Full Video From Monty’s Press Conference

Here’s the full video from Monty’s press conference.

11 responses to “Full Video From Monty’s Press Conference”

  1. What stood out to you all from this? Text and subtext. I got:

    – Wants length after seeing Lakers make life horrible for us in playoffs
    – Liked what he saw from offense movement wise, but he just needs guys who can actually hit shots
    – Saw some scorers he liked when looking at tape of guys. From the way he described it, I got the feeling he was specifically talking about T. Ross and A. Rivers- two guys who turned it on later in the year. Maybe Lamb too if he was referencing last year’s tourney.
    – Still wants to play inside-out, but he just doesn’t think there are enough shooters in the league to spread the court
    – His comment about “Guys making 15 million….. you ARE the help” – Who do you think he was talking about there?

    • I felt he was talking about Lillard when he was referenced scoring then mentioned he and Dell talked about potentially drafting a point guard for the future. Lillard is the only guy that’s a top 10 pick and fits that description.

  2. This video got me about 3 quarter’s as excited as hearing “the second pick of the draft will go to the Charlotte Bobcats” which nearly ended up in a broken laptop so im not undermining this.

    It sounds like he is going for guys that could be a homerun with the tenth pick, but he’s going to base that off of work ethic compared to Brandon Roys and Kevin Durants of the league. The kind of guys that he wont rush and will expect a couple of years of development before they reach their potential. Overall, it just sounds like he’s going to treat his youngsters the right way.

    Its also good to hear that he’s got some current guys working in the gym for the last few weeks. You’d have to think this is guys like Jsmitty, Xavier, Gustavo and Al-Farouq. The effort those guys put into this time will be indicative of the success they’ll have next year.

    It’s also good to hear how some guys he talks to really want to come to New Orleans because of the culture. These are probably just Willie Greens, or old Portland buddies but I still take it to mean that we wont have to overspend for guys in free agency as much, as we’ll just get the guys that genuinely want to play for the Hornets.

    Theres alot more to comment on too but these things stood out to me, all of it sounds great.

    And also, you’d have to think that the “15mil, you are the help” bit was a shot at Chris Paul. I just dont think Emeka is overly concerned about how much help he is getting for leading this team to wins.

    • I’m really excited that he’s working with some of the young guys. Expecting some big improvement from at least a couple of them. If nothing else, it builds chemistry with some of our young players or makes them more valuable trade pieces. I wish we could just end this charade and put Davis on our team now so he could work out with our guys

    • If anyone wants a laugh, check out this ridiculous article written by Scoop Jackson of ESPN. To summarize: Scoop thinks MJ should call up Monty & Dell, and sell them on MKG being a better number 1 pick for the Hornets.

      He also thinks that Monty & Dell will listen to him, why? Because he’s Michael Jordan.


      • Lol yea im the third comment on that article, rediculous one ay. I like how someone how MJ is supposed to convince us that MKG is the best player for us because it’d be copying how he’s dynasty didnt need a dominant big. But then he contradicts himself because why woulnt he take his own advice???

  3. Couldn’t of asked for a better coach. Instead of coming out and putting all the pressure on the new draft class he switches it around and puts it on the guys who are here now, by saying guys are in the gym now working out, and working on there game. Gotta love it, and for the 10th pick don’t be surprised to see Zeller go 10 if available, Monty like the make up of the Lakers and the corner stone of that team was Pau and Bynum, Zeller and Davis could be next in two year matched up with Gordon think about it.And Gordon… I’m all about letting Gordon go if he doesn’t want to be here, we can save cap space ant not have to be suck in a Dwight Howard situation or what happened with CP3. here is a Question when was the last time a team won a championship with the star player not wanting to be on that team or in that city????? and to cp3 if you wanted that much help take a page out of Durants book and take less money. Geaux Hornets

    • Totally agree on the idea of taking Zeller. Having the 10th pick offers us a bunch of exciting opportunities, Tyler could be one of them. As Monty pointed out, these picks could definitely fill a need. Whether that be a potential front court mate for Davis (Zeller), a point guard of the future (Lillard) or an irrational confidence guy we bring in off the bench for instant offense (Rivers). There are still plenty of needs we need to fill before we can contend, but this draft should be the first step for the franchise.

      I’ve never been more excited about an offseason in my time as an NBA fan, keep up the great work guys!

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