In the NO Podcast Episode 48: Looking for a Favorite Player

Michael and I talk about the week that was, more draft, and more thinking towards the future. Oh, and I fail to ambush Michael not once, as “Mikestrodamus” proves unflappable. Whatever.

Next time I’ll ask him about Star Trek. Dude probably doesn’t know the difference between a Betazoid and a Bajoran. Loser.

Enjoy the Podcast! Want it on Itunes?

7 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 48: Looking for a Favorite Player”

  1. Casual fans might hate watching this Hornets team, but I absolutely love watching Ayon and Vasquez develop under Monty. “Tanking” (or flat out sucking) isn’t as bad as I expected.

    • i agree give them more playing minutes and why not start ayon at the forward spot and vasquez at the point and move over jack at the 2 guard gives yo more opportunity to score.

  2. not enough respect given to J Jack , he’s playing way over his head and doing so valiantly. Vasquez is a PG for sure I don’t see how that’s a negative. And lets not be too harsh here we’ve got a team who’s really hurting for points but they play hard and rebound better than I thought they ever would. Do you think its worth pointing out that Oklahoma City model for success may be besmirched by Westbrooks inability to be the 3rd best player on his team

    im with stefan if we are gonna have to go thru some tough patches with Gordon out its great to have Vasquez and Gustavo to rooot for.

    ps. rondo is one of the nba’s premier competitors. think about this how good Oklahoma City would be if they could pull a Westbrook , Rondo swap


  3. Ok guys…I came up with a trade that might make sense for both teams. Would love to hear some feedback. Trade Machine is currently down so I can’t get a specific trade but it will revolve around Gordon + Okafor for Granger + Hibbert.

    Both teams ship their “superstars” home which should make the stars happy about the change. NOLA gets rid of a player with lots of upside but a bad injury history which will make contract negotiations tricky. In return we get a sure guy under a deal already locked in. He gives us the scoring Gordon gives us, only at the SF instead of the SG. Marco/Henry/Jack can hold down the SG spot until we get Kidd-Gilchrist or another SG in the draft. With the glut of SFs we have (Granger, Ariza, Aminu, Summers) we can look to trade Ariza. I love the idea of Andre Miller at the 1, which is something we could still do now for Kaman, or look to grab him in the summer as a free agent, and keep Kaman here. I rather the latter.

    Best case senario, we draft a nice PF along with Kidd-Gilchrist, bring in Andre Miller and re-sign Kaman and/or Landry, plus maybe a late 1st rounder from the Ariza deal. Next season you’re looking at PG- Miller/Vasquez/Jack, SG- Kidd-Gilchrist/Jack/Henry, SF- Granger/Aminu/Summers, PF- Landry/draft pick (Davis, Jones, Sullinger, etc), Ayon; C-Hibbert/Kaman.


  4. I like your trade but Indiana would not do that trade. The hornets would have to sweeten the deal like sending them a small forward on top of what you proposed. And that may not even be enough to get the face of the Pacers franchise..

    Listen guys, realistically we will not be able to draft Anthony Davis unless stern decides to help us out or we trade both picks. In that case, I believe Thomas Robinson is the next sure thing. Feel free to disagree but I see him as overall the #1 safest pick in this loaded pf draft class.. Also, read this short article, “Never Blink” You may just become a fan!

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