Live Interactive Video Chat: NBA Draft Lottery (HORNETS WIN!)

That’s the video for our live podcast. And if you just wanna go to the part where I lose my ish- go to 49:45

62 responses to “Live Interactive Video Chat: NBA Draft Lottery (HORNETS WIN!)”

  1. Please take 40 seconds to sign up for a Vokle account so you can send in questions for us.

    Also, put questions here or tweet them @hornets247 for Dell Demps. We will be on a live conference call with him after the lottery and will ask as many questions as we can.

  2. Here is my only question(s) for Dell Demps:

    What are the plans for the Center position?
    Amnesty Okafor?
    Re-sign Kaman?
    Draft a center? (Eyes on Drummond?)
    Or sign another free agent center? (Maybe Spencer Hawes?)

    What’s the plan?

  3. now is the time to package the num 10 pic with kaman and jack for rondo……perfect lineup

    aminu/ (free agent)
    ayon/ j smitty

  4. UK fan here. You guys are gonna love him. He is all they say. Your fanbase has just grown dramatically. We aren’t fairweather, we just follow our guys, and he is quite possibly our best ever.

    Go Hornets!

  5. OMG There is not enough excitable profanities in this world that I could say in a span of minutes that came with the excitement of that pickup.

  6. is live chat still going? can we just live chat and yell at each other in excitement for a couple days? or until the 28th?

  7. So now the question is, do who do we go with at 10? Lillard, Zeller, Marshall, or someone else?

      • Along with Jack or someone else? that works for me.

        I think AD will be coming to a good situation, assuming the Hornets retain most of our veterans. Show him the ropes, teach him how to be a pro. That alone would dramatically decrease the chances of busting. Who knows what will happen if he goes to Charlotte.

      • Yeah. I want the zeroth pick, but I’ll take the halfth pick if it came down to it.

      • LOL @ 42. BTW, do you mind if we still call you that? sorry, you will never be Jason Calmes to most people here.

      • My friends call me . . . i can’t type that here.

        I’m 42 to all those who wish to call me 42 (or Dr. 42 when you are feeling formal).

        Unless you are old school . . . then I insist.

  8. This reminds of when David Robinson got hurt, the Spurs became a lottery team, won #1, and the rest is history. If Gordon doesn’t get hurt, (along with 70% of the rest of the roster, the Hornets aren’t in this situation.

  9. Also, if Davis and the Hornets pan out, I think it erases any doubts of Stern blocking the Laker trade. If we win rings with AD, this minor speed bump of a season won’t even be remembered, even if we had made the playoffs with the Laker trade.

  10. So how many of you cheering for the Hornets to lose at the end of the season feel like complete douchebags now? Because you should.

  11. One more thing. I know this is off topic, but I can’t find anywhere else to ask it. Any news on the rebrand?

    • According to the interview with NBA TV, Tom Benson still wants it. The interviewer was like “You landed the top pick. Maybe you shouldn’t change the nickname with all that luck.” Benson responded “hahahahaha I brought the luck.”

      only Benson would

  12. Now we just need to shift all of our focus to resigning Eric Gordon. Gordon and Davis next year is going to be exciting to watch!

    • So excited about having a team worth watching again! Davis is the first ever number 1 pick for the New Orleans Hornets, I can’t wait to watch this team grow with the unibrow. Just from twitter it seems like a lot of the veteran guys are excited, particularly J-Jack…

      • The Hornets actually had the 1st pick in the 1991 draft and picked Larry Johnson. Both of their 1st picks have the most common first and last names haha.

  13. hoping drummond or barnes or rivers still be available at #10….hoping we can pry dwill hir in big easy!

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