New Orleans-the Place Superman Should Be

           This journal is kinda like “Save us Superman” which I thought was geneis but a little ridculous at the same time. I found a better(opinion) to do that trade. Get the Rockets out of the trade. But I did agree some.


                     G. Arenas, Hornets 2nd rd pick, Magic 2nd rd pick 2013


                     D. Howard, J. Flynn, JJ Redick


                     E.Okafor, M. Bellineli, J.Jack, Hornets 1st rd pick, Hornets 2nd rd pick 2013 A. Randolf


                Pros: They get Arenas who’s a good pg but not agent 0. They also get 2 draft picks in which they can replace Randolf.

Cons: Arenas is past his prime and the 2 picks aren’t going to be top notch players            Starting 5:  Arenas/Johnson/Beasly/Love/Milicic


                Pros: Well its the best center and pg in the leage no question about it. It will become the best combination in the leage. They also all ready replaced the players they lost in the trades.

                Cons: They threw away all your draft picks and they are depending on a bunch of players not to get hurt. They have a bad supporting cast and still have bad back up small forwards and centers.   Starting 5: Paul/Redick/Ariza/West/Howard


                Pros: they get a great backup pg, quality center, good shooter, a good pf, and 2 draft picks. They also keep most of there starting lineups and good backups.

                Cons: They lose there francise player and a good shooter.    Starting 5: Nelson/Richardson/Turkoglu/Bass/Okafor

           his would help all the teams so its a win,win,win.Ithink there is a 20% chance of this happening. The Magic still have quality players, Twolves will advance every year, and the Hornets would be one of the best teams in the leage.


Twolves:B       Hornets:A+     Magic:B+


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6 responses to “New Orleans-the Place Superman Should Be”

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever been called a “ridiculous genius” before. LOL

    There’s a hic-up in your deal. Jonny Flynn was traded to the Rockets right before the lockout.

    1st is this trade under an assumption the league will be operating under a CBA that’s similar to what we have now or under a hard/er cap?

    Right now your deal has Minnesota taking on Arenas 20mil a year with out shedding any salary. Also I’m not sure if Orlando see’s Okafor/Bellineli/Jack as fair vaule for Dwight Howard. I’m sure other teams can offer cheaper better players.

  2. Sorry you guys but I don’t see the magic or the T-Wolves agreeing to these trades.the only way the hornets can get D.Howard is to resign D.West and trade him and Okafor, but to me that’s giving ORL too much right there. they get a scorer and good but not great Rebounder +a overall great but short defensive Center. beside like I said B4 it puts a BIG gap in our lineup unless we sign and/or Trade for more players, but overall we need to do a lot of upgrading on every level except on Chris Paul.

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