Stern is not a bad guy

I had my doubts like a few people that he was not going to pull through for us but he did and he’s not the frist commissinor to stand up for us NOLA fans Former NFL commish Paul Tagllibue stood up for us after katrina to convince Saints owner Tom Benson to keep the team in New Orleans and it lead to us having a super bowl team.on the NBA side Stern help the Hornets pull a decent trade that was fair down the line.As the season goes forward Stern is a good guy to the Hornets fans in NOLA and an enemy to ESPN and a few owners but small markets will prevail.

One response to “Stern is not a bad guy”

  1. Unlike alot of people, I applauded David Sternfor blocking that HORRIBLE trade from happening the first time around. I just did not like it one single tiny bit. I did kind of believe for a moment Stern was screwing us over when the second trade was taking a while to go through…But what we got for cp3 was I thought, reallllllly good. If we had also gotten Bledsoe I would of cried tears of joy because I think that we wouldve hit the jackpot with all those pieces…But nonetheless, Stern is a N.O hero for this. We should all be thanking Stern for allowing us to be competitive. I believe for one,that we will be in the playoffs, THIS YEAR. Geaux Hornets!

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