Submit Your Questions for New Orleans Hornets Media Day

Hornets Media day is about to begin, and I just realized that I’ve spaced on asking for question submissions from y’all. If you could be so kind, please put your questions either right here or shoot them to me on twitter @GerrityJoe

Chris Paul won’t be taking questions, so no need to submit anything for him.

11 responses to “Submit Your Questions for New Orleans Hornets Media Day”

    2- Are the NBA really looking for an owner(S) or do they really want to just keep owning the Hornets?
    3- If these trade don’t happen what are the Hornets Back-Up plans?
    4-If by any Chance we get rid of Okafor what Center should the Hornets acquire after that deal gets done?
    5- Will CP3 ever get Traded or is the NBA just gonna make sure he stays w/ a team he lost his faith for?
    6- Who is our next franchise Player w/ CP3 possibly Gone?
    7-Does David Stern Realize he in some way is HURTING the Hornets more than Helping them?
    8- Which One of our D-League All-Starz will rise in Stats and in popularity w/ the fan?
    9- What Hope do we have this season on a scale of 1-10 of making the Playoffz
    10-Is there any way we can get trade in value,w/Draft Picks enough to make the playoffs and have top 10 draft picks?

    These are the questions that need to be asked and answered!!!

  2. Will the Nba communicate with the hornets fans their intentions or let the newly AQUIRED fans watch D league players all year with a disgruntled CP3?

  3. Does the Nba plan on its usual course of “wait until the last minute” to finally choose a solution for the CP3 mess?

  4. To whomever:

    With the anticipation of Paul possibly not being there at the start of the season, does the team feel like Jarrett Jack is ready to step up and be the vocal leader on and off the court?

    • That is an excellent question. Collison and Thornton were both traded because of Paul, even though Paul had no intention of staying with the Hornets. He revealed his real feelings at Anthony’s wedding. We should have traded Paul last year. I have lost all respect for Paul.

  5. Yah now you got ALOT of good questions to ask with the trade going through!

    Eric Gordon, Chris Kaman, Al-Farouq Aminu & Minnesota’s unprotected 2012 1st to New Orleans for Chris Paul

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