No Deal: NBA Season in Jeopardy

The NBA and players have broken off negotiations without a solution or plans to talk again. You can panic now.

NBA owners and players ended negotiations after about five hours Thursday, and no further discussions were scheduled.

“Ultimately we were unable to bridge the gap that separates the two parties,” NBA deputy commissioner Adam Silver said. “We understand the ramifications of where we are. We’re saddened on behalf of the game.”

The two sides remained divided over two main issues — the division of revenues and the structure of the salary cap system.

It’s OK to cry if you’re feeling sad. I am.

18 responses to “No Deal: NBA Season in Jeopardy”

  1. Not throwing in the towel yet. They still haven’t cancelled any more games and they didn’t get a deal done until January 6th last time.

    That being said, I’m pretty disappointed that they broke talks off today. I really thought they had a shot this week but I guess not. The key is to get back to the table though. Stay away for an extended period and you’re really going to start losing more games. What the fans need is hope and if you don’t have meetings scheduled then you don’t provide any hope.

    • If they cancel games in 2 week blocks, then they should be canceling games in 2 week intervals.

      It’ll be time soon.

      If they cancel more than 2 weeks, then it’s a either a measure of the ‘gulf’ or an assault on the players. Maybe both.

  2. Sad, but also angry and resentful. It will be impossible to take the “season” seriously if they fail to play 82. The asterisk seasons don’t really count, and asking us to throw money at them after this is unconsionable. This will be basically an extended version of the exhibition tour some of the players are planning.

    Chris Paul for all his “this really hurts the fans bs” is just as guilty as anyone. Ever since I learned of his “the one and only Chris Paul” handle, I’ve lost respect for him. The players pretending to be sharp negotiators who side with the fans is a total manipulation.

    The Hornets get hurt badly by what’s going on. “I’m in?” In what? Warriors who were riding a high with the new ownership suffer too, as do other teams.

    I’m in St. Louis for the World Series. Couldn’t help but compare the professional quality of the MLB, and the Cardinals’ organization in particular, especially compared to the fools who represent the NBA on both sides.

  3. What makes me laugh is when any blogger gives warnings that if the season is canceled, fans will not come back.
    OK…then why are the big players threatening THEY are the reason the fans are there?
    If this was true…any time these egos once again hit the floor even in January, fans would run back, right? I mean it must be…just because the big boys are back.

    I know better.
    Fans love sports. We all need sports to deflect the horrors of our daily lives.
    It is entertainment. These goofs are NOT the “warriors” they try to make themselves out to be. They are instead nothing more than clowns, dancers, singers, piano players, ballerinas, orchestras…every sort of entertainment we as a culture pay to get relief from our miseries.

    I remember when long ago the subs took over the NFL. OK…the play was initially pretty sucky. But we came to watch the game.
    We began to find our fav underdogs to root for.
    And the Big Boys eventually saw the picture and came back.

    Look Union…it is NOT the players. It IS the game.
    The GAME brings us in.
    Yes, you are the BEST of the game today, but you are easily replaced with time.
    Whatever damage you may cause with your time in the game, be it drugs, punk possess,…whatever…the game will eventually survive into the future and then history.

    It is the game that counts.

      • thanks…

        hope all is going well this summer/fall.

        my wife and i took off to our florida digs early.
        our heart and soul, our dog John Wayne..a rescue dog my son had in college and we took over when he went to grad school…was killed by a car in MO.
        we simply cannot heal.
        his ghost is every where.

        really a broken guy these days….

        so nba boys, other things really are more important to us than your 50 plus take on league earnings!!!!!!
        even our puppies.

      • I had to pay the price of being owned by a dog this summer. My girl, Savannah. She and her brother (Cosmo) were road dogs. Mo is still around, as is a new rescue pit, Cashew Clay, who’s been around for more than a year.

        I went through great lengths to keep her cozy in her final days. When I take you to lunch one day, we can share scars.

        I still feel touched that she just `let’ me take care of her. Then it was just time.

        I still tear up (teer) and tear up (tair) thinking about her. I miss her every damned day.

      • If you aere ever in south Florida in the winter…give me a call.

        In the summer, I am on my lake in the Ozarks of Southern MO.

        BTY…we picked up a rescue dog a few days ago from a kill center.
        BOB, is doing fine, but it will take a long time for him to heal his wounds and we will soon make him fat and happy!!!

        Send you your email sometime…24/7 can give it to you.
        Or look me up on facebook…
        Paul Pellico

  4. Melo wants CP in a Knicks uniform i really believe that going to happen ESPN and Stern want it that way.Even with new ownership in New Orleans they’re going to need a new face for this franchise

      • Correct for now although a lot depends on where the new cap number is set. If it’s high enough, they’ll be able to give CP a base contract similar to what the big 3 got.

        If a low BRI number also means a low salary cap, then the Knicks have just about no shot.

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