Hornets Beat: Free Agents!

In this edition of Hornets Beat we examine other teams free agents with a focus on who would be a good fit for New Orleans. If you’re hoping for talk about amnesty, you’re going to have to wait until next week. We won’t open that can of worms until we have a better idea of which players are actually going to be amnestied.

At Qwest field in Seattle, small and large beers were priced differently despite actually being the same size. In New Orleans that’s enough to riot.

Joining Ryan and me are Will Hibert (LSUHornet17) from At The Hive, James Graysonfrom Swarm and Sting, and Alejandro de los Rios from Gambit and Blog of New Orleans. Alejandro had the pleasure/misfortune of sitting next to me at most Hornets games last year, and honestly the most important thing we ever learned together is that the New Orleans Arena large beers are actually bigger than the small ones. Crazy, right? We tested beers all night long to make that determination. Scientific research needs to be thorough, after all.

1.) What is the Hornets number one need, assuming West returns?

Ryan Schwan – A versatile wing player.  The problem with the Hornets is they are plugging one-trick ponies into both wing spots.  Ariza can defend and do nothing else well.  Belinelli can shoot but does nothing else well.  Willie can . . . well, he’s good at something, right?  Anyways, the best teams have players who can at least do a few things well.  The Hornets need to find wing players who can defend AND rebound or who can shoot AND pass.  It’s all about gaining multiple edges everywhere.  My suggestion?  Thaddeus Young.

Will Hibert – A creative wing scorer. Belinelli works decently next to Ariza, because he stretches the floor, but the Hornets need someone to take scoring responsibility away from Trevor, especially in light of the passiveness we saw from Chris Paul at times last year. Someone who can score semi-efficiently on isolations and still hit a decent percentage from three would be a huge upgrade to the Hornet offense.

James Grayson – Has to be a scoring/shooting SG, has to be. This does sound eerily familiar to the guy who we drafted from LSU and loved the city of New Orleans, but it’s true, we need creativity on the wing. The reason is simple, Chris Paul (or whoever) needs help or needs the offensive load to be taken off their shoulders. That 2008 season CP had shooters on the wings, a post man and a defensive center. The Hornets (if they resign West) will have a post man and a lesser defensive center but an extra defender at SF. They need a shooting guard who can create his own shot and knock down anything Paul throws towards him.

Alejandro de los Rios – A viable and consistent shooting guard (or two or three) is absolutely crucial for the Hornets right now and it wouldn’t hurt if they made some sort of splash in the free agent market (Jason Richardson? Jamal Crawford?) to show CP3 that the team is conscious that he can’t carry the offensive load by himself and that they’re committed to building a contender around their point guard. Otherwise, I can see CP3 demanding a trade mid-season and a Carmelo-type fiasco taking place.

Joe Gerrity-
I might be the only one to go this way, but a third big man with some size to plug in against teams with bigger front lines. Landry is nice and all, but he, like the hornets, lacks the physical tools to bang with bigger, tougher big men

2.) Who is the dream free agent signing for the Hornets?

Ryan Schwan – If we are going for a dream signing, I’m taking Marc Gasol.  He’s young and talented and anytime you can grab a skilled big man you do it immediately.  Even if he doesn’t fit with Okafor, he’s an upgrade at center and Okafor can be moved for someone else.

Will Hibert – I’m going to go with Nene. He’s a little undersized and will be overpaid, but he’s an super-efficient scorer who I think could play next to Emeka at times. He’s quick, can score, and is still in his prime. Sign me up.

James Grayson
– Outside of David West it would have to be Nene. He’d be perfect for the Hornets and has shown that he can also overcome his injury problems, consistently playing for most games during the season.

Alejandro de los Rios
– Nene would be a huge score but I don’t know if they Hornets can afford/will be allowed to pick him up. Glen Davis would be a huge get because of his LSU background and that it would give the Hornets some bulk in the paint. Unfortunately for the Hornets though, this year’s free agent crop doesn’t have one “dream” player that grab the public’s attention and instantly take them to the next level.

Joe Gerrity- Marc Gasol would be a dream of sorts. Not the greatest dream in the world, but a pretty good one nonetheless.

3.) What mid-level players should the Hornets target?

Ryan Schwan – Earl Clark, a promising young power forward who shows a lot of potential, Arron Afflalo, a defender who can shoot, Thaddeus Young, a talented defensive forward who can slash and operate around the rim.  I’m hoping one of the last two won’t be priced out of the Hornets range.

Will Hibert- Arron Afflalo. He’s a good and willing defender who shot 42% from 3 last year and showed he can score inside the arc as well. Young guy who appears to be getting better. Probably the best SG on the market and he’s restricted, so competition will probably be stiff. Other than that, I like Thad Young, Big Baby Davis, and Joel Przybilla (though the last two might be too expensive).

James Grayson- J.R. Smith, if he can get his release from China, if not, Jason Richardson. He’s quite old but he’d be a shooter the Hornets need. Glen Davis, Joel Przybilla also are possibilities.

Alejandro de los Rios – See what I mean about this year’s free agents? Glen Davis and Jason Richardson are the types of players that the Hornets need but are either still incomplete (Davis) or old (Richardson). If he had been a free agent last year, Nene would be on this list but the fact that he would be a “dream” this year says a lot about the Hornets options. Surely there are some players we’ve never heard of that Demps and Williams are scouting and when the Hornets sign them everyone will be all “Huh? Who? What?”

Joe Gerrity- Jason Richardson could fill a few needs and provide some some scoring punch, but he might be a bit pricey. Aaron Affalo is enticing, provided we don’t get into a bidding war for his services.

4.) Should the Hornets save some money for players who will be playing in China until mid-March?

Ryan Schwan – No.  The Hornets need to build a team and develop chemistry and familiarity, not hope that one latecomer will push them over the top to contender.

Will Hibert – No. With a shortened training camp, practice time and developing chemistry will be at a premium. The Hornets can’t afford to wait until March to try to add a major contributor. Not to mention I’m not exactly enamored with any of the guys who made the jump to China.

James Grayson – Definitely don’t go out of your way to save money for them, but keep an eye on them for sure. I really think the Hornets could use J.R. Smith, so I’d be very keen to add him to the roster.

Alejandro de los Rios – Absolutely not. This country is already spending too much money on Chinese exports. All jokes aside, Williams is a coach who relies on his players buying into his system and developing a strong sense of chemistry. Saving money sends a message that the team isn’t don’t building and anyone could lose their position at any moment, which undermines what Williams is trying to do. Also, as much as J.R. Smith has killed the Hornets and New Orleans fans regret the team trading him, he’s not worth the trouble and there’s no guarantee that he’s even interested in returning to the Hornets.

Joe Gerrity- Not unless they completely roll the dice and opt not to trade Paul. There won’t be many better late season additions than the players currently balling in China, and if we’re risking it all on Paul we might as well save a few ducats for a potential late season free agent splash.

5.) End of the day: Who will we be welcoming to the HornetsNation?

Ryan Schwan – As newcomers I have a strong feeling we’ll see either Louis Amundson or Shannon Brown in a Hornets Jersey this year.  The Hornets made pushes for both last off-season, and neither are that likely to return to their current team.  They should also come moderately priced.

Will Hibert – Besides the trading of Marcus Thornton, I haven’t been able to predict many of Dell Demps’ moves, and that’s probably a good thing. I’m sure some of the names we’ve been discussing will come up, but I’m even more sure that someone is going to come out of left field and throw us all for a loop. I’ll go with Afflalo as a new face, with a side note that I’m really hoping we are welcoming back Mr. David West to close out his career as a Hornet and securing a spot for his jersey in the rafters of the New Orleans Arena.

James Grayson – I have to say that we’ll be welcoming back Willie Green, he just seems like a Monty Williams guy. A new face, I’d have say it depends on how things turn out. I think HornetsNation will be welcoming…Jason Richardson.

Alejandro de los Rios – I’m with Hibert in that we just don’t know what Demps and Williams are thinking. Both are extremely good talent evaluators and know how to get hard-working, effective players on the cheap. Williams’ coaching style also is says to me that the team will look for scrappers and workers over household names. That said, Jason Richardson would be a big pickup that would excite the fanbase and show CP3 this team actually wants to keep him and surround him with talent. But in reality, I think we’re going to barely know most of the players the Hornets sign and then be flabbergasted when this team somehow makes the playoffs with them. (This puts a lot of faith in Williams’ coaching ability, I know, but what can I say? I believe in him.)

Joe Gerrity- I hope, but do not think, that we will be welcoming either Jason Richardson or Aaron Affalo. If my one year of following Dell up close taught me anything, it’s that I’m not yet qualified to predict the Hornets future personnel moves with any confidence. Maybe after another year or so…

25 responses to “Hornets Beat: Free Agents!”

  1. What are the chances the Hornets use the “amnesty clause” to wipe out Emeka Okafor’s contract & free up $$$ to sign Tyson Chandler, David West, & keep CP3?

  2. Don’t want to open up a can of worms here, but do you think there is a snowballs chance in hell that MT5 could return to the Hornets. I know what a polarizing figure he was last year, but I can’t help but think if West and Paul leave, we will need someone that is a REAL crowd favorite to put butts in the seats until the team finds it’s new identity.

    • Sorry Coach44 but there is no snowball’s chance in H-E-double Hockey sticks that any Former Hornet that left on bad terms would ever want to come back! J.R. Smith,Tyson Chandler, Baron Davis, and especially MT5!!

      • You say that Crazyb22 but I remember seeing MT5 at a Hornets playoff game last year. I think he would be willing to come back but judging from last year I don’t think coach Williams wants him back.

  3. It really sucks to see how weak FA is this year, especially compared to last year. That being said, I only see a couple of players even worth pursuing. Those being Afflalo (maybe JRich as an alternate) and Gasol/Nene. The later won’t happen, so by resigning our key players at reasonable prices (West, Landry, Gray) and signing Afflalo to pair up with Beli, we have a better, more capable team.

    Paul, Jack
    Afflalo, Beli
    Ariza, QPon
    DWest, Landry
    Okafor, Gray

    Perhaps resign Ewing; Green will be resigned inevitably, and the roster is complete. Granted it won’t be easy to sign either of our 4s, let alone both of them. Ultimately, I hope that we do not overpay for mediocre talent or acquire talent through TRADES and not FA, at least this year.

  4. 1)- The hornets Number 1 need is a third Scorer at the SG, or SF position. If they go with SG best choice 2 go after is Monta Ellis (I know A lot of people disagree w/me on that opinion but I do think both he and CP3 can get along), and another we desperately might need is Kevin Martin. at SF hand down no body but Danny Granger #1 guy to go after!

    2)- Besides West Of course, I would be so happy if they get Marc Gasol, but he’s gonna cost too much money along w/Nene. would u believe it if the Hornet sign this year best two FA.

    3)- Only two people come to mind and there both former LSU stars: Thaddeus Young, and “Big Baby” Glen Davis.

    4)-No get a team going now! the Hornets should learn from there Mistakes from last Year. alright everybody remembers what the team looked like at the Begining of 2010 season. the were 11-0 before suffering there first lost of the season to the current Champs Mavericks, but later on the season when the team started messing w/the roster more by giving up MT5 the team was never the Same again! that’s the best example right there. If something is not broken Why Fix it!

    5)-Guarantee to come back 100%: Willie Green, he’s Williams boy and that’s gonna mess up the Team b/c he’s playing his Favorites w/players instead of putting he’s best talent in. U don’t Believe me? prime example MT5 was the best SG we had that year and he was third string and barely played. MT5 proved the biggest point of all that with M.Williams Favoritesm out weigh Talent any day, when they traded him to the Kings and all of a sudden MT5’s real talent started to show. when he went to the Kings he started avenging 20+ ppg. that’s what we needed and that’s what the fans wanted, but b/c of their Beef we lost a valuable player again! Despite the negative comments about MT5 I have a question to the hornets fans: Do you think our would’ve done better in the playoffs and in general if we figured out a way to trade green w/ other player to get Carl Landry and keep MT5???

  5. Is a trade for Dwight Howard possible? And we would be real solid if we could get big baby and a scorer like Jamal Crawford. But i wouldnt be opposed to trade my beloved CP3 if we can get a good group of younf players that want to stay here in NOLA like OKC did……… so basically we need an owner with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  6. I am going to go out on a limb here but I really think it could happen….Brandon Roy is someone who we could be welcoming to hornetnation this year… Trust me no one is talking about it because demps is that good bout keeping it quiet and if he isn’t even thinking about it he needs to be fired! this is how is could work out…..

    Roy gets the amnesty used on him….then if do a sign in trade with belineli for some cash..keep green ariza and MEk… let west and landry walk… move mek back to his natural PF…throw money and the CP3 affect at chandler.. nab Roy because being league owned and all the corporate sponsors we picked up should give us a good cash flow… This is very possible situation..Demps wake up and read this.. this is a championship caliber team formula…

    PG-Paul- can do everything.
    SG-Roy- perimeter player who can shoot and defend
    SF- Ariza- better perimeter defender in the nba and can slash very well.
    PF- Okafor- great defender when not overmatched
    C- Chandler- offensive rebounder and can run with paul no problem.(ala #2 seed in 2008)

  7. Theres a story on realgm.com that CP3 agent wants an sign and trade to the Knicks do you guys think this is a rumor or true?

  8. Paul Going to the Knicks would a great thing if a third team is in the trade talks the Clippers heres what the Hornets could going to get.

    From the Knicks Chauncey Billups,Toney Douglas,Landry Fields and 2012 & 2013 1st rd picks

    You trade Okafor and the 2012 1st rd Via Knicks to the Clippers for Chris Kaman and Eric Gordon

    Just think about this you Extend Gordon contract this year and sign Glen Davis then in 2012 you’ve Douglas,Billiups and Kaman contracts off the books and sign Dwight Howard and Deron Williams.The new ownership would love this idea once he,she or they purchase the Hornets so we would come out winners in this trade down the road.

    • Why would LAC do this trade? They’re not giving up expiring + young star for crap contract + pick.

  9. First…Paul’s agent has issued a statement that Paul will NOT be returning next year to NO.
    Second…Chandler ain’t coming here. So please drop all these wishes.

    Paul will need to be traded for a bunch of players or something really special.
    A shooting guard is THE issue if Paul stays at least this year.
    This always has been my main wish.

    Center is the second issue. Okafor is not going to be THE playoff center any more than Noah is for the Bulls.
    Once The Bulls lost Omer Asik, they lost the chance for winning. Noah, like Okafor, simply cannot control the paint come playoff time.
    Get over it. Get ral. Playoff basketball is brutal. These guys need help.

    GET A BIG CENTER! If Gray can be gotten back, add him along with that shooter(s)!

  10. If I’ve learned anything (and I think everyone else would have learned by now too) is that there WILL rumors about CP3 bring traded or leaving NO up until he’s actually traded, leaves in FA or signs in NO. I wouldn’t listen to ANYTHING until you hear it from CP3, Monty or Dell. Also “The Times Picayune, citing two league sources, said that Paul has NOT demanded a trade to the Knicks.”

    It’s good to be back Hornets247!!!

    • Paul’s not allowed to ask for a trade till Dec 9 he’d get fined by the league. That’s why the story says his Agent asked.

      Fact is, without a third team he’s not going to the Knicks in a trade.

      • Coz he’s more of a driver than a shooter and we need a shooter. Plus he can’t play D so I don’t see monty or Dell going for it..

  11. Well I am very sad to hear his agent request a trade for him…it is a shame that paul has been lying to all his hornets fans, telling them he has not requested a trade and wants to play for the hornets……if he does get traded it better be a bunch of first round picks so we can go and get C Jared Sulinger from Ohio st. start over with a center to build around instead of a pg who is just like baby bron bron.

  12. Can someone please explain to me why people are so enamoured of Glen Davis?

    He sucks on D at PF and C. He’s undersized at PF let alone C. He’s not very efficient or effective offensively.
    He’s a decent team defender but that’s pretty much all he’s got going for him.

    Plus, he’s phenomenally annoying to watch in my opinion..

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