“Tank the season” No way!!!!!!!

All i hear from my fellow bloggers is tank the season you can’t just tank the season because of the CP3 trade,ownership change or any other shakeup.Yes it’s going to be a “shakedown season” the premise is to rebulid this season not 2 or 3 years.If the Hornets is have an no nonsense owner(s) they’re not going to tolerate mediocre.He,she or they want quality on the court,off the court and in the front office.Getting that lottery pick in the trade was great the t-wolves will tank this season because of young inexperience talent for that pick to be a lottery pick.We do have another 1st rounder 20th overall do you want to tank the season to have back to back lottery picks.Teams that had back to back lottery picks in the past would draft a boom and a bust in the draft.With a deep draft class coming up in 2012 you can always get a gem in the middle of the 1st round also.A team like the Hornets can’t rebulid within the draft they’ve an 1 to 2 year window til they become an starter but in free agency and trades you can.Get a player that wants to revived his career here then to get an opportunity to be here long term or somewhere else.An 1 or 3 year contract is a start this team can be an 7th or 8th seed this year in the playoffs and with more additions next season 4th to 6th seed and maybe 2013 3rd you never know.

5 responses to ““Tank the season” No way!!!!!!!”

  1. the 2012 draft is lauded because of its top 5 picks – especially the top 3 picks because all of them are expected to, or at least have the potential, to be a REAL NBA SUPERSTAR. andyou never win without a superstar. i wouldn’t say “tank” but this season is a season of re-acquaintance. We don’t know our team’s identity besides the fact that it is going to be a grind it out defensive team bcoz of monty. but besides that, what else?

    This year is the perfect year to “know which of our youngsters” we can keep just because its a shortened season plus we have the strongest draft class since 2012. give me AT LEAST one top 3 pick and i’ll be happy. even if that Min pick turns out to be a 7-10 pick(which is one of the historically worst spots in the draft), at least we got an Anthony Davis/Harrison Barnes/Andre Drummond who can and SHOULD develop into a superstar(esp. Davis and Barnes IMO).

    After this season? that’s when we should start trying to win again. We don’t play to “not win” anymore but to win. It’ll take some time, but if Monty CAN develop Davis (my preferred target) then we have ourselves a good foundation, which is important for ANY franchise.

  2. Let’s face it – we will not be very good this year. Nobody is tanking, it’s just reality. The west is tough – not as top heavy as the past, but maybe deeper. think about it – Utah, Portland, Denver, Phoenix, Houston, Warriors are all going to be tough teams that have played together in the past. The top four spots in the west will be fought out between the lakers, clips, mavs, spurs, thunder, and grizzlies. that leaves two non-contenders: the Hornets and T-Wolves. The hornets will be tough outs, but the bottom line is that half of their roster is new and they will have about a week and a half to get them ready to play. I think the best case scenario would be that the Hornets will struggle out of the gate, then show some serious improvement in the second half of the season. I think Kaman and Carl Landry will be trade bait at the deadline to pick up more assets, whether it be picks, prospects, or even a move for a guy with a bigger contract that Demps covets (think, Iguadala?). Hopefully we can pick up another athletic wing like AI and shed Ariza’s contract in the process.

  3. I see the hornets making a few more trades with Oakfor(over priced contract) or Kaman to T-Wolves(they want a veteran big man) or to Houston for 2-3 players(Dragic-PG,Hill-PF,and/or Patterson-PF)

    I think they will also sign a player like Carlos Arryo to a vets min. With Willie Green to help with the point guard and I can see them adding Ryan Hollins or Al Thornthn

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