In the NO Episode 42: Chris Paul, Chris Paul, and Chris Paul!

The guys talk about Chris Paul, whether he’ll stay or go – and what to try to get for him if he goes. Oh, and we try to apportion blame for the fact the Hornets have had a megastar for 7 years, and have generally failed to contend.

I blame McNamara.

Also on slate this week for our the NBA is back Podcasting Extravaganza:

Enjoy the Podcast! Want it on Itunes?

15 responses to “In the NO Episode 42: Chris Paul, Chris Paul, and Chris Paul!”

  1. I’ve a few trade that can happen i like Golden St. trade forsure but i’ve two that looks like a great deal

    CP3 and Okafor to the Bucks for Brandon Jennings,Bogut,Stephen Jackson and Ilyasova

    CP3 & Okafor for JRue Holiday,Iggy and Elton Brand and sign Nene or Gasol in free agency

    • I see it as (if CP3 wants to Leave of course):

      3-Team Trade w/GSW, and Clippers
      hornets gets:M.E.,D.Jordan, and 1st RD DP from GSW
      Clippers gets:CP3,D.Wright, and A.B
      GSW gets:Okafor,E.Gordon, and 1st RD Dp from Clippers

      Next: we resign West,Green, and Gray
      Trade:Phi gets Marco Belinelli, and 2nd Dp and Hornets gets Jrue Holiday
      Sign: Yi Jianlian (UFA), Reggie Williams (RFA), Rasul Butler(UFA), Nick Young (RFA), Alexis Ajinca(UFA),

      2011-2012 Roster
      PG-> Jrue Holiday, Jarett Jack
      SG-> Monti Ellis, Reggie Williams, W.Green, Rasul Butler, Q-Pon
      SF-> Nick Young, Trevor Ariza, Pat Ewing jr.
      PF-> David West, Yi Jianlian,
      C-> D.Jordan, Alexis Ajinca, AAron Gray

  2. Wasn’t on board with Warriors trade when Ryan proposed it, but the more I think about it, the more the following trade makes sense for both teams:

    Paul and Ariza for Curry, David Lee, and Dorrell Wright, 2012 1st rounder (top 5 protected)

    GSW: They take a shot with Chris Paul. They show him they are willing to spend and tell him that he will be leaving 26 million on the table if he doesn’t re-sign. Even if he doesn’t, they can do a sign and trade, getting back (at worst) a package of Fields, Shumpert, and a huge trade exception. They also get Lee off the books with this trade and could amnesty Biendrins next year, giving them around 40 million in cap room. That’s worst case. Best case is they keep Paul.Something else to remember: Mike Malone is there and he likely wants a perimeter defender like Ariza, so GS might see him as a plus in this deal and might actually prefer him to Wright. Golden State also has the means to go after West and/or Chandler (if they amnesty Biendris now) to really make CP3 consider staying.

    Hornets: Hornets get three starters out of the deal, one of which could become a perenial All-Star. Yes, David Lee’s contract is less than ideal, but he gives the Hornets an elite rebounder at the PF position and some athletisicm on the front line. Wright has a friendly contract and the Hornets could go into the 2012 draft with two top 10 picks if Paul doesn’t immediately mesh with his new team in GS.

    • I could go for the GSW trade you propose their. I just wish whatever happens would hurry up and happen. Hate the drama!

      • The word here, the Bay Area, is that the Warriors have no interest in Paul without an extension, and that they believe he is not interested in playing here and would not extend, so no deal.

        Furthermore, Chris Paul would not fit in well culturally in northern California. That’s an issue for a lot of East Coast/Southern guys.

        Chris Paul will try to fanagle a trade to New York, but it will require some kind of third party intervention because the Knicks roster was devastated with the Carmelo Anthony deal last year.

        Today CP3’s main goal to is control the damage of the “rumor” put out by Yahoo Sports that he wants to go to NY. He’s the Herman Cain of the NBA. Read what Paul said about how he wants to get into training camp with NO and get ready for the season. His value goes down with public knowledge of a desire for a trade, especially to a particular team.

      • I agree there’s no interest on the Warriors’ part, but I think if the Hornets agree to take on Biedrins too, the Warriors then have the space to go after Nene this year (and/or DH next year if they amnesty Lee).

        But I also think it’s a reality the Warriors will try to hang onto their 1st rd pick next year.

  3. Nice job as usual guys. It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. Personally I say if we have to trade him, lets do the LAC deal ASAP (Gordon and MINN’s pick are a must) and let’s start over.

    Every superstar in the NBA has to come from the draft. With a loaded crop of potential starts coming out next summer, we can get 2 in the top 5. I say atleast 3 guys in next year’s draft turns into a star, but what if it’s more? What if we hit the jackpot and land 2? Now we have young cheap stars under contract for awhile, Gordon who will be nice, plus a bunch of cap space and other young pieces.

    And most importantly, we have a system set by upper management in place so we can draft exactly what we are looking for, not trying to make it work with what we already have. I’d still be in, and still be excited about this team. I just hate all the rumors, the tweets, the articles. I want stability and a team committed to us so we can commit to them.

  4. Clippers/Thunder trade still looks best to me.

    Gordon+Kaman+filler+1st round pick for Paul + Okafor.

    Westbrook + Harden for CP3 + Quincy + 1st.

    Even Broussard admitted that Clippers/Thunder potential extension destinations.

    Also, what if CP3 gets hurt in practice/preseason/season? We get NOTHING.

    He needs to go as soon as possible.

  5. CP for Gordon, Minnesota’s pick, LAC 2012 and 2014 first round picks, and Aminu


    CP and Okafor for Gordon, Minnesota’s pick, extend-and-trade DeAndre Jordan and Chris Kaman (to make the money work)

  6. I would much rather have Rondo and his contract to build around with picks than Westbrook , although I do much prefer a full on rebuild . But Rondo and is young enough , good enough and on a reasonable contract that he doesn’t necessarily kill a rebuild. NOT TO MENTION RONDO IS EASILY TWICE THE PLAYER WESTBROOK IS , I’m in it for the long hall you know their aren’t many situations with the Hornets I can’t get behind but being forced to root for Westbrook would really be pushing my limits. glad we got dell

  7. Hornets/Warriors/Grizzlies!

    Hornets get:
    David Lee
    Stephen Curry
    O.J. Mayo
    Warriors 1st Round Pick

    Warriors get:
    Chris Paul
    Rudy Gay
    Darrell Arthur

    Grizzlies get:
    Trevor Ariza
    Monta Ellis
    Dorell Wright

    Hornets get a good return for Paul…

    Warriors not only bring in Paul, but they also bring in one of his best friends in Rudy Gay, they then could go sign David West or Tyson Chandler to make Paul want to stay even more!

    Grizzlies basically move Gay and Mayo and change their team up a little… Ellis would be a perfect compliment to Randolph and Gasol. Ariza and Wright at SF… thatd be one hell of an atheletic team.

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