In the NO Podcast Episode 75: Free Agent Extravaganza!

Free Agency started today and Michael and I talk Eric Gordon, the trade rumors around him, and then address all the other potential free agents that are floating out around there. Plus . . . Batum?!? For that much? Really?

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44 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 75: Free Agent Extravaganza!”

  1. kind of off subject, but can someone give their opinion on aminu?
    whats the value in trying to develop him?

    • In my opinion, many people last year though aminu was just trash and a turnover machine. Sure he didn’t have a lot of good games (maybe a handful of good games tops), but I think the guy is very coachable and he is a freak when it comes to raw athleticism. If he can work on his jumper for the better (which is way easier said than done) he could be a good role player using the improved shot with his slashing abilities. He can drive to the basket pretty well for a SF.

  2. Another great podcast. I still think that the Hornets should keep Gordon but who knows if teams start trying to one up each other with better sign and trade offers my tune could change. Also, why does everyone just act as though Aminu and most of our young players we traded for last year can’t improve? Especially given the situation that they were brought in to where they didn’t go through a training camp and were brought in to a new system, that and their very young ages (Except Vasquez of course)

    • I think all the fans want to keep Gordon it’s the amount of money that’s getting in the way. Fans like me assumed that other teams would throw the max and him and we would have to match knowing his injured past. But from what I hear other teams may not offer him max deal…..Which I find hard to believe cuz he’s the best free agent out there (talent wise) next to D-Will~

  3. Im always smarter after I listen to these podcasts… Whether I agree or not, I always learn something. I’ve even grown to like the corny intro and theme music.
    Great Effin Job fellas!!!

  4. Just TRY to make an offer to both javale mcgee and nic batum….pls dell….dat is d best defensive frontcourt in the NBA!

    • I think that alone would fill any void left by Austin River’s defense. Plus Gordon, you’re looking at a top defensive team.

  5. Could the Hornets do a sign and trade Gordon to the Raptors for Valanciunas and say Linas Kleiza? I would do that trade. Or maybe to the Jazz for Al Jefferson and Alec Burks or something?

  6. Gordon for MKG?! Where do I sign up? Rivers | MKG | Davis? I don’t care if we have to extend them all together in 2016-2017… Those 3 just fit together so well. Wow..

    If I’m not receiving a good enough package for Gordon? I’d keep him, even if its for the max.

  7. BTW my maximum offer for Eric Gordon is this a ~53 mil/4 year contract with the last year a team option (there is a signing bonus involved). OR a 49 mil/4 year contract with the last year a player option (signing bonus ALSO involved). Both are at or near the max we can give him (but due to the signing bonus, the total value of the contract decreases).

    This way, in scenario 1, Gordon receives more money in the 1st 3 years but if he still gets injured, we can just cut ties with him. OR in scenario 2, he gets less money in the 1st 3 years but he holds all the power. If he plays well, he can not exercise his PO and receive a HIGHER salary or if he sucks, he can exercise his option and get money even if he’s injured.

    • Can we please give Aminu a chance to show what he’s capable of. The guy hasn’t gotten a fair shake since he arrived. Let’s be honest, Ariza was pretty terrible, and if he hadn’t been our second best player in the playoffs two years ago (granted it was one series) there’s no way the Hornets start him over Aminu last season. Aminu was the eighth overall pick and could’ve gone in the top five when he was drafted. Please give this guy a full season (at least 25 minutes a game) to show what he can do.

  8. Outside of getting max value for Gordon(whether that’s keeping or trading him). I’d like to stay pat in free agency. As a team at this stage if the rebuild I feel like we should shy away from free agency altogether unless some player just wants to be here.

  9. Always enjoy your podcasts. Have to question a couple of things you say about McGee. A front court of Aminu, Davis and McGee would be long and athletic. However, it would probably be one of the worst front courts, offensively, in the NBA. McGee can’t shoot from beyond 3 feet.

    And, defensively, McGee doesn’t bring as much to the table as you believe. Historically, he detracts from his team defensively and in rebounding. I checked out numbers at His team played better with him off the court than on. His oncourt, offcourt numbers are minus every year except for 2011 in Washington. Defensively, his oncourt, offcourt numbers are minus except for last year in Washington. So, what does he bring to the game except for the occasional highlight?

    IMO NO should avoid McGee. Let someone else overpay.

  10. I think that people are overreacting. We all knew that Gordon would draw interest from other teams and that the Hornets were going to match every offer. This should not come as a surprise that we will be getting offers for him.

    I think we should match every offer on him to keep him. I am of the belief that injuries just happen. I think that he is a rare talent. He finds ways to put the ball through the net that I haven’t seen before. He is the complete package. If he gets injured and Rivers does well, good for Rivers. He just has to realize that it is still Gordon’s team. I think he will realize it. I really want Gordon back. As far as free agents go, I don’t think we need any guards (if Gordon is re-signed) besides maybe Willie Green (seriously). I think we need to let Animu, Henry, and Miller develop at the 3. I would go after JaVale McGee, Ian Mahinmi, and Brendan Haywood in free agency (Haywood-amnesty candidate). If we don’t get any of those guys or another big man, I would bring back Carl Landry.

  11. I know that Eric Gordon only played 9 games last season, but don’t you think his injury was overblown so the Hornets could lose some more games?

      • I meant when will more deals be going down? There have not been that many verbal commitments. They actually do start signing the 11th, but I just meant that it has been pretty boring lately.

      • I think it’ll take a day or two. It’s been 36h, most on a Sunday. Also, I think signing-fests are misremembered.

        For 36h, mostly on a Sunday, I’d call it active.

  12. I think Dell should match any offer for Gordon, but do a back loaded deal with him b/c of the injury history or throw 2 years worth of player options in there like others mentioned. Then sign Ian Mahinmi or Jason Thompson for cheap at C.

    If Calderon is amnestied I would look into putting an offer out on him and look to trade J. Jack at some point prior to the start of the season. Than as far SF goes I’d look into Jeff Green since he should be cheap after his heart problems. Sign Green if possible to a 1 or 2 year deal for around 8-10 million.

    With the signings of Gordon, Calderon, Green and Mahinmi or Thompson we would basically fill all of our holes with cheap talented players while retaining our star player while leaving flexibility for future FA signings.

    • PG: Caleron/Rivers/Vasquez
      SG: Gordon/Rivers/Henry
      SF: Green/Aminu/Miller
      PF: Davis/Ayon
      C: Mahinmi/Smith

      Probably not a playoff team but would still be a team that is competitive and lets the core learn to play together and offers a decent amount of lineup versatility. IMO it would be a waste to through the max at a guy like McGee b/c I don’t believe he would benefit the Hornets that much and also I think he could be detrimental to Davis’ development. If I’m Dell i’m only throwing the max at proven stars that have played at high levels for multiple years.

  13. Latest on our free agents:
    Gordon- met with Indiana, Houston; may meet with Phoenix, Dallas, Charlotte, Brooklyn
    Kaman-meeting with Indiana

  14. Hey guys the Pacers just signed George Hill to a 5 year max contract. Does this change the ability of them getting Gordon? Also with the factor that they will have to pay Hibbert a max as well.

  15. We should try to turn gordon into paul george and collison. Then give mcgee whatever it takes and see if you can get mayo or nick young relatively cheap. Then we still have alot of flexibility in a huge pg class next year.

  16. I love it when they talk about MKG, and a future draft pick, because I said that before the draft that we possibly trade their pick to us and another [player] for E.Gordon. Only thing they say future different was a draft pick. I’m ok with that as well. I also think we should wait for a better offer.

  17. Eric Gordon is a risk, but small market teams NEED to take risks to achieve success. I don’t understand where/how people think we will get anything better in the next several years. This is it. We have the opportunity to have an ELITE shooting guard. Top-5 in the league at least at age 23 with plenty of room to grow. We talk about how we really want “young vets with upside.” Seems to describe one Eric Gordon. Yeah, we can get a few nice young prospects, but these returns will NEVER, NEVER impact a game the way Eric Gordon can. In the league today, you see the successful teams having 2 to 3 guys who you have to legit worry about at the end of games. We have one of those guys, actually the main guy, right now. Potentially great players don’t come to small market teams very often. If he goes, I ask what is our other option? Where do we get our go-to guy from? AD isn’t that guy. Rivers isn’t that guy. We have a number 10 jersey for that guy. EG is a risk, but it is a risk that MUST BE TAKEN.

  18. Local troll Fletcher Mackael is on a radio show hoping that Gordon be traded to the Rockets.New Orleans have the most bias and worst sports journalists in town.Once Jim Henderson retired from channel 4 sports journalisim (spell check) has died.If anyone think Fox 8 sports team is better you gotta be kidding me the token ESPN castoff,the white guy from maybe a small town station and the former weather bunny that think she knows about sports.Channel 26 sports uh who watches 26 anyway lol.

  19. Do anyone know when the hornets are trying to acquire because ESPN is saying that the Hornets are going after someone good, but I’m not signing up as that monthly information. Stuff. Maybe someone here is part of ESPN’s monthly info club!

  20. I don’t wanna give Gordon a max. But I don’t want to just trade him for something that won’t help us cOmpete in 3-5 years (Kevin Martin). If the bobcats wanna give us mkg for Gordon’s max then I’ll take Mkg who fills a need and makes almost 3 times less. If we don’t have any great offers, then letting gordon play for a max for us isn’t the worst thing in the world. He’s a top 5 sg when healthy so if he can just stay relatively healthy he will work out great.

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