Game On: Nuggets @ Hornets and the Return of Eric Gordon

Eric Gordon’s long awaiting return is finally upon us.

Note– Michael and at least someone else from our motley crew will be hosting a Vokle Live Video Chat after the game at 10CT/11ET to talk about Eric Gordon and whatever else is on your minds. Join in!

Eric Gordon has played two games for the Hornets this season, hitting one game winning shot. Since then, however, he’s been on the sidelines or in Indiana recuperating from a knee injury. His absense and the implications of his return have caused a serious debate even among our own writers about what to do with him if he does return, and how we feel now that he is returning.

Jason and I might even fight in the parking lot after the game!

Regardless of who wins the Joe-Jason-Jake-Mike-Ryan-Mason Royal rumble (hint—It’s going to be me), we can still all agree that watching Eric Gordon handle the rock at the end of games will probably allow those of us still rooting for Hornets wins this year (which btw is almost everyone while the ball is on the court at home) to breathe a little easier in the final minute of the fourth quarter.

In case you’ve forgotten about Gordon, allow me to remind you what we like about him— He’s a scorer, first and foremost. He excels with the jump shot, but is particularly efficient while driving and drawing contact. He’s not a great distributor, but can deliver a pass when need be.

Defensively he’s a bit lacking in the height department, but a thick build and the resulting strength from that build allow him to match up with larger guards without much problem. Monty  and a number of us writers were particularly excited at the prospect that Gordon could wind up being an elite defender, and think  that he may already be closer to reaching that level than we thought he was prior to his arrival in the Big Easy.

Gordon will face a challenge right off the bat in Affalo, who is a more than capable defender. His length should allow him to make Gordon’s life a bit harder than it needed to be in his first game in three months. Still, Afflalo isn’t an elite athletic specimen, and his feet leave something to be desired. This isn’t an awful matchup for Gordon, but he’s not facing J.R. Smith.

Monty says he expects Gordon to start and to play about 25-30 minutes, so Gordon could really have a big impact on this game. If he proves to be healthy and productive the rest of the season, we should get a really nice idea of where this yeam could have gone if not for injuries.

Honestly I don’t see the Hornets losing this one. There’s going to be a nice crowd (I think), and the team should come out with a lot of energy. I think Gordon has something to prove, especially since he’s been hit hard in the local media for his lack of performance this year. In the end I just don’t see this being a loss.

I’ve been know to be wrong though, and that’s why they play the games.

No matter what happens, it’s nice to have Eric Gordon back in action. I forgot what it’s like to go into games against good teams really thinking that we not only have a chance in my mind, but in the mind of non-local sports writers as well!


ALSO: We will have a live video chat right here on Hornets247 following the game to break down the return of Eric Gordon and answer any/all of your questions. If you want to ask questions, sign up for an account on and you can do text questions or live video questions. Also, you can send us questions via Twitter during the event.

3 responses to “Game On: Nuggets @ Hornets and the Return of Eric Gordon”

  1. I don’t know about starting EJ and playing him 25-30mins his 1st game back. I am against playing him at all this season, but the idea of a guy playing around 30mins? I guess if we think he’s 100% healthy and we’re going to play him. Just think a lot of our future as a franchise is riding on that knee. Even if we don’t have plans to make Gordon as long term Hornet(or whatever name the owners choose).

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