Quincy Pondexter Injured in Win Over Memphis?

((new update– J. Michael says it’s not serious and that Pondexter should be ready to go by the season opener))

(update: Quincy tweeted this not too long ago– “Great team win tonight. Now it’s time to get this regular season started #HORNETSNATION #imin” That doesn’t sound like someone too concerned about his knee, but it’s something to keep an eye on nonetheless.)

Considering he wound up with 14 and 12, Quincy Pondexter didn’t appear to have been hurt in Wednesday’s preseason victory over the Grizzlies. But he was, according to J. Michael Falgoust. At some point during the game he suffered an unspecified injury to his knee. He played through it, but that doesn’t mean it won’t  be a problem going forward. I’m not a doctor so I won’t pretend to tell you I have any idea of what it could be or how long he could be out. It might not be anything serious at all. Could just be a tweak.

What I do know is that he will have an MRI tomorrow, which a real doctor will interpret. We’ll keep you updated. Let’s hope it’s not serious. Pondexter looked pretty good in the game, and I know that he worked his tail off to improve all off season. Hornets fans everywhere (including us) are obviously hoping for the best.

2 responses to “Quincy Pondexter Injured in Win Over Memphis?”

  1. I heard that Quincy Pondexter would be ready . . . for surgery . . . on the moon . . . and he’s the doctor . . . by the season opener.

    Who wants to add to the nothing of this story?

    A car chase?

    A boat chase?

    Sharks with laser beams?

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