Eric Gordon Officially Signs the Suns’ Maximum Salary Offer Sheet

Eric Gordon will be paid a maximum salary, but by whom? It’s the Hornets’ choice.

ESPN’s Marc Stein has just reported that Eric Gordon has officially signed the Suns’ maximum salary offer sheet. Reports that the Suns and Gordon agreed to the terms emerged late on July 3rd.

Now, there are only two options: The Hornets can let the Suns sign Gordon and live with the reduced salary figure of ($38,849,996) as their return on the asset, or they can match the four year, $58m offer ($13,668,750 first year, $615,093 increases), yielding a cap figure of $52,045,143.

For the moment, the Hornets count only Gordon’s $9,577,960 cap hold in their salary, however, leaving $10,089,648 in cap space.

The Hornets have until the afternoon of July 14th to make the decision on whether or not to match the offer and keep him on the Hornets. If they do not act in this time, then Eric Gordon will become a member of the Suns. According to Stein, “they definitely will but early indications I get is they’ll make PHX wait full 3 days.” Doing so would be beneficial to the Hornets, as it allows the Hornets to make some moves to flesh out the roster with players commanding well-above minimum salary.

Stay tuned.

((Nota Bena: These salary figures are updated as of the Jarrett Jack trade. Any later move is not reflected.))

99 responses to “Eric Gordon Officially Signs the Suns’ Maximum Salary Offer Sheet”

  1. And so it begins . . .

    There will be no PHX S&T now . . .

    Also, good luck to Chewbacca in Dallas! Thanks for your hard work last season.

  2. Scratch the last comment. I guess we have to match now. Cant just let him go unless we gonna bank on a star wanting to play with davis and rivers next year. Damn. Was hoping we coulda done a sign and trade.

  3. Interesting thing just popped up on the web, Hornets were committed to signing Brook Lopez to max offer sheet… But nets stepped up with own offer…

  4. Yeah, I’m eating my words from yesterday. I was fairly certain that a S&T would be worked out between my Suns and your Hornets … especially with the trade today you guys made to clear cap space and in need of a good center … and us in possession of a young center (R Lopez) we could put into a deal.

    If all we’ve heard is to believed, that extra cap space will be used to accomodate EG’s new contract there in NOLA and your new young forward from Orlando. You guys have an exciting young team with those guys and your two new rookies.

    All the best next season!

    • Lopez? We want Gortat. You keep Lopez. He’s a good young center right? Actually, thanks for the positive post and all. But Gordon for Lopez is not really a win-win. Why not Gortat? If the Suns want Gordon so bad, why can’t we want Gortat and Marshall? Tell Eric Gordon the Hornets will sign and trade him today for Gortat and Marshall.

    • Joe, I’ll tell him that next time I see him. 🙂

      Nice dialoguing with you all, as well. It would have been fun to win the chess match over EG, but as a player I’m not sold.

  5. Matching Eric Gordon’s contract will use up all the cap space… But only for this year! Next year we will have plenty of space to add to the young core we are already putting together. Either way, the future of the hornets is exciting!

    • Not sure if that triggers the Jan 15th lock or not. I am sure we can trade him anywhere but PHX, but he can nix any deal in year one.

  6. Ugh, the thought of the words New Orleans displayed across Eric Gordon’s chest makes me ill right now …..

    …. but I love the Hornets so I’ll pay for some therapy and get over it. I think I’ll choose to look at it solely as validation of Monty and Dell should everything work out, which at the end of day I hope does happen.

  7. Kevin Martin and Donatas Motiejunas and maybe an unprotected first round pick from Houston for Gordon?

      • Wouldn’t surprise me but that was the only thing Houston that I could think of other than 2 of their 3 draft picks.

    • When u look at the numbers and stats, that’s actually not a bad deal. I mean Kevin Martin is a 20pt per game scorer and he has proven to be quite sturdy… Something that Gordon has yet to prove.

  8. No sign and trade for Gordon. It’s my understanding that the Hornets can now only trade Gordon to the other 28 teams (ex-PHX) in the NBA if he agrees to be traded to that particular team in the 1st year of the new 4-yr contract. But after the 1st year, the Hornets can trade him to whomever they want whether Gordon likes it or not. True?

    If so, this is what I hope happens. He has an injury-free season where his trade value is highest and we then trade him to the NBA equivalent of Outer Mongolia for a high lottery pick. Or am I being short-sighted?

  9. It will be interesting to see how Gordon reacts since I presume he’s coming back. I would like to think he just lost his head for a few weeks. I expect him to play his heart out and I think a few years from now (if he doesn’t start complaining, leading to a trade) when this team hits their potential he will be extremely happy the Hornets matched.

    I expect things to have that awkward feeling at first but it will iron out. It appears Rivers will be working hard to be the point guard. If he pans out sooner rather than later. This team can be dangerous. The dominoes are falling in place. This team won’t be a title contender this coming year but they can be in a few years. The fact that is even a possibility is a magical feeling.

    SO ready to have basketball back!

  10. Was hoping to avoid this. If PHX was truly the only team that believed Gordon is worth the max we are probably stuck with EJ. Barring he shows an ability to lead a team to the playoffs whike remaining healthy.

    Any injury, insubordination, or dip in production and he’ll be even more difficult to move and expect any decent value. Hopefully we can move him sometime this offseason or during the season.

    • I was hoping it wouldn’t take a max offer to bring him back as well. If he is healthy, sure he could be a max guy. However, that’s such a huge ‘if’ that you can’t help but feel concern. I’m keeping on the phone with the other 28 teams because if Gordon is bringing a negative energy and starts pouting, you need to see what’s out there. I think he will play hard and well if he’s healthy. I’m just scared as to whether or not he can actually stay healthy for a full season.

    • The Hornets will be using these 3 days to shop for a center. Once we sign Gordon’s deal, we use up our remaining cap space – about $9 million. If we use this $9 million on free agents before signing Gordon, we can go over the salary cap to retain Gordon since we’ll be re-signing our own free agent.

  11. Here is the problem I see from all of this. Demps supposedly offered Gordon a $50M deal, which was a lowball, and by letting EG contemplate and discuss offers with other teams, made it known that Demps didn’t want to overpay Gordon. I guess he felt that the market will set the price and that he would be willing to let it go to that. But he also unequivocally stated that he would match. I am ok with all of that.

    Yet at the time Gordon had the serious offer from PHX, it would have made more sense for Demps to contact Gordon and tell him that he wanted him and that rather than signing the offer sheet, simply work out a deal with NO. That would tell Gordon not only that he was wanted in NO, but that the plan was for Gordon to get more money for himself by setting the market and then signing with NO.

    But by letting this get to the point past where PHX courted him without communicating to Gordon at all, it seems that Demps was less concerned about Gordon the player, and more concerned about the negotiating stance/tactics with Phoenix.

    I am not sure what the upside to that strategy was?

    By pre-empting PHX with an equitable contract offer, Demps would have accomplished the same end result – getting Gordon in NO on a 4 YR $58M deal.

    However, by letting this play out the way it has, Demps is showing that he is not necessarily looking out for his players interest. While it is his job to look out for the teams interest, certainly the best interest of the team is to have players who are signed under contract happy to be there and not to play games with them. Gordon now will be pissed, and while he may play his heart out, he won’t soon forget. Neither will Anthony Davis or Austin Rivers when they hit restricted status. And, any FA’s that are considering NO, will certainly remember this.

    Demps may have gotten what he wanted in Gordon, but I think all of the unintended consequences that will follow weren’t in his mind and I believe that may come back to haunt him.

    • Hey Noitallman,

      Very interesting thoughts.

      I look at it this way. Demps is the business man, he is the general manager. Monty Williams is the coach, Monty is the one who knocks Dell’s door and ask him if he could bring Player A or B. Monty Williams have clearly expressed many times and even after the unthoughtful comments of Gordon that he wants him here and Gordon has a lot going on in his life at the age of 23, etc.

      Seems like we keep Gordon. If CP3 could stay healthy for LAC, why can’t Gordon do it for us?

      I am more interested in seeing Gordon’s comments in the press-conference if we match and keep him.

      As I said earlier, if Phoenix was really “really!!” interested in Gordon, they would have worked out a S&T. Because once we match that offer sheet. They cannot get him anymore. They knew it. They gambled, they are about to loose bigtime!

    • I disagree. When gordon comes back he will be making over 13million dollars per year. not 100% on the numbers, but thats got to be close to more than he’s made his entire time in the nba. He will get over it! Its just like you got an offer to do your job in the state you love most and for 10x your normally salary. you would be excited. then your job in current state matched and told you we will give you the pay increase but you cant move to that state. you would be a little butt hurt ( workaholics comedy central, great show), but you would be crying all the way to the bank. we forget sometimes that athletes are people too. Demps didnt do anything but make it possible for gordon take make millions and millions of bucks. he will come back. he will play hard and with a few wins all will be forgiven/forgotten. hell, it worked for Kobe.

    • I would add to this and say PHX contract will be very friendly towards Gordon. So not only will EJ have a no trade clause for 1 year he’ll be able to opt out after year three. Which means we’ll basically have a year window to move him on our terms.

      Sometimes it just better to set things free. As a non glam team it’s hard enough to get marque FA. Last thing we need is a GM that players rather not play for. Between Kaman and Gordon Demps may start building that reputation.

      • If that is the contract that New Orleans will be matching, then I agree it works well for New Orleans. It would allow them the opportunity to see if Gordon lives up to expectations or is just scores points (the rest of basketball playing be damned). Provided health, I think Demps could find a team willing and able to make that trade.

        As far as Demps and the organization building a reputation, Kaman was cordial when he left and obviously the team is in a “youth movement”. Dallas only signed him for a year. I think this Gordon thing will blow over one way or another and Benson/Williams/Demps have not been around enough or made nearly enough or nearly big enough missteps to turn players away from the organization. Davis, Rivers and Anderson had great things to say on joining the team.

      • When did Kaman ever say anything about not wanting to play here?

        I think the players will remember Gordon acting like an egomaniac, not Demps being an unsympathetic GM.

        Go and look at how every other player in the same situation has handled it this free agency. Batum, Hibbert Asik, Lin. All overpaid by other teams in an attempt to stop their team from matching, none of whom came out and said they felt more wanted elsewhere.

        Apparently they understand basic economics a bit better than youn Eric.

  12. I’m sorry I don’t agree with the theory that Demps dropped the ball with Gordon. Let Monty find out if he wants to be here and a part of this. If not sign after 3 days and get whatever, whenever. Demps is a GM. not a public relations manager. Just sit back and wait. these guys WILL get if right

  13. While I’m disappointed in the lack of a s&t, I’m happy the Suns did not take the added risk in giving up key young players as well a whole bunch of cash into a future with Gordon.

    However, I don’t think this is over just yet…

    My feeling on this is that the Hornets will make the Suns wait the full 72hrs, not because they want the Suns to “sweat it out” with a $13+ million cap hold, but because they are going to shop around for the remaining pieces they need (including a replacement for Gordon) to have a successful 2012-13 season. If the Hornets like the players they can agree to terms with, they will rescind the right to match the Suns offer to clear the cap space they need to complete the signings.

    My guess is the Suns FO feels the same way.
    Why else would they have given the offer sheet to Gordon?

    • Looks to me like a S&T wasn’t on the cards and now NO is assessing their options. My view is Gordon just wants to the security of being paid big money. I have said before a lot of how these NBA players assess the level of “respect” they get is based on their salary.

      This is why the Clippers are going to have fun next year, CP3 will at a MINIMUM require the same deal that Williams got from Brooklyn. I don’t see him signing for anything less given what Griffin was just signed to as well.

      People need to realize that while the Heat big 3 all took pay cuts to make it happen. The Boston guys all signed reasonable deals in the day as well to keep their team together. The signing 2-3 guys to a MAX and then trying to form a big 3 model is flawed and leaves you with too many holes to patch. Look at the Knicks… They still won’t get past Boston or the Heat. Nets? lawl…. unless they plan on playing 3 man ball good luck. What people fail to appreciate is that LBJ, Wade and Bosh all gave up millions each to play together and compete for rings, and that deserves respect no matter how “the decision” panned out.

      • CP can’t sign for the same as d-will and Griffin. He can only sign for four years because each team can only have one 5 year player.

        This becomes particularly important because the last year of the contract is worth about 25% of the entire value in a 5 year deal

      • I think it’s the designated player that you can only have one of, and that is available to extensions of rookie contracts only. You can only have one on your roster you gave, and only one you acquired in trade. That’s it.

  14. So, at this point, before we match, the Suns and Gordon can’t tear up the offer and do a sign and trade?

  15. With the trade of JJ and by not matching the Gordon offer sheet does this allow us the cap space to sign both Javale McGee and OJ Mayo?
    Rivers – Mayo – Anderson – Davis – McGee
    Vasquez – Henry – Miller – Aminu – Smith

      • Howard is looking to play for a contender in a large market. Reports say he wants to play in Brooklyn. I don’t think Howard is a possibility nor does the team want/need the headache and hassle. Unless you are referring to another D. Howard. Or joking. I don’t believe Anderson has never been quick enough to guard SFs.

    • letting gordon walk…. n getting mayo n mcgee would be a dream come true

  16. According to’s latest post about the Hornets: “Although the Hornets have indicated in the past that they would match any offer for Gordon, Demps declined on Wednesday to confirm whether the team still intended to do so. ‘No updates right now,’ Demps said. ‘No comments.”’ Hmm. Still something fishy going on?

  17. Dell shouldn’t match. It’s a little too much money for an injury prone player who is easily threatened by teammates. Signing a potential cancer to a max deal would be a mistake.

  18. Inquiring minds want to know the answer to 5 questions: Isn’t the Suns team website the only “official” source of this report? Why hasn’t ESPN officially reported the story that Marc Stein tweeted about? Why haven’t the Hornets said anything to acknowledge the signed offer? Is the offer sheet only effective if it’s actually delivered to the Hornets or is it enough for a team just to claim that an offer sheet has been signed? Does the 3 day period to match an offer sheet begin on the day that an NBA team reports on its website that an offer sheet has been signed, or does the 3 days begin to run upon delivery of the offer sheet to the team with which the player is contracted?

    • What’s official? Do you mean public? They’ve been reporting it going to happen. Happenings that are expected, sadly, are not as much news as sewing fear.

      Because it was expected.

      Do they have to? I don’t think so.

      There’s a process, and this is a civilized cartel working with a civilized Union, and both are highly litigious.

      These guys know when it’s signed, they are not trying to bamboozle anyone . . . it’ll come back around to them.

      • Am I the only person who thinks it’s odd that even now, 18 hours since you reported that one of the most important 72 hour decisions in Hornets history was pending, you still don’t know the real answers to any of these questions. I’ll “stay tuned,” as you suggested.

      • Do you expect us to know the Hornets’ business plans when leaks can screw up those plans?

        What do you expect to know at this time?

      • The way I read the Collective Bargaining Agreement, it appears it is the PLAYER himself who is responsible for delivering the signed offer sheet to the “ROFR” (i.e. Right of First Refusal) team (meaning the Hornets); it also appears that the simple act of “signing” an offer sheet in and of itself has no significance, or in other words, imposes no obligation on the ROFR team to match or not match. Perhaps Larry Coon can clarify whether this is a correct reading of the CBA. But it appears to me that unless and until Eric Gordon actually gives the signed offer sheet to the Hornets, then there is no pending deadline.

      • From Article XI of the CBA:
        When a Restricted Free Agent receives an offer to sign a Player Contract from a Team (the “New Team”) other than the ROFR Team, which he desires to accept, he shall give to the ROFR Team a completed certificate substantially in the form of Exhibit G annexed hereto (the “Offer Sheet”), signed by the Restricted Free Agent and the New Team…..

        On the same day as the giving of an Offer Sheet to the ROFR Team, the ROFR Team shall cause a copy thereof to be be given to the NBA, which shall cause a copy thereof to be promptly given to the Players Association.

        An Offer Sheet shall be deemed given only when actually received by the ROFR Team.

      • The only thing I “feel,” sir, is like I felt on July 5 when I was conversing with John Reid about the Sign&Trade issue. You reported that the 3-day deadline began yesterday (“The Hornets have until the afternoon of July 14th to make the decision on whether or not to match the offer and keep him on the Hornets. If they do not act in this time, then Eric Gordon will become a member of the Suns”); I didn’t report that. I’m just a casual fan. I’ve looked everywhere and have seen no report that the offer sheet was “actually received by the ROFR Team.” What facts do you have to support your claim that it was? It seems to me you could be wrong in your calculation of the deadline. I’m honestly just curious and I sincerely mean no disrespect. I love your website and the great work you guys do.

      • Stein had a tweet. It was reasonable. It was cited.

        Nothing has come out to contradict it. There are paperwork delays, reporting delays, physicals, etc. We know that. If we reported the totality of the situation at each moment, each post would be 10,000 words and would look like a form letter.

        We are learning and reporting in our free time (emphasis on free). We need all the help we can get, and that includes leeway.

        Again, we have a supported hypothesis. I am a scientist. I will change my hypothesis if data suggests it, and I have not problem being led astray by good data, good reasoning, and practical assumptions.

      • I’m a little insulted that you won’t acknowledge the obvious difference between the signing of an offer sheet, which by itself requires no response from the Hornets (for example, either Eric Gordon or the Suns or both could simply choose to put the offer sheet away in a drawer in order to use it as leverage and to buy more time to make a decision or a deal), and the offer sheet having been “actually received by the ROFR [Right Of First Refusal] Team” (see Article XI of the Collective Bargaining Agreement). Your website gained credibility by confronting the Times-Picayune’s July 5 sign & trade error, but now you appear to be doing the same thing you accused the T-P of doing. Assuming a tweet is an acceptable source by today’s journalism standards for an initial internet posting, shouldn’t there be some eventual confirmation from a more legitimate source? It’s now more than HALFWAY through what you claim is a pending 72 hour deadline (perhaps the most important 72 hour decision in franchise history), and, though you brag that you have Larry Coon “on speed dial,” you still haven’t verified what the real deadline is, if in fact there is one pending at all. And there’s a decent chance your report of a Saturday afternoon deadline may be wrong; for example, even if it’s true that an offer sheet was signed in Phoenix on Wednesday (as has been reported by the Suns and only by the Suns), the signed offer sheet probably could not have been delivered to the Hornets until Thursday, at the earliest, which, if true, means the Hornets’ deadline is Sunday and not Saturday (as I noted earlier, the CBA provides “An Offer Sheet shall be deemed given only when actually received by the ROFR Team”). What’s happening here is, just like John Reid did, when confronted with facts that contradict your story, you’re holding your breath, concocting versimilitude and hoping events will not unfold in a way that exposes an error. I hope you’re not forced to backpedal when Saturday afternoon comes and goes with no news that the Hornets have matched or rejected a signed offer sheet or if we receive news of some type of sign & trade. I’d certainly prefer to know the facts rather than for you and I to speculate about them. In the end, you guys and your website are a great source for accurate information (usually) that we Hornets fans crave. If it turns out, however, that your reported Saturday afternoon deadline passes without any decision, or if a sign & trade occurs instead, I hope you’ll have the cojones to admit that the fundamental premise of your report (“The Hornets have until the afternoon of July 14th to make the decision on whether or not to match the offer and keep him on the Hornets. If they do not act in this time, then Eric Gordon will become a member of the Suns”) was wrong. Now that I’ve done your CBA research for you, I wouldn’t mind it at all if — before your alleged deadline arrives — you were to find out from the Hornets, the Suns, Eric Gordon, Gordon’s agent, the NBA or the Players Association (all of whom should know, according to the CBA) if and when a signed offer sheet was “actually received by the ROFR Team.” I mean no disrespect, but I’d try to find out the answers myself if I had your media credentials. I’m going to conclude by emphasizing what’s clear to me — that you do not have sufficient facts to support the existence of any deadline — and then I’ll just shut up and wait to see what happens.

      • I disagree, and I’m not sure what’s being done that would be insulting to you.

        There was the tweet. This kicked off the report that they guy said that. Then, I inquired about the press release from the Suns, doing exactly as you suggested. There is no requirement that the Hornets release such a thing, nor the Suns. The Hornets did not, the Suns did. It confirmed the tweet, so the situation is as it stands.

        As you can see in our Ryan Anderson story, the initial reports of a $36m deal were contradicted by later reports of a $34m deal. I included this info, leaving the original one in there. I have yet to see confirmation of either or a third deal. When I did the cap piece, I detailed my assumptions and asked for criticism.

        When we were talking earlier, I did not have access to the press release to check the time it was issued. When I had access to it, it verified the facts (not assume about them), then posted them here. Here is a quote from it:

        The Phoenix Suns have signed restricted free agent guard Eric Gordon to an offer sheet, the club announced today. Under the terms of the NBA’s Collective Bargaining Agreement, the New Orleans Hornets have three days to match the Suns’ offer and retain his rights.

        Make of it what you want. When these things go public, they have some force. Again, it was July 11th, and around 5 CDT.

        You want things proven to you. I understand that. The lack of that proof to you does not mean the facts are not as they are.

        I would demand the facts you are demanding, but, to me, this constitutes the part of the transaction you are referencing as being completed. We have these. The tweet kicked off the verification of the facts.

        I fail to see the problem.

        Not everyone wants to see the sausage being made or the pig being slaughtered. You ask, so you get the story.

        Do you feel it is sufficient?

        Is everyone as thorogh as me in every case? Likely not. Bang on them if they screw up. Bang on me if I screw up later.

        In this case, I don’t see it.

        Of course, I haven’t seen the offer sheet. I’m not sure any media type does. Also, I don’t have such credentials. I’m just very good at research. I make mistakes, just like any expert, but I’m good at it.

      • One thing my research hasn’t yielded, however, is an offical copy of the 2011 CBA.

        Where did you get your copy of that CBA? I see where to get the 2005 one.

      • I’d planned to keep my promise to shut up & wait, but since you asked about the CBA, I thought I should respond. What I can tell you is the Restricted Free Agency language in the 2011 contract is essentially the same as in the previous two CBAs, except that now the ROFR team has only 3 days to match a signed offer sheet. My understanding is this reduction to 3 days was sought by the Players Association and agreed to by the owners in the 2011 CBA. It sounds like having a copy of the 2011 CBA is pretty valuable. Also, my personal opinion is, if the Hornets have received or do receive the elusive signed offer sheet for Gordon, I’d like to see them match it. He’d be a heck of a 2 surrounded by Anderson, Davis, Rivers, etc., and I’m confident Monty has what it takes to “manage” Gordon effectively. So, I’m actually rooting for you to be right on the offer sheet issue. Finally, you may wish to take a look at the “Time Periods” provision of the CBA. Now I will definitely shut up & wait. Keep up the good work.

      • I agree and am well-aware of the 3 day change.

        So… can you point me to a copy?

        And, do you have data to say it was not received as of some point in time after I referred to, or are you being a healthy skeptic, which I can appreciate?

  19. I know that this is unrelated, but I hope we give Jack (and maybe Kaman) a video tribute and a standing ovation at the hive.

  20. I also see a method to this…

    How about a trade that no one but me and AD will love…Gordon for DeMarcus Cousins, John Salmons and their next year #1?

    We amenesty Salmons at the first opportunity, and have DeMarcus at the pivot.

    Sacramento gets rid of a player they’ve had trouble with and a totally loathsome contract, they can use Thornton as a second unit scorer. Basically it is Cousins for Gordon and the future cap flexability for the pick.

    I’m no cap expert, obviously, but I think Sacramento has the cap room to absorbe the extra salary…if we have to we could throw in the CP trade exception to get us closer. Now that’s a young core to die for, that will still struggle enough to get us two more lottery picks next year, just in time for Rashard and ‘dem to come off the books and see what kind of fun we want to have with the cap room…or even just manage it with the hopes of extending our core in future years…

    • the kings will absolutely REJECT that offer…..why?logjam at SG….evans, thornton,eg and fredette

    • First of all, there is no way they would accept that. Secondly, teams can not amnesty players that were not under contract or the same contract with a team. Salmon’s can be amnesties by them, not by us.

      • They very well may reject it, but we’re taking a sg off their hands in salmons. So their logjam doesn’t get affected, except they get a player who is actually good.

        Cousins is great, I know, but he’s probably not looked at as a max talent yet. And he comes with risks, I’d say he’s worth slightly less than EJ on the open-market. But I’d also rather have him on my team, so maybe I am not accurately diagnosing the market.

        Yeah, no amnesty for salmons, I guess. Makes it that more reasonable to demand something of value to make up for taking his absolutely horrid contract and the talent discrepancy (maybe only my mind) between EJ and Cousins. We won’t really need need the money he’s eating up until his deal is up in three years and we need to resign the core.

        I think Sacramento would consider a the most talented SG under 30 for the “potential” of cousins.

        But I could be wrong…It just feels like with Monty and our recent Kentucky connections, we are one of the few teams who could honestly feel pretty decent about Cousins impact on the locker room/court. He’s already killed a coach, and he’s not even an all-star.

        Of course, I love him, so maybe sacramento feels like I do…

  21. I think our situation with Gordon is great. We definitely need to match the offer. Then, we need to talk with EJ. He can decide if he wants to stay with us or go elsewhere. We can get a good deal if he doesn’t want to stay with us, but he likely will. I think that now he realizes that the Suns really didn’t want him that much because they didn’t work out a sign-and-trade. Our core is taking shape.

  22. Suns get:
    Eric Gordon

    Bucks get:
    Marcin Gortat
    Kendall Marshall
    1st Round Pick from Suns

    Hornets get:
    Brandon Jennings
    Larry Sanders

    Sounds about right to me… Move Rivers to SG… Jennings would be a perfect fit with this team!

    • There is no possibility of a sign and trade with Phoenix now that Gordon has signed the offer sheet. We basically have three days to spend $10 million before signing his sheet or we lose that money under the cap. Look for this to be a busy 3 days.

  23. Not here to burst any bubbles, but I asked Alex Laugan at BSotS about the claim that you can go over the cap to sign Gordon using Bird rights. He tweeted Larry Coon, who replied that once you start the summer below the cap, you can only use the “room” exception that year – all other exceptions go away. In addition, you must maintain the full amount of the RFA contract (13.7 mil) at all times from the time the offer sheet is received until it is matched.

    • Read the tweet. That’s not the exact phrasing and is some interpretation.

      Coon also tweeted that you can tradr back to the offering team after a year.

      The CBA FAQ says the opposite.

      So, if the FAQ is wrong (it has been), then we are wrong. I’m 100% ok with that. All of our has been clearly stated to be based on it.

      Coon has been wrong in tweets before, and unclear.

      Also, read this and draw your conclusion:

      The FAQ says you lose Mid-Level, Bi-Annual, and trade exceptions.

      Note: we are maintaining Gordon’s cap hold.

      If we sign over $6m in salary then sign Gordon, we are right. If something else happens, we don’t know since it could be choice or the market driving the lack of signing.

    • Talked to Larry Coon.

      I asked if the Hornets can use Bird rights to sign Gordon provided we maintain his cap hold and we don’t remounce him no matter if we go under the cap to whatever degree or gow much space we use before.

      He said we can in fact use his Bird rights to do this in this case.

      This is the case we are in.

      Compare this question and answer to the tweet and look for which is more open to innocent misinterpretation by either party.

      • I read the email myself and can verify that Coon did agree with Jason.

        Q and A’s on Twitter are so difficult. Luckily, we have the man on speed dial!!

      • You know, I just have to say it . . .

        The question is just as important as the answer.

        The Answer to the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is Forty-Two.

        What is the question?!?!? (Of course, What do you get if you multiply six by nine?)

        Gotta ask the right question. Got to.

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