In the NO Podcast Episode 47: Into the Garbage Chute

Ryan and Michael discuss the first two weeks of the season, what we like, what we don’t like.  Inevitably, talk turns to the future, a little about the draft, and where they think the Timberwolves will finish the season.  Playoffs . . . or not?

I was going to start this post with the line “I don’t care what it smells like! Get in there!” but I don’t want to turn you off from listening. Besides, Michael and I bathe regularly. Just not together. Or on the show. So go listen. Really!

Enjoy the Podcast! Want it on Itunes?

17 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 47: Into the Garbage Chute”

  1. Hornets really need to step their Game up. I wish to see an improvement on this team soon!!! from 6 loses in a row to 6 wins in a row!!!!

  2. Agree with the speculation about Monty’s ability to develop young talent. It definitely seemed like he couldn’t/wouldn’t do it last year. See, e.g., Thornton. He has no choice but to develop young guys now. I hope he can do it, but I’m not sure he’s able.

    Good podcast.

    • A colleague of mine from Indiana, one of the smartest men I know, has been in Portland for years, and had been there for slightly less when we hired Monty.

      He was a Hornets fan when he lives here, and had connections with someone in the organization. When the team went to Portland, he’d get the hook up.

      I’ve agreed with all of his basketball assessments without exception, coming to agree with him more in time as I got smarter.

      I asked him about Monty when we hired him. He said point blank and without hesitation that Monty’s speciality is working with young players. Whether this means he can work with all young players, whether he can rehab ruined ones (Juju), I don’t know, but I take that as a strong indpendent voice in Monty’s favor in this regard. I mean, can we really trust what Portland said about him while he was there? He also pointed to his time in the role of head coach while his boss was all kneed up. They thought he was ready to run a team in all aspects.

      • Agreed 100%. There are some correctable issues with regard to the Chris Paul situation. Correcting them is necessary, though not sufficient, to avoid that from every happening again. Developing young talent is one of those issues.

        Thornton seemed to have some issues that weren’t about development. Everyone seemed to think he was game-ready . . . so is that a development issue?


      • I use “development” in a broad sense. I mean skill recognition, proper use, getting along with the player, understanding the emotional aspect of the player, retention, etc. Developing skills is the easy part. Those other aspects of development are not easy, but they are necessary when it comes to handling young players.

        Thornton was court-ready, but for some reason Monty didn’t get along with him so he got shipped out. To me that suggested a Byron Scott approach to coaching: one mess-up and you’re gone; my way or the highway. Some of that is ok, but the coach has to know when to say when. I just don’t think absolute rigidity will work with young players, and I don’t know where Monty stands on that front. We will see though. He’s got almost nothing but young players to work with.

        It’s a balancing act for sure, and I certainly don’t envy NBA coaches.

  3. I think trading Kaman to the Trailblazers for Oden and a 1st rounder would work, thoughts?

    -Portland has a real chance to make a run in the playoffs
    -The pick is likely to be high anyway
    -Oden’s out for the season anyway and they need depth… Win Win?

  4. Great podcast, next one should talk about possible trading partners for Landry, Kaman, Okafor, Ariza, Landy, Jack, and marco, don’t care if was 3-4 from beyond the arch against Denver. He was decent last year and just terrible this year.

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