Tracking the T’Wolves – Top 10 or Bust! (Series Finale)

At long last, we bring to you the final piece of this season’s “Tracking the T’Wolves” series, thanking Hornets fans for their support in the Tumblewolves movement.

Sending one last thanks Minnesota's way before this order unfolds in May.

Well, guys, it’s out of our hands now. With just one game to go, I give each of you permission to root for the Minnesota Timberwolves (I know, we thought their team name was Tumblewolves too) as much as your heart desires tonight. The reason? There is nothing that can happen that will alter the team’s current position of 10th worst record in the NBA. Barring a miracle for their pick or the picks of the four teams below them in the lottery, the Hornets will receive the 10th pick in this year’s NBA draft from Minnesota.

Throughout the year, we have attacked that Timberwolves team pretty shamelessly and relentlessly. In particular, we:

Looking back on it all, are we proud of it? Maybe, maybe not. However, there’s no denying that seeing the T-Wolves fall back into the bottom-10 of the standings after starting the season with such promise made the impact of a rebuilding Hornets season a bit less stressful. With New Orleans currently sitting in a 3-way tie for the 3rd worst record, they could very well end up with the 4th pick; I doubt that I need to refresh your memory in regards to who the team selected the last time they drafted in that slot. Courtesy of Minnesota’s late season tumble, the Hornets will more than likely have one pick in the top 5 and a second in the top 10, and as a fan base, that is certainly something to smile about.

We hope you have at least slightly enjoyed our feeble attempts at injecting humor into our tracking of the Minnesota Timberwolves, and we encourage to continue to follow the Tumblewolves on twitter as the account meets its ugly demise.

5 responses to “Tracking the T’Wolves – Top 10 or Bust! (Series Finale)”

    • Actually, ESPN’s Lottery Mock Draft machine is closely monitored by David Stern, so it’s specially weighted based on this year’s true odds which were modified in the sale of the Hornets to Tom Benson. As a result, it didn’t take long at all to arrive at that order.

  1. How long until someone complains that Davis and Robinson are both power forwards and they don’t like that draft…. or a certain someone comes on here and declares Davis a bust and wants Terrance Jones instead?

    In all seriousness, thank you T’Wolves for the 11 ping pong balls and a pick that should turn into a fringe starter at the very least.

  2. I “played” this draft lottery “game” and the hornets both the #1 and #2 picks, which got me pretty freaking happy! Now I cant wait for the real lottery. If they actually get the top 2 picks, or even #1 and #3, I will go crazy, and i’ll probably do something crazy as a result, such as baking a pie.

    In a way, this whole thing just pisses me off because there are so many possibilities for the hornets and there are so many players I would love to have, but likely we will only get two.

    I would not make a good pie.

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