies.

        Great name.

        I’ll add another one:
        small yellow water fowl

        Mighty Ducks has to be the Worst Pro Team Name Ever.

  9. Man I love the logo! From the beginning, I wasn’t opposed to a name change because I felt that Hornets was good. Now, though, I couldn’t be happier with the name Pelican or this logo. I’m bummed we didn’t get to see uniforms today but if they’re anything like the logo, they’ll be a step up. I can’t wait until they get the merch out to retail stores. The future is really bright, on and off the court.

  10. I love it. Already ordered a hat. Will be great to wear it out here in North Carolina, where everyone else still wears Charlotte Hornets gear (man I miss home)

      • sorry if i came off wrong, I’m from new orleans, im stationed here at fort bragg, nc. Im a die hard hornets fan……once they came to new orleans.

  11. awe man I love this logo. I was so against this name in the beginning but the logo has really sold me on the name

  12. The more i look at the logos, the more I’m loving the Pelicans. I’m definitely going to order some Pelicans apparel soon!

  13. Horrible, Horrible decision. It’s a terrible name that does not have any connection to the city aside from being the state bird. The logo and colors are ugly as well. We would have been better off if someone else had bought the team and moved it elsewhere than this, The Hornets are as much a part of this city as the Saints are with just as loyal a following. Tom Benson should be ashamed of himself for this. This is not going to help the team in anyway except to line his pocket with money from the new merchandise. It’s sickening. hey will be losing this long time season ticket holder for good.

  14. I’m surprised at how completely off point most of the posters have been on this entire issue since the Pelicans became a front runner, and are missing the fact that this is, in fact, a master stroke by Mr. Benson and his inner circle.

    I don’t have time to go over the dozen or so reasons why this is so, but I’ll throw down two or three.

    In one afternoon, Benson has tied the city’s sports team to what will be the next two generations number one grouping of environmental issues, … coastal erosion, global warming, energy policy. Watch major corporate sponsors fall over themselves in the coming months to get naming rights for the arena, including, you guessed it, British Petroleum.

    Despite what some of you seem to think, there is in fact no other non drunk or hedonistic symbol linked to the city besides Pelicans that would fit as a name except Saints and Jazz … and both of these are taken. Have any of you looked at a Louisiana license plate in the last 10 years or are you too busy texting while driving?? This is just license plates; look at the flag and state and federal buildings around town and the state … let me know how many pelicans you see on the iconography??? HELLO??? Benson has now given the franchise a regional feel that his PR people can exploit … Gulf Coast *REGION* anyone?? I’m sure potential fan bases in Lafayette or Pensacola really, really, really, really relate to Hornets … yep, can’t wait to associate with that name.

    The Pelican symbol and logo. Wait til that bad boy is festooned atop the Arena… sorry the British Petroluem Pelican’s Nest next year. Then talk to me about how un-intimidating the Pelican.

    Finally, as a third generation New Orleanian I’m, frankly, fed up with, not out of towners because I expect no different, but alleged New Orleans based sports fans who keep dogging this name. You know what? *I* and my family associate Pelicans with this town, from the flags I used to look at when I went to Allen Elementary and Newman High School to my grandfather, uncle and father at Grand Isle pointing out to me the beauty of the bird on fishing trips decades ago.

    Its a great name, a great logo, a great … no brilliant … move by Benson.

    • Sorry not buying it, I’m surprised at how off point you are by not realizing this team is bigger than just the locals or even regional for that matter. The NBA and It’s franchises are a global commodity now and the days of a team having to rely solely on that local market are long gone. The Hornets have been established and accepted here for quite a while now and there is no need other than greed for a rebrand. As for the sponsors they would still be there even if we keep the name the Hornets. And I hate to burst your bubble but when people think of new Orleans the last thing they think of is a nasty dirty bird like a pelican. I’m also”fed up” with locals like you who think this is a great name because it represent the area when it actually doesn’t.
      It’s a horrible name, an atrocious logo, and a blunder…no stupid move…by Benson.

      • And we, real fans, should care what you think why? Go then. If you hate a freaking name that much, then goodbye!

      • We can agree to disagree and only time will tell which of us is right, or more right. Meanwhile, on to more important things; I’m just arrived back in town after 15 years living in the midwest and DC area. Where’s a good place to ride around NOLA?? Brought my new forty-eight to town and my lady and I are ready to ride this weekend. Any suggestions?? Are you going to Milwaukee for the 110?

      • You should care Whodat because this team need as many fans like me as it can get and it shouldn’t be chasing them away like this. I am more of a real fan then you will ever be. I buy full season tickets in the lower bowl every year and go to all the games.I buy the merchandise and support the business’s that are sponsors of the team. I buy their overpriced concessions and pay for parking at the games because I am a huge fan.How about you Whodat?.Hpw many games do you actually go to or are you one of those “real” fans who just watch them on tv for free when they are winning? I’ve been a Hornets fan ever since they came into the league and have stuck with them thru the good times and bad but this is the last straw for me.The name is important because thats who this team is,thats their identity.Their history intertwines with mine and thats what resonates with me.

      • That whole point is null and void, because those people from England, Australia, and Argentina who like “Pelicans” instead of “Hornets” will now follow us instead. We will also gain a following from people who like individual players, like Ryan Anderson, Eric Gordon, and Anthony Davis. I’m sure we will also lose our huge Nigerian fan base once Aminu leaves, but we will gain a new one somewhere else once we add that next missing piece…. International fans come and go, but the base is here in Louisiana, and the Gulf Coast, because, like it or not, they will be the most loyal, and maybe they are targeted because they generate the largest source of income for Mr. Benson.

    • I’m sure potential fan bases in Lafayette or Pensacola really, really, really, really relate to Hornets … yep, can’t wait to associate with that name.

      Long list of good-to-great names with no locality reference:
      Oakland Raiders
      San Diego Chargers
      Atlanta Hawks
      Atlanta Falcons
      St Louis Rams
      Chicago Bears
      Detroit Lions
      Tennessee Titans
      Cincinnati Bengals
      Buffalo Bills
      New York Giants
      New York Jets
      Washington Redskins
      Carolina Panthers
      Golden State Warriors
      Sacramento Kings
      Cleveland Cavaliers

    • I agree with everything, and it’s pretty simple. If you want to keep pulling for the Hornets, you can follow them back to Charlotte. We may lose one or two from that crowd, but when we start winning, we will gain so much more of a loyal following from Louisianians, who are loyal Saints and LSU fans, that never cared about the Hornets in the first place, because they never identified with the brand. It was a genius move by Benson, and it is quite evident that a lot of New Orleanians who were freaking out have come around in a matter of months, and have embraced it. The fan base will grow exponentially once we start winning, and Louisianians and residents of the Gulf Coast will be proud to pull for the Pelicans, much more so than the Hornets.

      • Louisianians, who are loyal … LSU fans

        This perfectly demonstrates the complete bull sh1t that is “fans need to associate with the team name: How exactly does an animal from half way around the world tie Louisianians to LSU? At least Tulane’s team mascot references something that’s vital to our region.

      • Actually, “Tigers” does have local significance. During the Civil War, a battalion from Louisiana was dubbed, “The Fighting Tigers” because of their fearless hard fighting reputation. And being that LSU started as a Military School, “Fighting Tigers” was a natural fit as a mascot to honor those very troops.

      • Then the mascot should be military men, not an animal that’s non-native . . . IF this premise about representing is true.

        It’s not.

        It does SELL, however, and if you can get eyes on a product, it helps in the short term. Winning is the only thing that will really make this work, regardless. Winning encourages the behaviors that bring in money for the team: fans watching tv, buying things, discussing the team with other so they do the same, and, in the case of locals, attending games.

      • a battalion from Louisiana was dubbed, “The Fighting Tigers” because of their fearless hard fighting reputation.

        Interesting. What instantly-coming-to-mind reputation does the Pelican have?

      • You are missing the whole point. Even though it is a mammal that is native to an area on the other side of the world, and not with Louisiana, Louisianians identify with it. Why? Because of the history behind it. I don’t know why that particular troop was given the nickname, “Tigers,” and not “Gators,” but obviously, there was some merit to it, and it stuck.

        Fact of the matter is, even when the Hornets were winning, Louisianians didn’t feel a connection with the team. The name and lack of history played a big part in that. Kudos to Mr. Benson for being bold, and making history himself by changing it to a name that Louisianians identify with. If you dispute the notion of the Pelican being identifiable with Louisiania, all you have to do is take a drive down the Twin Spans, or across the Causeway, and you will see that you are wrong. I agree, the next step is for the team to make history on the court. Then it will truly catch on.

      • Fact of the matter is, even when the Hornets were winning, Louisianians didn’t feel a connection with the team.

        Because this hasn’t been a basketball town since the decline of UNO’s team back in the 1980s.

    • Good Damn Points…….My uncle and I always watched the pelicans fly by on saturday morning while fishing. This does represent our city and region. I am a full supporter and I’m happy the teal hornets can go back to NC. This is a beautiful move

      • Why not name them the Pigeons then because I see them flying all over town as well. See more of them then I do pelicans. Makes about as much sense too.

        Fact of the matter is that when the Hornets were winning people were supporting them and coming out to the games and the hive was packed.There are plenty of people in Louisiana who made that connection to the Hornets and its been my experience just from talking to people who actually go to the games that majority of them do not like this name and would rather keep the Hornets.
        Jason is right….the only thing that will make this work,tho not for me, is if they start winning and fast. If they don’t then it is doomed to fail and they will end up like the bobcats with a disenfranchised fan base and be the laughing stock of the league.

      • Actually, it’ll work when people accept it. Winning just speeds that along.

        It’s not like liking it is a choice. It’s mental and emotional and more.

  15. I am not against the name change in any way but I have a question in regards to it, does this mean that we completly wipe any previous association with the hornets name and start fresh as a whole new team?

    I started following this team in the early 90’s with players like Johnson, Mourning and Bogues what if these guys have records like most points in a game etc what happens to those records? Or does that go back to the Bobcats who may or may not change their name back to the hornets?

    I’m sorry but I live in Australia and our sporting teams dont often change names so it is like a new concept for me here.

    I look forward to getting my hands on some Pelicans merchandise in Australia, anyone know the best place to get any merchandise in Australia?

  16. If they are changing the name to the pelicans, then what are they changing the name of the hive to, the nest? How about the honeybees, the seagulls??

  17. Judging his tweeting, Chris Paul doesn’t like the name. We must be doing something right, then. ESPN hates it too, which is always a good sign.

  18. Always liked Pelicans gig , but these logos are to intensely stylized the only one worth anything was that crescent city basketball and nola pelicans logos which are pretty smooth i guess. I hope the jerseys are ultra modern in design or anything, hopefully simply classic uni design

  19. I LOVE IT! The logo really is amazing. It’s funny ’cause I was looking at the Raven’s logo the other day and the thing I really liked and thought made it better was the red in the eyes and lo and behold they did the same here! That Pelican is intimidating! Also, I think a slept on aspect is the crescent logo on the basketball that also seemingly doubles as the Pelican’s belly. I couldn’t have asked for much better. GEAUX PELS!

  20. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Greivis showed up at the press conference rocking a button-down shirt that just so happened to match the new team colors. He clearly sees himself as the Pelican PG of the future. Meanwhile, Jason Smith looks like he just walked out of a strip club in Vegas as the sun was coming up.

  21. I’m not the biggest fan of the rebrand in general, been a Hornets fan for as long as I can remember, but I think I can stick it out with the Pelicans. I like a lot of the players and can’t just abandon them now over something as silly as changing the name.

    However, the thing is I see a fan made creation like this:

    and wonder why ownership couldn’t have tried something like that. You keep the locals happy with the new name, mascot etc, but also appeal to your older fans by keeping the colors. In my opinion, it looks better, the new colors seem kind of Cleveland Cavalierish to me, but its not m team or my money so its not my call.

    Oh well Go Hornets… at least for the rest of this season anyway

    • We’re a laughingstock on First Take.

      Are screaming agitators really that relevant?

      But then, you (and countless other) are watching, so maybe so.

    • You and I tomorrow can start a radio talk show on the Middle East, even though neither of us have been there. We can yell and scream at each other and talk like we know what we’re talking about, even though neither of us has a clue. Bayless and Smith have never played sports above the high school level, never lived in NOLA, never run a multi-billion dollar business that spans sports, real estate and automobiles. I’ll put my money on Benson and his upper echelon over the clowns on ESPN.

      • never lived in NOLA, never run a multi-billion dollar business that spans sports, real estate and automobiles. I’ll put my money on Benson and his upper echelon over the clowns on ESPN.

        That is a reasonable thought. I’d note, though, that businessmen all too often get led astray by moronic “expert consultants” on a distressingly frequent basis.

      • Bayless & Smith are jokers one the law & Order guy (Smith) and other plays the wantabee liberal role (Bayless) it’s like watch a classic Crossfire.ESPN is the Fox News of sports pro big market,pro big business and poor journalism.

  22. It’s so strange that i was for the Pelicans rebrand but i woke up this morning i’ve to say WTF is wrong with Benson.

  23. What I hate the most about this isn’t the name, it’s the colors. Truth be told I became a Hornets fan at a young age because of the bright colors. I hate red and navy blue is a poopy color. Had they chose colors like these
    I’d be completely on board. Aside from the logos being to cartoonish the jerseys are awesome. Too bad we’re stuck with bland ugly colors.

      • So what’s the harm?

        Similar to as palm readers, astrologers and psychic mediums: they distort your reality. You think that you’re getting accurate information from the person pretending to talk to your dead mother and so it’s destroying your real memories of her.

        Similarly: “Yeah, we’re doing something! Woo hoo! Power to the people!” But you’re not actually doing anything.

        Really doing something would be standing by the NOA entrances with a petition for people to actually sign.

      • The petitions don’t distort your reality no more than than psychics do. Psychics exist, but I don’t see them distorting my reality. Buying their information to the exclusion of all else may be an issue.

    • Millions have been spent on this rebrand to better tie our team in to our city. This online petition will do nothing.

    • What would you have me do then Ron John, nothing? Is there another avenue that would be better suited for my agenda? I would respectfully disagree that it means nothing as at the very least it can be used as a measure as to whether or not go forth with this endeavor for myself.If I see that I have support then I will continue to push the issue whereas if I see that the support is not there then I will gracefully bow out and leave the issue alone. But how will I know this if I do not try? I am open to all reasonable suggestions and other ideas. Judging by your posts you are of a similar mind as mine. at least by doing this I am getting something out there even if nothing comes of it.

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