Chicago Doctor says Eric Gordon can return in 4 to 6 Weeks

According to Yahoo! Sports’ Marc Spears, Eric Gordon has informed them that a doctor in Chicago believes that he can return to action within four to six weeks.

Not long after ESPN’s Chris Broussard and Marc Stein suggested the possibility of microfracture surgery or other type of knee procedure, Yahoo! Sports’ Marc Spears came out with info straight from Gordon himself in regards to his current injury. Per Spears, Gordon thinks that his right knee will no additional surgery and he will rely on rehabbing and strengthening prior to returning to the court.

On the surface, this news sounds better than hearing that Gordon has to go back under the knife, but it’s hard not to wonder if that knee will ever get better on its own. It will be interesting to see how the Hornets and their own medical staff respond.

18 responses to “Chicago Doctor says Eric Gordon can return in 4 to 6 Weeks”

  1. Very disappointed to hear this smh. I really hope when he comes back he’s fully committed to the team and actually healthy for once. This guy is almost as worse than Oden lol

  2. I’m glad they got a second opinion to validate what our docs already knew: the knee is structurally sound. Although, it does make me wonder what the hell he’s been doing for the past 5 months? Was he not doing a lot of leg and knee strengthening exercises? He should have been on a mandatory strengthening schedule from the moment last season finished.
    All I can say is he’d better be ready to put up in 4 weeks. No more excuses.

  3. Eric Gordon’s knee is more of a buzz kill than Buzz Killington. All of last year and the offseason he was supposed to be strengthening and rehabbing his knee. I’m sure Monty is getting really tired of it regardless of who’s at fault. I wonder who this mysterious “doctor in Chicago” is.

  4. We all know how this one ends up. 6 weeks from now EG is still feeling pain and then they do the microfracture surgery. Then we all wait another year. Let’s just admit that we are stuck with this bad contract.

    I like Dell but EG played him with this max contract.

    • EG played Dell? Your argument makes no sense.

      We DIDN’T want to give him a max deal which we didn’t offer to him, we told him to go out and find out what he was worth in the open market. He did and got the offer from the Suns. He is a player but also an ASSET. You don’t just let a talent like EG walk for nothing, cap space is great but we have NO ABILITY to get big name free agents right now and there really wasn’t anyone to get excited about even available. So instead of overpaying some mediocre players, we took a gamble because the upside was better than getting NOTHING. Even with the contract, he’s still going to be an ASSET even if his value is far less than what we are paying him. Give it some time and see if indeed the 4-6 week recovery brings him back. He might wind up playing enough decent games to be something we can get some draft picks before the deadline. Or maybe he’ll be the player we all want him to be.

      • Your completely wrong. EG is NOT an asset. He’s a $58 million liability. Cap space is always valuable. Being locked into a bad contract is always a problem. If he doesn’t play, he has no value to us except trading him for another bad contract. Del had the opportunity to work a trade with the Suns or just let EG leave. But if he did that then the CP3 trade would have looked like a bust. Instead he matched the max contract. That’s how Del got played. EG gets his max money and the Hornets have this distraction on a young team.

  5. I’d say we let him play til the trade deadline then trade him to the lowest ranking team who is desperate enough to trade their 1st round pick and a diamond in the rough probably SG, SF, or C. Or we can can leave him on the team and pray for the best! The option belongs to the Hornets not us!

  6. What is action? Is that practice or rehab or actually playing in a game. Why is everything so vague and misinformed when it comes to Eric Gordon?

  7. These doctors say, “4 to 6 weeks”, but the Ochsner docs say, “There are no problems with the knee.”

    Who’s right?

  8. […] In a battle of old New Orleans and new New Orleans . . . or new new New Orleans, as the case may be . . . the New Orleans Hornets came out on top after delivering a constant diet of Never Gonna Stop to the Jazz. Both teams suffered from losing players to injury for at least a portion of the game, but the Hornets got their licks right where it counted: Anthony Davis and Eric Gordon. […]

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