CP3 & other NBA stars may be heading Down Under

Not sure whether this has been in the news at all over in the states but in case it’s of interest to anyone, massive news broke late last night here in Australia when the article below was published on the website of Melbourne’s largest newspaper and quickly spread to other news sites and all over facebook and twitter.


The article reads:

“SOME of the NBA’s biggest names could be headed to Australia under a plan to take advantage of the likely NBA season lockout.

NBA players – including Kevin Durant, Chris Paul, Derrick Rose and Pau Gasol – are among an All-Star team that is willing to play a tour of Australia.

It’s understood the plan includes three All-Star matches at Rod Laver Arena later this year.

At least two sponsors have committed to back the tour and insurance issues – tipped to cost more than $1 million for the star-laden team.

The NBA season traditionally starts at the end of October.

But the players’ pay dispute with the NBA, which created the lockout, shows no sign of resolution.

It has spawned a rare window for the proposed tour by some leading lights.”


Here’s the direct link:



There is a massive NBA following down here and everyone is desperately hoping that this happens meaning that we’ll get our own version of what went on in Manila not long ago.  

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