Fun with PFs: West and Landry dismantle the Kings

Yeah, CP3 was fun in that Kings game, but I decided to shower some love on West and Landry by putting together an all PF highlight reel.  The two showcased two styles en route to a total 45 points on 26 shots.  Nice.  Enjoy!

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15 responses to “Fun with PFs: West and Landry dismantle the Kings”

  1. I absolutely LOVE Landry’s play style. I hadn’t really had a chance to see him until the Dallas game the other day, but that type of aggression is very refreshing!

    Also, I don’t have much to spare but I hope my little donation helps. Thanks for providing us with such a great site!

  2. Wow! David West has one of the purest 17 to 18 footers in the NBA. He schooled Cousins to no end. Landry.. What more can you say, except, the guy is a banger. The dunk was so, so, so nasty. And then he puts on the finesse moves just for fun. I love this tandem at PF.

  3. watching these guys operate is almost as good as watching Drew Brees when he’s lighting it up……. almost

  4. Hey guys! Anyone hear anything about Jindal and Morial discussing Hornets tomorrow? I heard Fletcher Mackel say something during the new sports segment tonight that they’re supposed to talk about something called “I’m In” or something like that that discusses keeping the Hornets in NOLA. Anyone know anything about it?

  5. As a big Landry fan (note my name) from watching his play with the Rockets, I know what you should expect. Offensively he can be a tornado down low, and a strong offensive rebounder. Not a skilled passer, he’ll make a good safe pass but doesn’t get many assists. This is likely b/c despite being a top 4th quarter scorer in Houston he didn’t really demand double-teams. If he gets more noticed he’d have to add this skill. Otherwise, Landry 1v1 down low is about as fine a scoring option as you can want. He didn’t really get used in the pick and roll. He can pop for jumpers, but not super consistent and of course not even close to West in that regard. I wouldn’t judge his offensive game by what he did for the Kings, that team is a mess and they never fed him the ball down low. You can check the shot location stats, he spent too much time taking spot up midrange shots. Sure you’d be happy for him to be good at those, but that’s something plenty of players don’t develop until they’re elder statesmen.

    Defensively is where he’s a problem. He’s not a good defensive rebounder or a good defensive player. This is not for lack of effort. Therefore, after playing in an offensive team in Houston and a terrible team in Sacramento, as a fan I’d love to see him learn in a strong defensive system. Knowing your coach’s priorities, I believe Landry has the physical tools and work ethic to do it. However, plenty of players with both physical tools and great work ethic still never became competent defensively…see Stoudemire, Amare”””

    • Heehee, I can imagine Les Miles talking about defense in basketball. “It takes a want to to play defense. To get down and into your opponent’s body. You can be as smart as you like with all the physical gifts in the world; you still need that want to.”

      • Well I specifically brought up STAT because he is by all accounts a very diligent worker. He just also had the situation of always being on a team without a serious concept of team defense, or much accountability in the way of one-on-one defense.

      • I’m seriously gonna miss all the Les’isms when he eventually leaves/retires from LSU.

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