Demps who?

This will be my first journal entry in quite a while, and my way of saying hello Hornets247 again(after my 2 week hiatus). It’s almost the playoffs, but with David West out, we can be 99% certain of the Hornets being eliminated in the playoffs (at least with DWest, we had a puncher’s chance of winning and i really mean 1% chance). 

First order of business, SET THE PLAYING FIELD.

what does this mean? we all don’t know what the CBA will look like, how the draft will look like or whether there will be a lock out. Just as with any mathematical problem we need to make certain assumptions in order to arrive at a solution. We will therefore assume that the CBA will have some sort of a hardcap which i’ll peg at 65 million. I will also assume that the draft will look the same(instead of the usual assumption that there will be less freshmen and sophomores and more juniors and seniors). Lastly, I will assume that there is a lockout that will last until November, cutting around 20 games from the season. Also, I will assume we get David Chouest as an owner. Deep pockets. 

With that in mind, the first thing that’s in Demps mind is the future of DWest. Does Dwest decide to opt out or not? if he decided to opt out, do we resign him? My idea? We resign him for a number somewhere around 23 million/3 years for a annual salary of approx 7.5 mil with the last year being a team option. Why structure the contract like so? Because not only do we get flexibility, but we also get our starting PF back. I firmly believe that DWest will come back healthy and productive because his game is NOT built on speed, lateral quickness or jumping ability(3 things ACL tears mostly take away), but more on savvy, guile and deception. His the 17 foot assassin for a reason. 

Next up, we resign Carl Landry for 16 million, 4 years. Carl Landry’s knack for scoring off the bench is crucial for our bench. We also resign Belly to around 3 million per year for 4 years. 

All in all, we gave contracts to 3 rotation players. and our total salary will be around 55 million leaving us with 10 million to spend. Players on our team… 

Paul/Bellinelli/Ariza/West/Okafor — Landry/Jack/Pondexter/Gray

next thing? I’d use our trade exemptions to get draft picks. also, i’d find a taker for Okafor and Ariza. Why?

Well, Ariza’s inability to hit anything(3s, midrange, FT) is a liability on offense, one which causes our offense to succumb to a league worse. Although his perimeter D has been stellar, IMO its easier to make someone a perimeter defender than it is to get a ok shooter. (put them in the right system ala Boston). 

Also, trading Okafor is a must. Why? NOLA is in the western conference, and in order to win in the West, you need to go through the towering Lakers. And although Okafor has proven to be a great anchor for a defense, he is still 3 inches shorter than Bynum or Gasol. Where will i trade them? to GS(hopefully) its Ariza, Okafor and maybe Pondexter for Dorell Wright and Biedrins. Biedrins seems to be digressing in GS but he’s young and has the potential to be a defensive anchor different from Okafor. Wright’s ability to knock down 3s and contribute in different categories will be vital in ressurecting an offense that’s down in the dumpster.

Lastly, i assume improvement from Belli(more consistency), from Landry(more comfortable) and Monty(better rotations, more offensive creativity).






Biedrins/Gray/Trey Thompkins 


we just need to fill out those spaces. sign a shooting guard that can play some 3/a combo guard, and another Mbenga(my idea: Vujacic and Shelden Williams). final team.




Biedrins/Gray/Trey Thompkins…


thank you 🙂 and good day.  

6 responses to “Demps who?”

  1. I do like Dorell Wright. As a matter of fact, he would be the first wingman I get in FA. But here’s the deal, does he pass the Monty exam? Maybe. Im sure Monty could sculpt him into a good defensive player with his size (6’9 I believe). But that’s the question. Does he pass? Oh, and if the team you have right there happens, with the exact same salaries- we should still have enough money for a good back-up center (Samuel Dalembert, Greg Oden, Solomon Jones, Tyson Chandler)

  2. I believe Dorell Wright passes Monty’s test because he was known to be an athletic, aggressive defender before he became a shooter. Therefore, he’ll be a Monty guy, maybe a WAY WAY better offensive player than Ariza but a worse defensive player. And the number’s support this. DWright has a 4.2 OffWinShare and 1.3 DefWinShare. Ariza has a -0.6 OWS and a 3.6 DWS. still that’s a difference of almost 2 games. and 2 games can mean a 7th seed being a 5th seed.

    • always loved dorrel in his early days as well. was not unlike ariza, played hard D, scored on breaks but can hit his 3s. thinks hes an ideal monty wing because his scoring is a new found thing, he used to just shoot open 3s and look to distribute

  3. Taking a big risk on Biendrins staying healthy, but it might pay off. If it doesn’t though, all you have is Aaron Gray. Big risk, big reward.

    • agreed. this offseason plan depends on Biedrins staying healthy. But when healthy, he’s a longer, more mobile version of Okafor, and cheaper too!

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