Doing Dealer Dell: Volume 2

In our second Doing Dealer Dell, we examine current rumors as well as who’s calling the Hornets General Manager…

It’s been a week since we last checked in with Dealer Dell Demps. There hasn’t been any concrete news but a lot of rumblings from all corners of the country.

Rondo is being shopped, Dwight Howard is kind of in Brooklyn and Ramon Sessions is sitting by the Lake with Michael Beasley.

More speculation, but more fun I say!

In today’s edition we’ll further assess what and who is calling our Dealer. Also, what’s happened with our assets since none of them were in the All-Star game?

The Dealer is on the phone, let’s take his call.

The Rodeo Rondo

It’s been a wild week for Rajon Rondo behind closed doors. Seemingly every single news outlet is putting him on the trading block, but his GM is not. “He’s our best player, he’s the most important part of our future,” said Ainge. “There’s no way we’re actively trying to trade Rondo. That makes no sense, no logical sense.”

So he’s not on the block, even if Mr. and Mrs. Sources (Hat-Tip to Joe Gerrity) is spewing it to every NBA insider.

This hasn’t stopped Hornets fans from trying to get their greasy paws all over the All-Star point-guard. I myself proposed two trades last week in which the Hornets would receive Rondo.

The fact remains that the Celtics are at a crossroads. If they want to win it all now (at least attempt to), they have to make a trade whether that involves Rondo or not. If they look to rebuild Rondo should be part of their plans.

I can’t for the life of me envision a situation where the Hornets get Rondo and still keep Gordon and their own first round pick. I had a decent shot last week but even I was hesitant to pull the trigger (for other teams, not the Hornets).

So let’s keep an eye on Boston, even if they’re putting up a poker face only Lady Gaga could rival.

March The First

Since we last convened March 1st has come and gone. This is significant on an ownership front, but also on a trade front. Now, the Dealer has more assets to play with.

Carl Landry, Greivis Vasquez, Al-Farouq Aminu and others can now be part of a multiple-player trade. This gives Demps flexibility when packaging something.

This may be key when a Chris Kaman trade heads into its final stages. While the asking price for Kaman has “come down,” it still remains to be seen what exactly Dell wants. Our best guess is a combination of youthful players, a first round pick or expiring contracts (which Kaman is…uhh…).

None the less it would be prudent of Demps to do something, anything really. He hasn’t really helped his cause by making the availability of Kaman known from the most informed NBA insider to my half eaten pizza.

Of all the teams in the league the likelihood that the Hornets make some trade increase with every day. Some organisation is going to feel like they could use Kaman for a playoff run and perhaps their medium-run future.

Let’s sit patiently as we take some calls…

On the Dial

Stock Watch

Since we last sat down and analysed our assets we’ve had an All-Star break as well as a few good games here and there.

It appears that most things remain the same, except for a couple of things…

Trade of the Day

Ok guys, here’s a trade for you… Now I’m not sure if I like it, but it’s something that someone threw at me, so let’s see if you like it…

The Blazers want to get rid of Gerald Wallace and his 2 years of $9 million. The Hornets give the Blazers Ariza but I feel like they might need a bit more. Could it be adjusted by throwing in Jarrett Jack and Aminu for an addition of Raymond Felton and his expiring? Could look like this…

The Hornets get a chance at a lottery pick (if the Blazers miss the playoffs which they’re just on the cusp of). If not they get a later first round pick which they could package with the Minnesota pick to move up a little. Every asset helps.

Tell us what you think!

Also don’t forget to submit trade ideas that you have for the upcoming podcast. Send your email to Michael at, or me at

So we leave it there… Demps is working hard and calling people about the Garage Sale he’s having. New Owners are just around the corner, so let’s see what happens.

28 responses to “Doing Dealer Dell: Volume 2”

  1. I do the first deal, but not the 2nd. Wallace is an upgrade over Ariza, especially in the rebounding category. Getting a 1st rounder on top of an upgraded SF is a steal. However, I don’t think we trade Jack because of his leadership on this team. It’ll be like trading our captain away. If Felton was under contract for a few years, I’d consider it, but not to see him stay a month then walk away via free agency. Also, I don’t see us giving up on Aminu just yet. With his young age and a full offseason to work with the coaching staff here, I think Aminu’s stock has more of a chance to rise than fall.

    I think the most likely trade involves Kaman and Landry. Trading Kaman is for obvious reasons; trading Landry is a tougher sell until you look at all the great PFs that will be in this draft. Theres no need to draft a PF 1st while still having Landry and Ayon on the team. Theres no room for 3 solid PFs, and based on a number of factors, I would think Landry is the odd man out. The only way I see us keeping Landry is if we look to draft Barnes, but many on this site believe that is unlikely.

    • Totally agree about not doing 2nd trade and the craziness of talking about trading Ariza when you have expiring contracts to move first.

      The real question is why trade a SF for an SF? We need to trade our excess at PF for another position like a starting quality PG who can distribute the ball.

      Take Kaman and Landry off of the Hornets roster via a trade where we get at least one quality player back. What position is the only need position for the quality player we get back? Starting PG!

      Even with our injured bigs, our back-ups outplay the opposition’s back-up every night. When the Okafor and Smith come back, we should be fine in the front court on both the first and second team. We already have a good bench, and Ariza and Gordon are (very) good starters at SF and SG. What position is left? Starting PG! [You can make a good argument that both our PGs are really combo PG/SGs. But that is for another day.]

      So look at rosters for teams with excess players at PG. Who do you see? Alphabetically by team: Charlotte’s Augustin or Walker, Chicago back-up Watson, Cleveland back-up Sessions, (maybe Dragic or Flynn at Houston), or someone I missed. We should be targetting one of them.

      The trade we need to work on involves getting a starting quality PG for at least one of our two, expiring contract, PF assets (possibly packaged with Jack and/or the Minni pick).

      I am not sure we need more “project” players other teams have given up on or more lottey picks this draft. We need a staring quality PG, and maybe an unprotected lottery pick in 2013.

      And I am sure Dell knows all of the above, and a whole lot more. In Dell I trust.

      • I agree with you as well. The only area I differ is in the lists of PGs you named, because most of those guys fall into the category of backup in my opinion…I think Vasquez or Jack would fill a backup PG role beautifully, esp. Vasquez long term. What we need is a starting PG. DJ Augustine fits the bill but I dont think he’s the best answer either. He’s a small PG…with Gordon as a small SG, we need a big PG. However, DJ would be an upgrade over what we currently have.

        Unfortunately, everyone is saying this year we have a weak group of PGs coming out in the draft, so we’d have to look via trades or free agency. Potential PGs we could take a gamble on in the mid-late 1st round are Wrotten Jr. (Washington) and Marshall (UNC). Either guy might be worth taking a chance on.

        Not going the draft route, I feel there’s 2 routes management can take. Option 1 is believe in Vasquez to be the future starting PG for this team in another year or 2. His size, his vision, his motor, and his confidence are exactly what we want at the PG spot, he just needs to work on his shooting and consistency. But he’s cheap and I think he can be the PG we want in due time. If we go this route, then all we need is a veteran PG now that can start for us for a year or 2, to show Vasquez the way, then fade into the sunset. Andre Miller or Jason Kidd would be a good example of Option 1.

        Option 2 is to lock Vasquez in as our backup PG, and look for a long term starting PG. It’ll be nice to hit a homerun and nail Deron Williams, Rondo, Parker, or bring back CP3, but that is all unlikely. I think a realistic option that would flourish in our system is Devin Harris. If we could pull him from Utah, I think he has another 5 years left in him as a starting capable PG. His quickness and on ball D are top notch, and he’s had some experience playing in big games (with Dallas) so his experience at the point would be welcomed. I think he and Gordon could be a solid backcourt, especially defensively for years to come.

      • Marshall lead UNC in scoring last night versus Duke, with 20 points! He shot nearly 50% from the field (better than Barnes) in spite of getting fouled while shooting, and was 5-6 from the line (more attempts than Barnes)! I am so sick of people saying Marshall can’t score (or defend).

        Oh yeah, Marshall had 10 assists against Duke and is five assists away from setting the ACC single season assist record!! Think of all of the ACC players who currently don’t have that record, CP3 included.

        Marshall can play!

  2. Here’s my question…what do you guys think the mentality of an NBA player is when a team trades him. Obviously, if he’s traded without warning it leaves a bad taste in that players mouth for the team that traded him, but what about with a professional team that’s honest and open with him from day one? A team that tells the player exactly what’s going on, every step of the way.

    What if Demps has told Kaman and Landry that he really likes them, but from a business standpoint its just a smart thing for the team to trade them for assets this season. What if he has explained how our team has no shot at the playoffs this year, so it’s a win-win for both us (the Hornets) and them to let them go to a playoff contender. We get assets in return, they get a playoff run for all their hard work this season. The kicker is that then in the offseason, (since the player is an unrestricted free agent) if the player appreciates how we operate and what we are trying to build here, that we will welcome them back with open arms.

    How sweet would it be to get draft picks and young players for Kaman and Landry, then to snatch both players back this summer via free agency. Kaman appears to love New Orleans, and Landry does as well. I feel paying Landry $9 mill this season was overpaying him, but what if it was a “down payment” for something…like a good favor and in return he agrees to sign a long term deal for less than he’s worth, since he got so much up front this year? I guess what I am saying is that if the Hornets traded or kept both players, I think those players would welcome a new contract from us this summer. The question is would the players buy the logic of trading them away now for the long term benefit of the team? Or would they take it personal and not even give a return a thought? Imagine if this also was in the thinking with CP3 and he returns summer of 2014 with a loaded team around him this time. I don’t think its a coincidence that we only want high character guys. As a small market we have to build a successful team in an nontraditional way, so we need intelligent players to buy in and not feel like we gave them the shaft. I look forward to hearing yall thoughts on this.

    • I agree with you. I’d love to get Kaman back, and it seems he likes it here. Assuming we can get him for decent money. I like Landry, but unfortunately I think he’s proven disposable.

    • I think of all the organisations (I’m from Australia and that’s how we spell it, I already compromised on rumours to rumors — like colour to color) out there, the Hornets are one of the more professional.

      This has only happened in the past two seasons, as we try to mimic the Spurs.

      If Kaman and/or Landry is traded I find it hard to believe they’d be willing to sign back in New Orleans. It’s likely the picks and young players we’d receive would fill their roles.

      If we get Anthony Davis/Thomas Robinson/Jared Sullinger then the PF goes out the window. We still have Okafor locked down for this season and the next two and we will probably end up drafting a Center with our Timberwolves pick.

      I’d love to think there would be “no hard feelings.” But when the Hornets offer similar money to that of other Free-Agent teams, both Kaman and Landry would go elsewhere.

      I think these guys are buying into the system here (especially Eric Gordon). Just need to see how things pan out…

      • I think the guys are buying into the system as well, especially the guys that have come from the classless Clippers. I just hope its enough to make these guys (especially Gordon) not want to see if the grass is greener on the other side… a bigger market.

        You are correct that if we draft a PF thats theres no room for a return of Landry, but I think the $9 mill salary this year gives us the option to be his preference should we not draft a PF. I could see us trading Landry only to bring him back this summer if we draft Drummond, Barnes, or Kidd-Gilchrist. Likewise, I could see us bringing back Kaman if we go the PF route in the draft. Obviously, this all assumes we can bring back Landry or Kaman at a discount. While unlikely, I think its possible.

  3. Don’t forget- James, Ryan, and I will be doing an hour long trade podcast tomorrow night, so send in your best efforts and we will break them down on the podcast.

  4. Other than a Kama deal, I would be surprised if a major deal is made before the new owner buys the team. I think the NBA will want to give the new owner an opportunity to rebuild the team however he sees fit.

    • I don’t really see it that way. I think the new ownership group, either Chouest or the California group, will be in contact with management to see whether they like the trade (if it gets to that stage).

      Remember, Demps has had a budget to operate under the NBA, and he’s been allowed to do whatever underneath it (with some advice and guidance).

      We probably also need to examine what we mean by “major.” I think Kaman, Landry, Ariza, in fact, most of our team is on the block (except maybe Gordon, our first and maybe Ayon). I don’t think we’re getting a superstar, it will most likely be a trade for more flexibility or future first round picks.

  5. Really like the blog, guys, but could you please name this column something other than Doing Dealer Dell? This sounds like a porno with an unfortunate starring role for Mr. Demps. Is this an inside joke? Hasn’t someone else mentioned this?

  6. Ok give me your thoughts on this
    Lakers get – Howard, and turgalo
    Orlando gets – Gasol, Monta Ellis, trevor Ariza, and Beidrens (Golden State)
    Hornets get – Andrew Buynum
    Warriors get – Okafore, and Jason Richardson
    Sorry for the bad spelling

    • I don’t know, the longer Biedrins fails at Golden State, maybe the Warriors would take on Okafor’s contract. Realistically though I doubt they give up Ellis for older players with long contracts.

  7. take the 1st trade. Wallace is only 29 and we need help at sf.

    Im not ready to give up on Jack. aminu is starting to drive to the basket but just cannot finish. Did have 6 of reb’s last night.

    • And Trevor is 26, so why trading for an older similar player. Gerald may be best offensive player, but Sriza is the better defender. I hope Trevor is part of our long term plans, his mentality and work ethic is a good thing to keep in the organization.

  8. I don’t understand why Dell would hang up on the Bucks…. If Bogut was offered I’d take him in heartbeat and show mek the door.

    • Because Bogut have played less games in the last couple of seasons than Gordon…

      I wouldnt like to have another player sitting on street clothes in the bench

    • He’d listen, but I mean Bogut’s injury history is puzzling. Also, I can assure you that any trade that involves Bogut will also have Stephen Jackson attached.

      The Bucks messed up big time on that one and are trying to get rid of him any which way.

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