Jarrett Jack Traded to Warriors in 3-Team Deal

In Dealer Dell’s most recent transaction, starting point guard and team leader Jarrett Jack has been traded to the Golden State Warriors, receiving the rights to Bosnian forward Edin Bavcic from the Philadelphia 76ers in return.

To complete the three-team trade, SF Dorell Wright goes from the Warriors to the Philadelphia 76ers along with Hornets’ C Darryl Watkins.

On its surface, this trade appears to have been made for two reasons. The primary purpose is to clear cap room, likely to give the Hornets room to sign a competent center who can adequately defend the low post and take some pressure off of Anthony Davis as he becomes familiar with the NBA game. The Hornets do not want a 19 year old Davis banging bodies with the likes of Dwight Howard and Andrew Bynum, so finding someone who can is bound to be a priority.

A secondary reason for the deal could be to open up more minutes at point guard, presumably for the latter of the Hornets’ two first-round draft picks, Austin Rivers. WWL-TV Sports reported earlier today that Rivers was working primarily at the PG position during the team’s mini-camp, which suddenly makes even more sense.

It is at least a little odd that the Hornets only managed to land the rights to a 28 year old foreign player (who may never even come to the NBA) in return for a 28 year old point guard coming off of his best NBA season and in the final year of his contract. There are a few teams out there who have major holes at PG, and while the Hornets likely were not looking to add more salary, I would have expected Jack to be worth at least a future draft pick to someone.

Jarrett Jack has shown nothing but class from the moment he came to the Hornets from Toronto, and finished off his tenure here in New Orleans in the same manner. Hornets fans will really miss you, Jarrett, and all wish you the best of luck for the rest of your NBA career.

99 responses to “Jarrett Jack Traded to Warriors in 3-Team Deal”

  1. I appreciate everything Jarret Jack has done for this organization. He may have pissed us off for taking bad shots last year, but he has been a class act in New Orleans. Unfortunately, we’re in the middle of a youth movement, and he would be taking minutes away from developing players. Best of luck to him.

    • +1 to everything Stefan said. I hope the MW & DD gave him a friendly farewell.

      JJ seemed to have finally learned at the end of the season to pass when there are big bodies in front of your drive to the basket.

  2. Good luck JJ! This is all about Rivers. Just watched his interview and he said he is playing no shooting guard. All point. Monty seems EXTREMELY confident in his ability to do this. He said he was playing more of an attacking point guard. Just reading the situation and making a play. Whether that is scoring or passing. Can’t wait for next season!

  3. Gunna miss JJack’s heart, intensity, and leadership. He is one of my favorite players and I wish him the best of luck in Golden State.

    When will Bavcic come to the NBA?

    • What is this unconditional love for Jarret Jack? Dude had character issues!!! People forget that he had like 2 DUIs since he been here in Nola. I mean he was an ok player but I doubt the hornets will miss him very much….

  4. ESPN’s Marc Stein said that this move was made to clear space to match for EJ. Should I believe it?

      • What I don’t get is Jack is comes off of the Hornets’ books a year from now. What is the advantage to dumping him for nothing now?

        I don’t believe we need the cap space to sign Gordon, but Jack’s cap space may allow us to sign Gordon without renouncing some UFA(s). That’s nice, but if we don’t sign one of our UFAs, or get a Center we couldn’t have signed without trading Jack now, I am not sure the trade makes sense. We could just trade him later and get a pick or useful player for him. Jack is a quality PG with an expiring contract.

        Dell needs to come up with something tangible now, beyond matching Gordon Phoenix offer, to make this trade work for me.

      • We renounced everyone.

        This allows us to sign a player that will give us skill we are missing, or perhaps sign trash + pick.

        Let’s see how it pans out.

        Also, this gives us $10m in cap space. We can land a big’n for that. Biiiig ol’ expiring and nice big pick. Maybe.

  5. I don’t like this….not at all. Just because, if we were going to trade Jack, he deserves to be traded to a contender.

    • yeah didn’t really think of that. Would have loved it if we traded him to a contender just to reward his loyalty and class. Alas. 🙁

    • Sure. Except…

      Unless none of the contenders actually want JJ, can afford him or are willing to trade one of their assets for him at what we think is a reasonable cost.

      • Jack isn’t that old, and he only has one year left on his current contract. He’ll be fine. Besides, if Golden State is healthy, they have a nice starting core of Bogut, Lee, Thompson, Curry, and Barnes. Add Jack to the mix, and that can be a team in the playoffs this year.

      • And an equally as old pf who will never play is an asset for Jack’s expiring contract….ok

  6. Thank you for everything, Cap’n Jack. I hope GS treats you with the respect you deserve. You will be missed.

  7. This concerns me because Greivis had some severe ball control problems last year.

    Hope he’s been working on it!!

    • A few things to remember…
      last year was only his second year in the league and his first year in our system enrich we had no training camp and very little practice time due to a shortened schedule…
      GV has scoring roots from his days at Maryland and was easily the best facilitator on our team last year…
      Lots of reasons to be high on this guy!

  8. I am guessing this means that the Hornets will match the Sun’s offer for Gordon rather than doing a sign and trade.

  9. Don’t care whom I irritate by posting this. I’d take 15 Jarrett Jacks on my pick up team before I took 1 Eric Gordon. To me this sucks, JJ was my favorite player last year and I’m defintiely keeping him on my Twitter following list. Good luck JJ Hornets nation will miss you, dude.

  10. Thank you JJ. You will love living and working in the Bay Area. You will be missed. You stepped up major in a very difficult user, it would have been nice if you could have remained with us but it was not meant to be. Best wishes.

  11. I understand the youth movement, but our oldest player now is Jason Smith. I also guess that Gordon is supposed to be our best player now. Where is the leadership going to come from? You can’t honestly say Gordon right now. I appreciated Jack more than ever after last season. Even when he was injured he was the biggest cheerleader on the bench. The “new leader” was tweeting about watching college hoops while the Hornets were playing. Good luck Jarrett.

    • Ryan Anderson said in his introduction to the Hornets, he would be a veteran persence on this team. He has played with winning players, winning teams, and winning basketball. Like Dell said, “He improves every year.” Gordon was also supposed to fill the role of a “young veteran”.

      • Touche’ I like what I’ve heard from Anderson so far. Seems to be a high character guy, and the rookies seem to have good heads on their shoulders. I just don’t see Gordon taking the leadership reigns, bu I’d love to be proved wrong.

    • Player leadership is overrated. As long as your young guys aren’t knuckleheads (Cousins, Thorton, Evans, etc.) & you don’t have a weak coach (Del Negro, Saunders, etc.) then you can pull it off. Anderson, Smith, Davis, Aminu, Vasquez, Rivers, Henry may all be young, but they are also very professional and have great basketball IQ & work ethic. We have one semi-knucklehead on the team, Gordon, who I think will fall in line once he gets in here. I don’t think he will have much of a choice. These other guys will rally around Monty, realize that they are given a fair chance to play and take advantage of this opportunity. He’s either going to buy in or be by himself.

      • 2 things aminu and henry do not have basketball skills or IQ. did you watch these guys last year. a laughable turnover waiting to happen.

        put a tent around that circus

  12. A true professional has left our team. I wish the best of luck for him! He was a leader at Georgia Tech, He was a leader in our locker room and the Warriors have added a true leader to their young roster! Good luck JJ! Looking forward to welcome you back in the Hive!

    This is getting very interesting. Dell Demps have cleared all the big salaries off the books. (Okafor, Ariza, Jack) Fasten your seatbelts, interesting moves are awaiting us in the horizon.

    We have only added Anderson so far. Looking forward to others!

    So EJ, Do we still have too many point guards on the team? Are you surprised that Rivers is playing at PG but not SG(!!) at the mini camp? (I understand the business side of everything but those comments are inexplicable!)

    • I will miss seeing “Jack in the box” after the points of JJ. 🙂

      Even when injured, he was at the bench with the protective boot, jumping around, cheering for his teammates, encouring the young players around him.

      That is how to be a leader. It does not happen thru twitter!! You know what I’m saying…

      Although I kept criticizing Jack for being a shoot-first PG and wanted him to look more for teammates on the court, I feel more amd more sad as this settles in me. Now I really understand how good of a player he is!


  13. Why would we not try to get a future first-round pick?

    J. Jack was my favorite Hornet, and I will miss him greatly. He deserves a championship. Hopefully, we use the cap space wisely.

  14. I just don’t see a center on the market right now worth going after…
    Maybe a trade?
    Maybe someone who impresses in summer league somewhere?
    Maybe a risk like Greg Oden?
    I can’t wait to see what other moves Dell makes!

  15. I loved everything that Jarrett Jack brought to the table during his tenure as a Hornet. This includes his awesome mugshot. Gentleman Jack forever.

    • Some one should send that to chris paul, hell never have what he had here, sorry…

      Ill miss jack more than i missed paul, he was a great teammate and shouldered a huge load very well last year

  16. I want Jack back! Really?! You have up one of our best players and one of the few veteran leaders on this team for nothing!? I can’t believe it. This ruined my day.

  17. Game 4 against lakers. Cp3 rises up for a shot, desperately passes it to jj who sinks the shot that seals the deal. Thanks for that jj and good luck in the rest of your career

      • Did we renounce the rights? I just read about that last night. So it could change but they may want him as a 3. Guy who can come off the bench and stretch the floor.

      • We had to renounce some rights to free agents to get the anderson trade done. I haven’t heard of which ones definitively… So it’s possible we still hold his rights…

    • Agree 100%. Split the 96 guard minutes between Vasquez, Rivers, Gordon, and Henry, but have Willie Green there as your team leader. Why pay Jack 5 mil to do it when you can have Willie do it for 20% the cost?


      • You know I completely agree with you here!!!! I tweeted you this hours ago, he is the epitome of a veteran leader. Cheap, humble, plays hard, and still has some game left although I’m not a fan at all. 2yr/2 million deal. If you all remember it was Willie Green leading the huddle and speeches 2 years ago not CP3 or DWest. Monty loves him and he is the perfect combo guard to show young guys how to be a professional and won’t let Gordon poison the locker room. He is by far the best fit for leadership role.

      • Jason,

        We renounced our rights to all of our UFAs??!! I don’t have a problem with signing Anderson or matching for Gordon. But I thought to whole point of trading Jack was to avoid renouncing an UFA or two. If that isn’t the case, we better bring in a player, hopefully a Center, this off season.

      • Kaman, Landry, Marco . . . and Banks and Mbenga (technicality . . . they last played for us, etc.). I think we could have maybe not renounced Marco, but they must be planning on using the space on not-them.

  18. It’s a youth moment on this team it’s not to please Gordon.I would like to see C.J Watson a young cheap PG in the rotation and Mahimi or Stiemsma at C

  19. We didn’t receive salary in return…
    So not only do we get the 5 mil in cap space, but we should get a 5mil trade exception too!!

  20. Jack did have career numbers last year, but I think it was CP3 that said it best “It’s sometimes easy to do well on a team that’s not that good or not that great.”

  21. U know what, hours before this was even post I said that we should trade D.Wright in the last post. I think we got jempt out of this deal for now, but we need a point guard. I still think their up to something. This wouldn’t make any sense unless dell has found a way to give us a center and point guard in a signing or trade situation

  22. Jack is coming off knee surgery and he did looked gimpy late in the season.Besides while the homers whine over Jack being traded.The 5.4 million the Hornets getting makes a hell of difference than having someone trying to do his CP3 impression on the court.

  23. I know it’s a business but I will definitely miss having Jarrett Jack and hope he has some good success for the Warriors. I’d expect the see Willie Green come in as a guy who will pry hardly play but still show a lot of leadership and step up when he is called upon.

    I presume the money we save is just the cost of Jack’s contract for the year? Since the asset we acquired is playing in another country. I feel like there has to be a plan, because couldn’t we have matched Gordon without this extra cap space?

    I really hope this isn’t a situation where we are catering to Gordon and his remarks by assuring him the plan is to play Rivers at the point. I presume our management is smarter than that, but players tend to have more control on the front office than they should.

    Maybe this money is used for a big? But who? I know we’ve thrown out McGee’s name but I have heard nothing about the Hornets looking at him.

    My initial reaction is that I am not a fan of the trade. I won’t judge fully just yet though. JJ, thank you for your time in New Orleans.

  24. I think this opens up a sign and trade with phoenix and another move. Possibly bringing in a veteran shooting guard via trade. Hate to see Jack go but this could make sense if we get marshall, dudley and gortat or frye from phoenix. Waiting for an official announcement. Damn I hate to see Jack go

  25. Jack cost the 2011 draft pick which is now another trade by Demps that leaves the Hornets with less with nothing to show for it within a year or two.

    • Another? Please name the other(s) trade. Then we can compare them with the ones where Dell cleaned up.

  26. I’m also sad to see Jack go for a few reasons:

    1.) I don’t buy Austin Rivers as a PG – I know that isn’t my call, but still think he fits MUCH better as a SG. He would be one of the slower PG’s in the league and also one that looks for his own shot before the pass. If you were really set on playing Rivers at PG, it would have been nice to have him backup Jack to help his transition into the NBA instead of handing him the reigns from day one.

    2.) This likely means the return of EG unfortunately. My hope is that EG is dead set on not returning and doesn’t sign the Suns offer sheet and says something further that damages his relationship with the Hornets permanently. If he signs the qualifying offer and demands a trade than Demps will finally get it that he has to trade Gordon if he wants to get anything of value in return.

    3.) Jack was great to the fans and the city of New Orleans. While not the greatest player, you never questioned his leadership or work ethic.

  27. I’m not a big fan of Jarrett Jack’s game, so from a wins and losses perspective I’m actually glad he’s gone. That being said, he’s always been a professional and has had a great attitude the whole time he’s been here. I’m sure his presence in the locker room and in practice will be missed. Eric Gordon and other young players on the Hornets could learn a thing or two about the way he handles himself off the court.

  28. I am honestly so sad J JACK is gone… ill never forget that lakers series NEVER he plays with so much heart. I already miss him. I miss Ariza too those were my boys but I understand that we gotta do what we gotta do and free up space. Best of luck J jack and dell plz make some moves to make up for the sadness i am feeling right now. (cough cough**) JAVALE MCGEE

  29. I think we need a more established PG than Rivers, and Gordon obviously doesn’t want to be in NO-so why dont we find a way to get Dragic and sign and trade with PHX for Lopez and a pick? There has to be a way that could get done.

  30. I agree! Love Jarrett Jack. He had giant shoes to fill when Chris Paul left, and he did a pretty good job. Obviously he wasn’t anything close to a Chris Paul, but he was definitely a leader on a pretty lousy offensive squad. Jack can still play though. He’s a formidable backup, but obviously he’s not a starting PG. He could have started this year for us, and I certainly thought he would. But let’s face it…He would have been a temporary option. We could have gotten something for him though, and we didn’t. Let’s hope this F from Bosnia is pretty good (I’ve never heard of the dude).

  31. I myself couldn’t stand watching Jack play night after night, but he was a true professional and handled himself with class. Truth be told he had a career year on a very bad team last season. I don’t think he will be missed at all. He was a shoot 1st PG who didn’t shoot that well. But he did love playing for the Hornets and give his all while on the court. For that I will be forever thankful and wish him all the best.

  32. So this allows Rivers to play PG?
    I hope this means Dell has something in place with a EG trade.
    We still have holes at the Guard position and could do with a SF and C.
    Would something like from the Suns: Lopez, Marshall and 2013 1st rounder do?
    We might then look to sign Mayo to the cap space JJ left us?
    This would leave us with roughly enough $$ left to sign someone like Kwame Brown to bang down low when needed. (I know he isnt that good but he is a very capable low post defender and rebounder)

  33. Really sad to see this… So many things im thinking i dont know where to start.

    First, Thanks Jarret for your love to the team. Watching all this jerks demanding trades to play with friends or go to big cities (usually both), i would prefer a mediocre player that wants to be here than a disgrunted superstar.
    I wont judge the trade till free agency set ups, but i hate to see a leader go and have lots of inexperience kids. You have to keep players as Jack to show the work ethic and loyalty to the team and fans paying your salary. The only positive thing i can think about is that it really made me smile all the nice comments towards JJ, when usually almost everyone killed him in the comments after every game. I hope we have a good year with Gordon so that we can trade him to the worst team in a year (one year till we could trade EJ if matched, right?). I was ready to pay league pass after we got #1 (a promise i did) but going the tanking way instead of the progressive improvement sucks (I know,we will be better this year, but i expected more). Everyone says you need to follow OKC route and and draft several key players, but that is not our case. We were (before EJ meltdown) more of a SA with Robinson injury getting Duncan. Also this was a so talent loaded draft class that a 10th here could be a 4th next year. So, Davis, Austin, Gordon and the young players sounded good to me. I thought the clearing cap space was over with Mek and Ariza (I’ll miss them too, mostly Ariza the other young veteran we ditched). Hope this is for a bigger picture im not seeing now, but im not happy at all now….

    Thanks for giving me a place to drown my pains….

    • Also Kaman is a better class act than EJ:

      “I want to say thanks to the Hornet fans for all the support, even though our marriage was a short one!!!” Kaman tweeted. “I do love Texas guns laws tho! Pretty excited…”

    • Jack goes away, and we get cap space. If we do nothing with the space, then you are right. If we do something with the space, then it depends on what we do with it, right?

      • Correct, but couldn’t we have at least received a future first-round pick from a team?

      • Clearly not?

        Or maybe we’ll get one in a salary dump?

        Judge the deal by the next move it allows AND the loss of Jack, not one or the other. Right?

  34. Jack was a true pro. He will be missed,but that is the nature of the NBA. Great news is that if Gordon doesn’t come around we can move him after next Jan 15th.

  35. The key to the Jack move was to dump his 5 million salary. We have six players under contract to the tune of 10,486,630 dollars. That doesn’t include our three draft picks. We can get a quality center and a veteran point guard to tutor Rivers. I positive a serviceable veteran center is available. Hayward was recently release by the Mavs.

  36. Haywood would come relatively cheap. The Mavs have declare him as their amnesty player, hence they owe him his salary and we can sign him for cheaper price this year and give him more money next year,well not alot more,but reasonable.

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