New Orleans Hornets Have Officially Sold Over 9,000 Full Season Tickets

The New Orleans Hornets hosted a celebratory event on the 100th day of their “I’m In” campaign to announce that they have officially crossed the 9,000 ticket threshold. The event took place at the Eiffel Society and included season ticket holders who hosted events as well as members of the coaching staff and front office.

We were fortunate enough to get interviews with both Dell Demps and Monty Williams, and We’ll have those along with additional video of the press conference and event up throughout the next few days. No real hurry with owners and players taking “eight steps back” in today’s CBA negotiations. (These interviews turned into other conversations . . . but they will be replaced by something much better . . .)

For more information on breaking the 9,000 ticket barrier, check out Nostra42’s post, “Hornets Exceed 9,000 Season Tickets”.

And don’t forget to check out for original New Orleans Saints coverage.


42 here . . . shhhh . . . don’t tell Joe I did this . . . I’m being VERY sneaky, so I’ll keep this short . . . bullets . . . very quiet bullets . . . I did the edits up top, too . . .

  • 9,007 Full Season Tickets
  • During the 100 days, the Hornets sold more season tickets than any other NBA team
  • This was event 104
  • About 25 more events are already scheduled
  • The next phase of the campaign is: Over the next 365 (maybe 366) days, the Hornets will meet with each and every season ticket holder in their living room to talk and to listen . . . feedback is appreciated, even on players, etc.
  • Monty offered to host one krewe member in his home for dinner and basketball talk. This was spur of the moment thing, a complete surprise to the organization. He truly was moved by the progress and the drive to get this thing done. He said he wants to do his part. (Coach, I say it every time: Thanks.)
  • Serious discussions with the prospective owners may begin soon
  • Choosing an owner from the many candidates may be the obstacle, rather than finding an owner
  • Mayor Landrieu emphasized that the new ownership would be from New Orleans.
  • He also said that we need to go beyond 10,000
  • He also predicted a locust related disaster
  • Dell and Monty are really loving it here and feel a part of the community
  • Dell has been scouting in Europe
  • The Hornets will be on the radio in Biloxi when they have games for the first time ever

11 responses to “New Orleans Hornets Have Officially Sold Over 9,000 Full Season Tickets”

  1. Excellent work by the NOLA business community and fans for stepping up to the plate and showing they want this team.

    Kudos to the league for a good marketing scheme as well. The “I’m in” campaign is pretty cheesy on the surface but it works. All the celebrity, athlete and political figures acting like they care even if they don’t makes an impression on fans and businesses that are on the fence.

    • Oh they very well might care. That’s why I said “even” if they don’t, implying that some may or some may not but the important thing is that they are in public view as a result of the campaign and it makes an impression on the fans.

  2. It’s great to hear that they’re ready to sell the team and keep it here.Sperling said that they’re local and outside buyers that wants to keep this team here long term.

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