Hornets Host Health and Fitness Luncheon Amid the Madness

Even though the Hornets front office appears to have lost all power to dictate moves in the crazy situation that has become trading Chris Paul, it’s clear that they aren’t letting that stop them from continuing to help and improve the community that they are so clearly determined to remain a part of. Who needs CP3 anyway when you have 1000 old people on call?

Speaking of the Point God (yes, I still have love), he was at practice, and I actually even saw a smile at one point from him! We weren’t able to get it on camera, but you can be assured that millionaire basketball player Chris Paul isn’t quite as depressed as the world is making him out to be. Putting it all in perspective, his life is still pretty good. I’m sure he knows that.

We’ll have more on the Paul later, assuming there is anything new to report.

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