Anthony Davis Appears Unlikely to Make Team USA

ESPN is reporting that Blake Griffin is a lock to make Team USA.

Read: Anthony Davis will likely be cut tomorrow.

From Marc Stein– 

“Los Angeles Clippers forward Blake Griffin has been elevated to a lock to make Team USA’s Olympic squad, according to sources close to the process, leaving USA Basketball coaches and officials with essentially five players for two remaining roster spots.”

With the news that Blake Griffin will make Team USA, it appears unlikely that Anthony Davis will receive a spot on the team. The reality that Griffin– a guy not ideally suited to international play and with no real international experience as an adult– is a lock, is largely, at least in my opinion, the result of Anthony Davis spraining his ankle prior to heading out to Vegas. During the first day of Olympic practice Davis said that his ankle is only at 65-70 percent.

As I noted earlier, Coach K said that “Anthony Davis isn’t ready yet to really… did a little bit of 5 on 0, but he’s not near 100%.”

The brief statement by Coach K made me feel much more pessimistic about the odds of Davis making it than I had previously. Davis could use some international experience, and has the skill-set that would make him a good fit at that level for years to come, but it just didn’t seem like Coach K was confident at all that Davis would be ready to play against competition at any point before Team USA leaves Vegas on the 12th.

That’s essentially a death sentence for a guy fighting for a spot to begin with, and the news that Griffin will make it pretty much seals the deal, at least in my opinion. Big men Kevin Love and Tyson Chandler are also expected to make the team.

Sure hope I’m wrong!

There were some bright-ish quotes to come out which would seem to suggest that he’s not dead in the water quite yet.

The need for size has Colangelo intrigued by Davis, the shot-blocking college player of the year who led Kentucky to the national title. But he’s not ready to go full speed yet after hurting himself less than a week ago while working out with the Hornets, leaving him frustrated but eager.

Colangelo said it would be a “reach” to pick Davis without really seeing him, but acknowledges the 6-foot-10 forward has qualities no other U.S. player has. So he could pick him Saturday and hope he’s ready in a couple of weeks, with the Olympic opener not for another three weeks.

As for Eric Gordon, if Griffin and Iggy (another guy I just can’t see being cut ) are both in, then that leaves Harden, Gay, Gordon, or Davis for the last spot. Frankly I don’t like Gordon’s chances too much more than I like those of AD, but I guess stranger things have happened.


In case I haven’t made this clear– This is my first Olympics, and this is largely just my opinion about who will make it. That said, I do read a thing or two, so I’m not just pulling this out of my arse.


15 responses to “Anthony Davis Appears Unlikely to Make Team USA”

  1. God willing that clown a$$ eric gordon will get cut and more disappointment will add up in his life on top of being part of the hornets

  2. I honestly think the last player will be Gordon. Too bad for SkyNet. He’ll show everyone during the season.

      • And the computer thingy that went batty and caused the whole Terminator thing. World wide defense network, it became self-aware, didn’t like humans . . . standard stuff.

  3. Harden and Iguodala will probably make it. Coach K is looking for tough players who can rebound, handle the ball adequately and play defense. Gordon isn’t capable of doing any of these things. He’s a shooter and they have enough shooters. He would probably get injured walking onto the airplane before even setting foot in London.

    • Wow! Gordon can do all 3 of those exceptionally well. I don’t like the way he’s handling this whole restricted FA deal, but I still recognize the skill. Scorers don’t command max contracts, excellent all-around players do.

  4. Griffin will be terrible in international basketball…. I rather see Gay, Harden and Iguodala make the cut

  5. […] Read full article here. /* AKPC_IDS += "19840,"; Tags: Anthony Davis, Blake Griffin var addedComment = function(response) { //console.log('fbComments: Caught added comment'); //console.log('fbComments: Making AJAX call to update Facebook comment count'); $.post('', { fn: 'addComment', xid: 'XcZrzPv7Xd7lQ0g._post19840' }, function(resp) { if (resp === 'true') { //console.log('fbComments: Updated and cached Facebook comment count for post with xid=XcZrzPv7Xd7lQ0g._post19840'); } else { //console.log('fbComments: FAILED to update Facebook comment count for post with xid=XcZrzPv7Xd7lQ0g._post19840'); } }); //console.log('fbComments: Making AJAX call to send email notification'); $.post('', { fn: 'sendNotification', xid: 'XcZrzPv7Xd7lQ0g._post19840', postTitle: 'Anthony Davis will likely be cut from Team USA', postUrl: '' }, function(resp) { if (resp === 'true') { //console.log('fbComments: Sent email notification'); } else { //console.log('fbComments: FAILED to send email notification'); } }); }; FB.Event.subscribe('comments.add', addedComment); […]

  6. TBH, I’m glad that AD won’t make Team USA after his ankle scare. I want him to be healthy and ready and 100% for game 1 of the season. He will be a for-certain member of the 2016 team (after he wins his first NBA title).

  7. I really wanted AD to play to get that experience and be ready for the season but i rather him 100% when the season starts as for EG i want him to make it as well but would perfer he not so we get this max deal situation resolved and get on with our offseason #GOHORNETS

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