In the NO Podcast Episodes 56 & 57: Trade Extravaganzas!

Michael and I are joined by James Grayson to talk about Trades! We take your trades, our trades, and the national media’s trades and talk them up. In this first part of the Trade Extravanganza, we lay the ground rules, address a silly trade or two, talk about some of the trades put forth by the national media, and then move on to trades proposed by you or us. In the second, they spend more time on reader-submitted trades and their own favorite trades they came up with.

Part I:

Part II:

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24 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episodes 56 & 57: Trade Extravaganzas!”

  1. The possible trades we discussed on the podcast are listed below along with the contributors (we did not get to 2 or 3 of these because of redundancy, time, etc. , but still trades worth discussing):


    Christian Anthonisz: Magettee and DJ Augustin for Ariza and Jack

    Ron Ash: Hornets get Bynum, Turk Lakers get: Howard, Ariza, and Nelson Magic get: Okafor, Jack, and Gasol

    Elias: NOH recieves Rajon Rondo, BOS recieves Josh Smith, ATL recieves Chris Kaman + Hornets 1st Rd pick ( From Minnessota )

    George Christofi: Kemba Walker, Gerald Henderson and option to swap 1st round pick, for Eric Gordon, Al-Farouq Aminu.

    Second idea is Marcus Camby and Portlands 1st round pick for Emeka Okafor, Xavier Henry.
    Or Emeka Okafor to Atlanta for Kirck Hinrich and Zaza Pachulia.

    Jordan Jacob: ATL gets Mek and Landry, NOH gets Josh Smith, Lakers get Hinrich

    HornetsReport poster: OKC Gets: Kaman and Minny pick, NO Gets: Harden, Mohammed, Aldrich, Ivey

    National Columnists:

    ESPN: Monte Ellis for Okafor (5-on-5), Monte for Kaman (fixing the Warriors), Kaman for Jamison and Cavs 2012 1st rounder (fixing the Hornets)
    Chris Sheridan: Hawes, Nocioni, Battie, 1st rounder for Kaman.


    – Landry and 2012 1st rounder (#1 protected) for Rondo
    – Landry and Aminu for Paul Milsap
    – Landry for Odom, Nick Calathes rights, and Roddy B (then, buy out Odom)
    – Gordon and Okafor for Rondo, J. O’Neal, and LAC 1st rounder
    – Aminu and Belinelli for Wesley Johnson and Malcolm Lee
    – Aminu for Jason Thompson
    – Carl Landry and Jarett Jack for Andre Miller, 2012 2nd rounder, and Rudy Fernandez
    – SAS get Okafor, Troy Murphy, Kopono LAL get Richard Jefferson, Hornets get Luke Walton, James Anderson, Dejuan Blair, Darius Morris, SAS 1st rounder, Lakers 2nd rounder


    Trade One:
    NO Gets:
    Jason Kidd — 1yr/10.12mill per
    Rodrigue Beaubois — 2yr/1.2mill per
    Dallas First

    DAL Gets:
    Emeka Okafor 3yr/12 mill per


    NO Gets:
    Jason Kidd — 1 yr/10 million
    Rodrigue Beaubois — 2yr/1.2 mill
    Portland First
    DAL Gets:
    Emeka Okafor — 3yr/12.6
    Raymond Felton — 1yr/7.8million
    POR Gets
    Jason Terry — 1yr/11.2 million
    Trevor Ariza — 3yr/6.8 mill

    Trade Two
    NO Gets:
    Andrew Bogut — 3yr/12 million per
    MIL Gets:
    Chris Kaman — 1 yr/14 million
    Minny pick

    Trade Three
    NO Gets:
    Rashard Lewis — 2 yr/21 million per
    Wizards First Round pick
    WAS Gets:
    Chris Kaman — 1 yr/14 million
    Carl Landry — 1 yr/8.5 million
    Minnesota First


    Bulls- Brewer, Watson, Mirotic for Ariza and Vasquez

    GS- Okafor for Biendris and Klay Thompson

    LAL – get G. Wallace, Scola, Dragic, J Smitty, HOU- Gasol, Murphy
    Port- Mek, Martin, Jack NOH- Camby, Felton, McRoberts, Dal pick and NYK

    • have to say I’m against the huge majority of these. the most intriguing to me is washington. but is swapping lewis for expirings really worth giving up top 5 pick. also this would be unfair to kaman and landry to send them to bball hell when they were probably promised they’d move to a contender if they were traded.

      like oak for klay and biedrins contract but doubt they would bite

  2. I don’t need a special certification to know that this trade is perfect for all three teams

    hornets get clips first rounder

    Ric Bucher: I’m told that Lamar Odom is desperate to go back to L.A. The Lakers will not take him. The Clippers would love to make that deal, but they don’t have the pieces that Dallas would want right now because Dallas wants expiring contracts to be a free-agent player. But don’t be surprised if Lamar Odom makes his way back to L.A. It just won’t be this season.

    • makes pretty good sense, though it’d be hard to see philly taking on jefferson when they already have brand and his contract. iggy was on block before but don’t know if he is now, he’s a much better fit for what they’re running

    • actually pretty decent for most parties, don’t think lee and his big contract is what philly wants in return for iggy

      also have to thing orl would rather have gasol and/or bynum or other offers theyre getting over kaman and ellis and picks

  3. I can’t listen to these podcasts with kids in earshot when you drop one or two f-words each episode.

    Yes you have your right to free speech, but cutting off young people from possible fandom is not a wise plan.

    • Honestly, never even thought about that Ron- thank you for bringing it up. Over two hours I know I probably got lost in the moment once or twice, but it would be a shame if young Hornets fans couldn’t listen to us because we didn’t choose our words a little more carefully.

      Thank you again, and I will stay more conscious of this in the future.

    • Yeah,

      I can’t say I have an angel mouth but I am running into the same problem with the kids in the car. I tell them it isn’t nice to drop f-bombs at Ryan.

      • It feels good, it just isn’t proper.

        From now on, podcasts will be PG/PG-13 and we will be experimenting with live interactive video chats that will be more geared to the adult crowd.

  4. I would still trade for rajon rondo and monte ellis, they are the dynamic duo do would need in order to set up a bright future for new orleans hornets if we can also try to get josh smith along with javale McGee, But we would have to outbid washington for him. All of this cannot happen this year. Tese Trade ideas can not happen until next year

  5. First off, big fan of the podcasts.

    Love them. Listen to them every Monday. Much respect for the time and work you guys put in.

    Secondly, in regards to the trades offered, a few of them stood out.

    ESPN peeps:
    I loved the Jamison and Hawes trade but I personally do not see either of those panning out.

    Any of the Aminu trades. Aminu…..
    The Lakers/Spurs trade was intriguing to say the least.
    Milsap trade would be awesome, but its unrealistic.

    Actually loved all three trades, but if I had to pick one, I’d take the Washington one. I like shedding cap space and acquiring another lottery first rounder.

    Liked the GS trade because I am a believer in Klay Thompson, but I don’t see them biting. Your last trade definitely garnered some level of interested as we shed ton of cap space by absorbing three expiring contracts along with acquiring two first-rounders, though late ones at that. Not bad.

    Thanks again for the podcasts guys, and keep them coming. I anxiously await some sort of movement within the next ten days.

  6. Hey guys thanks for discussing my trade. Good effort trying to pro announce my last name, its dutch by the way. Good to hear Aussie James Grayson on the podcast, there are alot of Hornets down here in Australia.

    Basically my thinking is Vasquez is our long term option at backup PG, so thats way I put Jack into the trade. Right now DJ is not a top PG but he needs a change of scenery and also I think he could thrive under Williams coaching, I think he has potential, he needs a new start with a team that has a brighter future, Because it would be utterly depressing been on the bobcats right now.

  7. I found these dizzying. This not becuase Mo, Larry, and the Aussie Curly did a bad job. It’s because we have flexibility for the first time in years.

  8. Tossing out my first trade assuming we are insistent on trying to get Rondo (which I think we may want to hesitate a bit about… for all of its losses, this team has a surprisingly good chemistry, and there are reasons why they are potentially offering Rondo up…):

    NOH gets: Rajon Rondo
    Jermaine O’Neal

    BOS gets: Chris Kaman
    Jarret Jack
    MIN first round pick

    Boston gets cap flexibility in the future as needed (assuming they don’t re-sign Kaman, or do so for less than 14 mill), the replacement pieces to keep a run going if desired (Jack is a downgrade from Rondo, but definitely a starter, and Kaman is a huge increase from any big on Celtics not named “Garnett”), and a mid-range pick in a deep draft. New Orleans gets a superstar player to put alongside Eric Gordon.

    If BOS wants a bit more (such as a young player), toss in Jason Smith or Gustavo Ayon for Chris Wilcox. Yes, it is worth giving up one of our young, promising bigs for a superstar.

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