Hornets247 Bracket Challenge

We have set up a bracket on ESPN.com for all the members of the Hornets247 Nation. The winner will get bragging rights and a CP3 gift pack that includes a Chris Paul jersey and a Chris Paul Mardi Gras Bobblehead! And entering is simple. Just do the following:

1.) Make sure you have a Twitter account that is following @hornets247

2.) Send out a CREATIVE tweet to all of your followers telling them why they should follow @hornets247 on Twitter

That’s it and that’s all! Once you do that, we will send you a message with the password for our private bracket and you are in. Good luck!

10 responses to “Hornets247 Bracket Challenge”

  1. No twitter for me until I meet some personal goals . . . And I don’t do the bracket thing, but I think this is a great idea.

    Too bad we don’t have a first round pick of our own, as would could work some scouting into the mix with the bracket.

  2. Dont know my twatter information =( I made one cuple years ago to attempt to talk crap to professional athletes, i couldnt figure out how to use it or why nobody would follow me so i could talk smack. Then i forgot my password (pretty sweet story)

    • make a new one. it will give me another outlet to bother you and for us to talk about the Italian Stallion.

  3. I don’t have a twitter account, nor do I want one, but I’d love to be in a 24/7 bracket even without prizes.

    • Okay guys- I understand the Twitter apprehension, so I will give a 2nd option. Journal post. Write a journal post about something Hornets related that is on your mind and I will email you the password.

      We love hearing your voices, so it is a win-win.

  4. One of the remaining things i dont want to have! Fought the Cellphones, facebooks accounts, everything-in-one-Cellphones ( much different from the first cellphone i was refusing at first in the early 90’s)

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