In the NO Podcast Episode 35, Part 3: I love feeling the Draft

In the third and final part of the Podcast recorded on the 20th, Michael and Ryan talk draft, draft, draft. Oh, and trades. And some draft. And some draft-related trades. And some trade-related drafting.

I love the draft.

Enjoy the Podcast! Want it on Itunes?

8 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 35, Part 3: I love feeling the Draft”

  1. JaJaun Johnson and Trey Thompkins stock seems to be plummeting at the moment for some reason. If either of those two are available to us at 45 I think we should snatch them up. And a question I pose, if Indiana offered us Roy Hibbert and their first round pick for (number 15) for David West do we accept, because I read they offered Hibbert and number 15 to move to number 2 and the timberwolves declined.

    • I also say this because apparently Indiana is really high on Derrick Williams, and he is projected to be a David West-caliber player

      • Yes! Roy Hibbert and #15 for David West … absolutely!!!

        Look, I know Hibbert can be a bit soft at 7-2 at times, but its been noted in the past that David West can also be soft at 6-8!

        Fact is, 7-2 is 7-2, and we need the size!

        I’d like to see how Okafor and Hibbert play together.


  2. got info from friend who’s close to demps who’s says that d west 95% sure that he’s opting out

  3. The guy I’d like to see the Hornets get is Chris Singleton. A good defender at 6-9 who doesnt think he should take shots (10 FT attempts per game). It would require a trade up in the draft to being somewhere right outside the lottery. Probably up to the Pacers pick at 15. Im not a trade wizard so I dont know how we could do that.

  4. Being a Tarheel fan, I loathe DUKE and everything they stand for. So I for one, cannot vouch for Nolan Smith. DUKE’s list of ineffective NBA players are the length of the bible, where as Elton Brand gets a pass since he, Grant Hill, J.J. Redick, Gerald Henderson (verdict is still out), and Shane Battier are the only ones to make something of themselves after playing at DUKE for multiple years. Here bears the question – who are the exceptional ones? Carlos Boozer and Luol Deng? Yeah. That’s pretty much it, and one thing they all have in common, is that they only stayed at DUKE for one year, which seemingly is the loop hole to the curse of the devil. Anyway, that’s my sentiments on DUKE. You guys covered a lot more players, as have we the guests of your blog. Since no one really knows who Dell is going to pick, perhaps you should consider giving out a prize to whomever guesses right.

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