Greivis Vasquez Named Western Conference Player of the Week

From the team:

The NBA announced today that New Orleans Hornets guard Greivis Vasquez was named the Western Conference Player of Week for games played Monday, December 24, through Sunday, December 30. This is the first time in Vasquez’s career that he has won a Player of the Week honor.

Vasquez led the Hornets to a 2-1 record, averaging 21.0 points, 10.0 assists, 6.3 rebounds and 1.7 steals while shooting 53.1 percent from the field. The Hornets guard recorded a career-high 27 points to go along with eight assists and six rebounds in a win over the Orlando Magic on 12/26. In the following contest, Vasquez narrowly missed recording his first career triple-double with 20 points, 14 assists and a career-high nine rebounds. In his final contest of the week, Greivis recorded 16 points, eight assists, four rebounds and four steals while guiding the Hornets to a win over the Charlotte Bobcats on 12/29 despite being down as many as 21 points. Through the end of the week, Vasquez ranked fourth in the NBA in assists per game (8.8)

Big congratulations to Greivis.

He joins the following company: James Harden, Kenneth Faried, Kevin Durant (2), Tim Duncan, Blake Griffin, David Lee, and Chris Paul.

Not a bad list for a Hornets player to join.

In the Eastern conference, Monta Ellis got the nod and joined his teammate Brandon Jennings, LeBron James (3), Al Horford, Carmelo Anthony, Josh Smith, and Paul George.

Let’s go for dos, Greivis!

Viva El General!

33 responses to “Greivis Vasquez Named Western Conference Player of the Week”

  1. After seeing how well he worked with Gordon, could we even get equal value in a trade? Give us another month and I might not want to move him at all!

  2. Congrats to Greivis! I love his attitude. Does anyone know who picks player of the week? If coaches/players/executives do, then maybe some teams will want him and give up a quality small forward for him. I personally want to keep him, so hopefully we can get a quality small forward in the draft or free agency.

    • I do not know, but it seems to come from the NBA, as opposed to, say, the AP. They may enlist writers, of course.

  3. Vasquez has his share of critics due to his lack of foot speed and playing out of position at the point (my opinion) but everyone should realize he shows up every night playing hard and gets the most out of his nature abilities. Congrats to Greivis!

    • Very well put sir. This is true. Hes like the only one on the team that maximizes his potential besides possibly gordon and anderson

  4. He should not be traded. No one should be traded for now. Let’s see what this team can do. I do think Rivers should be in the D-league to work out his issue though.

  5. Happy for him. Wish he can keep fighting. It seems he is not underrated by everyone, certainly not by those who pick the player of the week this time. This made my day.

  6. Congrats to Grevis Vaskets hard work! -Seeing the difference in apreciation from Hornets 247 writers and this Award judges it may apply that “no one is a prophet in their own land.” Everytime oponent teams sports commentators speak of him during NBA pass broadcastings they highligh Vaskets progress and seem highly and genuinely impressed. This award just corroborate how underrated and discredited he is by Hornets 247 writers, and support people who asked them to be more unprejudiced.

    As Mr. Calmes said, not a bad company: Greivis Vasquez, James Harden, Kenneth Faried, Kevin Durant , Tim Duncan, Blake Griffin, David Lee, and Chris Paul, Monta Ellis,Brandon Jennings, LeBron James, Al Horford, Carmelo Anthony, Josh Smith, and Paul George.

    • Oh, I forgot, one Hornets 247 writer, during the podcast 108, said Vasquez deserved MVP in a past week game because he hurt someone with his knee during the game…That kind of comments are so pathetic and low for a professional writer.

      • He kneed Kid-Gilchrist in the eye… and I have to agree hurting an opposing player winning praise for it is really tacky…

    • Dr.

      Why did we post the story? And with all the additional information besides the standard post from the team?

      I think the idea that he, or other players, are systematically targeted by `the site’ is unfounded.

      • I believe that some writers here have a bad approach, or bad attitude or a wrong point of view when talk about some players. In the case of Vasquez, even in a week when the NBA found merit to highlight his performance, some people here decided to spent 75% of their comments talking about his deficiencies… And when mention what he did good, they are really “cheap”. An example, qualifying his offensive of 27 points, eight assists and six rebounds in a 97-94 win over the Magic as just “OK” (McNamara). Something similar had happened wit Lopez; clearly not two of your favorite players
        Nobody here is denying Vasquez flaws, but we would like to see more enthusiasm in your descriptions when a Hornets player, all of them, do something good

      • The writers are usually right about Vasquez and they always point out the good things he does, they just don’t overlook the usually high turnovers/struggle to even run plays or defend competently due to his lack of foot speed. McNamera has also constantly pointed out how fantastic they think Greivis could play both off the ball and if he were just in a better suited role of backup PG. His per is the 28th best PG in the league I believe and advanced stats are more telling. 28th describes him perfectly, prolly the 2nd or 3rd worst starting PG but if he was off the bench he would prolly be the best or 2nd best backup PG with those numbers. I’m not hating, I’ve liked Vasquez since he was at Maryland. The one thing I do think is that Greivis can and will improve because he has a true passion, drive and love of basketball. I can see him becoming one of those crafty players and cutting down the turnovers and keeping the starting job longer than we may think. That being said, we have to deal with the here and now.

      • Hi JayDogon. Thanks for your optimism about GV. But let me give you a link that has more comprehensive data.

        The link give the last 10 games of performance, where Vasquez is listed to be NO.4 in point guards efficiency.

        You can also look at the whole season, where Vasquez is listed as NO.14 in point guards.

        Unlike the espn, the website doesn’t include point guards who played much less minutes, which I think is more reasonable. Players play bench minute and starters minute differently as we know. I also think they calculate with a different method other than the espn used. That been said, maybe it only matters how the coaches and GMs in NBA calculate a player’s efficiency.

        I also believe you can not just look at Vasquez’s assist number per game and say he is top 5 point guard now. However, he is certainly not No.28th……

        In my opinion, as I looked at his status(if this is what we are talking about, someone can say it’s inflated, whatever), I think he is at least average point guard in this league this season overall. Considering where he was at this time last year, he has made huge progress. Also he is showing much above average plays recently. I hope he can just keep up.

      • And the same site shows him at 18th per the eff stat when you look at the numbers per 48 mintues, which removes the effect the the heavy minutes he plays.

        And, this does not factor in defense which is half the game, considering the it’s the difference in points by each team that determines the winner, a fact that is lamentably overlooked by many.

        According to this
        he is 409 of 433 in DRtg (maybe as high as 405 depending on how it’s sorted), and the lowest among players with over 30mpg (maybe tied with Kemba Walker). This can be viewed as him being the worst defender in the NBA among those who are getting starters minutes. This list of 433 includes those getting low minutes, which means he’s not actually a better defender than 20+ NBA players who actually see time. For instance, Matt Carroll is listed below him . . . so we won’t count him . . . and he’s actually ahead of even worse defenders named Lance Thomas, Roger Mason, Brian Roberts, Austin Rivers. Kind of Hornets-heavy down there, eh? He’s a deplorable defender in practice, but he happens to be on a team where he was actually the best option. With a good defender like Gordon anchoring things, I expect all this to be rejiggered, but his actual performance compared to the rest of the NBA and his teammates as measured by recognized playing-time-normalized measurement with a robust amount of playing time justifies him as low-tier starter . . . middle half in offense at his position, among the worst in the NBA on defense on a team with even worse back-court defenders.

        This is about balance. The link you posted was the most favorable light that GV could be cast in. And he deserves to have those accomplishments noted because he performed that well in those categories that matter. He also deserves to the rest of his game fairly evaluated.

        This is that fair evaluation.

      • Hi Jason.

        As you discuss the per 48 minute status, I think I pointed out players do it differently when playing 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or 30 minutes a game. You can certainly will be exhausted if you play 48 minutes the way you play 10 minutes.

        As a result, players like Bledsoe, Barea, Fredette should not be ahead of Vasquez. I guess that your first argument is saying the same fact as I said.

      • I do not think you have read enough about per 48m stats based on this comment.

        How about the DRtg?

        How about comparing him to guys getting 30mpg?

      • I just thought we can not really compare efficiency between players who plays 10 minutes(even 20 minutes) per game with 30 minutes per game, because players will be able to play at a high energy level in short time, but certainly not an entire game.

        For the defense ratings, I am not sure how the website calculate it. It seems they calculate it as point per 100 possession. We all know our defense struggles as a team, since we were beat badly this season. That’s why even some more athletic players on our team I believe many of you have been talking about, like Rivers, Roberts, also have bad rating on defense. It doesn’t seem to because of Vasquez. It indeed shows back court was beat by other teams. That’s what I understand from the data you showed.

      • I think the website you pointed out simply calculated the offensive rating as the points per 100 possessions the team score and defensive rating as points scored by the opponent per 100 possessions. Otherwise, I don’t see Lance Thomas has the same offensive rating as David Lee, Blake Griffen, Carmelo Anthony. They all score 114.

      • That’s what it is.

        I have post coming up that compares Vasquez to players getting large numbers of minutes, etc., in part based on your concerns here.

        Let’s see what you guys think about it. It’s pretty even. If you guys have an analysis you want added to it, I’ll consider it.

        Keep an eye out.

      • I also find other information from the

        The point guard position ranking for the Hornets is 13th.

        FYI, according to it, the center position ranks 16th, power foward position ranks 6th, shooting foward ranks 30th, shooting guard ranks 30th.

        It is all based on stats, which won’t tell the entire story of couse. But it somehow shows clearly where our problems are. SG and SF are which people have been talking about.

        With Gordon back, I don’t expect a problem from SG from now.

      • Here is a list of players’ efficiency rank by It ranks all the players by efficiency. I hope you won’t say this one is favoring Vasquez again.
        I took out all the point guards ranking before Vasquez.

        9 Chris Paul , LAC
        11 Russell Westbrook , OKC
        14 Rajon Rondo , BOS
        23 Tony Parker , SAS
        25 Stephen Curry , GSW
        27 Jrue Holiday , PHI
        28 Kyrie Irving , CLE
        30 Kyle Lowry , TOR
        49 Kemba Walker , CHA
        54 Damian Lillard , POR
        57 George Hill , IND
        58 Monta Ellis , MIL
        58 Brandon Jennings , MIL
        60 Deron Williams , BKN
        62 Greivis Vasquez , NOH

        For other Hornets ranking, here it is:

        19 Eric Gordon , NOH (after playing one amazing game)
        34 Anthony Davis , NOH
        50 Ryan Anderson , NOH
        72 Robin Lopez , NOH
        140 Al-Farouq Aminu , NOH
        210 Jason Smith , NOH
        268 Brian Roberts , NOH
        271 Austin Rivers , NOH
        279 Roger Mason Jr. , NOH
        297 Dominic McGuire , NOH-TOR
        318 Lance Thomas , NOH
        342 Xavier Henry , NOH
        343 Darius Miller , NOH

      • evaluates all players based on the efficiency formula: ((Points + Rebounds + Assists + Steals + Blocks) – ((Field Goals Att. – Field Goals Made) + (Free Throws Att. – Free Throws Made) + Turnovers)).

        I’m not sure anyone said any list is favoring anyone. Rather, the stat favors players who play more minutes, even among those who play a good deal of minutes.

  7. If there was ever a time to pull a Vasquez/Lopez for Bledsoe trade, it’s now. With Lopez putting up 29 points on 10 shots and Vasquez being the POW, we might not even have to give up an unprotected 1st.

    • Never happen. Never.

      But Greivus is playing well above any reasonable expectation I had of him coming out of college. My problem with him is that he continually tried to take over games, especially close ones, when he wasn’t the best player on the floor.

      Now that he will be indisputably the fourth man on the floor in crunch time, let’s see if he has ditched that habit.

    • I am not sure if Monty or Dell, or even Clippers, will gamble like that. For now, Vasquez is known as what he can do with this team. I am not sure if Clippers wants to change the chemistry of the bench as well, since they are winning.

    • With Billups injured and Bledsoe on his rookie deal making $1.7M why should the Clippers move him… He is a backup PG… Bad suggestion…

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