Official Press Release About the Hornets Passing 10,000 Full Season Ticket Holders

NEW ORLEANS (December 8, 2011) — The New Orleans Hornets announced today that the organization has sold more than 10,000 season tickets for the 2011-12 season, including selling the most new season tickets in the NBA since June. This strong demonstration of community commitment to the long-term presence of the NBA team in New Orleans is all the more remarkable because it was achieved in the midst of significant uncertainty regarding team ownership and a labor work stoppage.

“This year, I joined leaders in New Orleans to urge area businesses and fans to support the Hornet’s goal of selling 10,000 season tickets for the 2011-2012 NBA season, which would help ensure the team stays in Louisiana,” said Governor Bobby Jindal. “Today’s news that the team has reached their goal demonstrates that support for the Hornets is alive and well in Louisiana. I join the players, local businesses, and especially Hornets fans everywhere, in applauding today’s news. We’re all looking forward to the start of the season, so that the team can get back on the court and fight for a championship.”

“We said from the beginning that the fans and this business community were going to prove that New Orleans is a basketball city and that we are united behind the Hornets,” said New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu.  “This announcement today proves that we’re all in and that the Hornets are here to stay.  I look forward to the upcoming season as we look to bring an NBA Championship home to New Orleans.”

“Exceeding the 10,000 season ticket level is a very significant step toward permanent sustainability for the Hornets,” said Hornets Chairman and NBA Governor Jac Sperling. “As we continue to seek local ownership of the team, we will continue to pursue new franchise highs in all aspects of team performance areas. We are grateful to Governor Bobby Jindal and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu as they have been ‘in’ from the start and have been influential advocates for the Hornets. And, of course, we thank our fans, who are the best fans in the NBA.”

“Having 10,000 season ticket holders is the gold standard among NBA franchises,” said Hornets President Hugh Weber. “To have achieved this feat in light of the situation we were in over the summer is a testament to the incredible support the Hornets are so fortunate to enjoy here in New Orleans. Every member of our organization has been committed to this goal since we started our renewal campaign around the first of the year.  We are grateful to these corporate partners who have stepped up in support of the Hornets, as well as to the many other individuals and corporations who have purchased season tickets for the 2011-12 season.”

The Hornets pursuit of 10,000 season tickets was initiated in February as the team began its infamous “I’m In” campaign, which included appearances and public support from Governor Jindal and Mayor Landrieu.  The campaign has included grassroots marketing, electronic billboards, radio and TV advertising and, most importantly, the unprecedented “100 Events in 100 Days: I’m In, Are You?” initiative. The team used small get-togethers hosted in the homes and businesses of current season ticket holders and partners, as well as local businesses, to gather non-season ticket holders together and encourage them to be “in” by becoming 2011-12 season ticket holders.

In addition to the season ticket success, the Hornets have also achieved great success in corporate partnerships, adding two new Crescent City Champions in Entergy and Chevron. Many of the Hornets’Corporate Partners stepped up to assist the team in achieving the 10,000 season ticket mark, especially – Entergy, Ochsner Health System, Capital One Bank and Acme Oyster House.

“We are proud to be a part of the Hornets family and are looking forward to a great season of Hornets basketball,” said Toni Beck, Entergy’s Group Vice President, Corporate Communications.

David Gaines, CEO of System Retail Services & Marketing of Ochsner Health System, said, “We are delighted to play an important role in the resurgence of the New Orleans Hornets.  We are looking forward, as well, to partnering with the Hornets on a charitable endeavor in conjunction with their pre-season home game against Memphis on Dec. 21 at the New Orleans Arena.”

Steve Hemperley, Greater New Orleans Market President for Capital One Bank, said “As a community-focused business that has remained a major supporter of the Hornets since 2002, Capital One Bank is excited about the upcoming season and, with our additional support, providing tickets throughout the season to local veterans.”

“The Hornets are an important part of what makes this city great, and as a corporate partner we are excited to do our part to help reach their goal of 10,000 season tickets. We are also excited to donate these tickets to local community organizations so that everyone has a chance to experience professional basketball in this city”, said Mike Rodrigue, owner of Acme Management Group, Inc.

12 responses to “Official Press Release About the Hornets Passing 10,000 Full Season Ticket Holders”

  1. HOORAY! if cp3 doesn’t want to be part of this upswing, he can kiss our ass goodbye! (i still wish him well though)

  2. I agree. For as long as Paul as been here, it pains me to see that he doesn’t see we’re about to hit our stride. Shinn will be out, a new owner will be in. Dell Demps looks like he’s going to be a great GM (we’ll save our decisions until AFTER the CP3 trade), and Monty had a decent first season (jury’s still out on him, but he’s had a strong start). With all of the stuff opening around the arena (new streetcar line, Superdome upgrade, the Hyatt reopening, and all of the new bars and restaurants being built next door), hitting the 10,000 mark is HUGE. If we can just have some stability and progress from here on out, the fan base won’t have the dwindling problems of the past. I feel we’re about to enter a golden age, and I’m just sad Paul won’t be here to see it.

  3. It’s going to be a great rebuliding process hopefully a new owner by march.It’s great we’ve a good coach and GM that knows what he’s doing. I believe without a doubt The Hornets will have a bright future in New Orleans for years to come.

  4. Well, ticket holders get ready to watch Kevin Martin & Luis Scola!

    3-Team-Trade w/ Hornets, Lakers, & Rockets being discussed!

    Hornets get- Kevin Martin, Luis Scola, & 1st-rounders

    Lakers get- Chris Paul (& possibly Emeka Okafor)

    Rockets get- Pau Gasol (& possibly Luke Walton)


    • Soooo mutual on this trade, as Ryan & Michael are always saying, it’s never good to be a 40-win team in the west, and this trade would make us exactly that..

  5. FletcherMackel Fletcher Mackel
    by DamnGinah
    Hornets selling deal w/kevin martin as headliner for CP3 to 10,019 season ticket holders will be tough.
    46 minutes ago

    Somebody tell this clown to shut up.

  6. I hope that Dell will trade Okafor and Ariza for cap space so we can get Marc Gasol or Nene.I want us to re sign West,Scola can be move to small forawrd and resign Landry,Gray,Mbenga and sign James Jones,Rodney Stuckey or Reggie Williams and sign Carlos Arroyo

  7. Queenie i Hate Fletcher Mackel too he’s a D Bag i’ve always been an Jim Henderson and Ed Daniels fan the real sports reporters Fletcher should be at ESPN he act like those jokers.

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