Chat About Marcus Thornton (plus a reminder about the comment policy)

Today at 1pm ct Hornets247 will be hosting a Marcus Thornton themed chat. This is being done because lately the debate has been getting passionate, and we want to give you a means to express your feelings in a place that isn’t every single game on post and recap, regardless of how Marcus played.

After this chat is done it will go onto the forum where you are welcome to post as much as you want about MT5/Buckets/lil’ Buckets/Marcus Thornton.

That said, let’s take a quick look at the mission statement for Hornets247. Please pay particular attention to number three.

Mission Statement

We have three main goals here at Hornets247:

1. To spread news and information about the New Orleans Hornets

We want all Hornets’ fans, no matter where they may live, to get the latest and most accurate Hornets-related info as fast as possible. If someone has a question about the team, we want the correct answer available to them on Hornets247. If the information exists elsewhere online, we don’t hesitate to point our visitors in that direction.

2. To provide responsible and in-depth analysis of the New Orleans Hornets

We obsessively follow every move the team makes and share our thoughts frequently on the blog, aiming to deliver fresh and thought-provoking content. We have very high standards for the blog, and as such our writers must consistently prove themselves to be educated, responsible and passionate about the subject.

3. To facilitate mature and intelligent discussion about the New Orleans Hornets

Via the comment forms throughout the site, we give our users a platform to discuss pretty much everything that gets posted here on Hornets247. We expect each comment to add value to the discussion, and we moderate with that in mind. Through our Journals section, we give our registered users a prominent stage where they can write at length about Hornets-related topics and share their thoughts with a large audience. We hold our Journalists (see what we did there?) to high standards and moderate Journal posts accordingly.

Beyond those three things, we just try to have a little fun with all this and not take it too seriously. After all, we are talking about a bunch of grown men running around after a rubber ball. Or is it a leather ball? Hmm… you’d think we’d know that.

Lately the comments on some of the posts have been less than mature. The staff here is not your mommy, so we don’t have a desire to police you by deleting inappropriate comments and having to clarify what is OK and what isn’t. Very rarely have we had to do so in the past, and it would be great if you guys could keep things civil so we don’t have to in the future.


Now it’s chat time.

33 responses to “Chat About Marcus Thornton (plus a reminder about the comment policy)”

  1. “We have very high standards for the blog, and as such our writers must consistently prove themselves to be educated, responsible and passionate about the subject.”

    guess Ryan didn’t get the memo =)

    couldn’t help myself. Love you guys

    • Nobody disagree with Ryan more than I do, but the guy always keeps the conversation mature and on point. He tends to be too heavy handed with stats, but at least his conclusions have some validity- as opposed to the people who really believe that a man of faith (Monty) is childish enough to hold a vendetta.

      • I agree as an indictment of the foul men of the Earth. Innocent III held a hell of a grudge

        I have no reason to suspect Monty is such a person and many reasin to suspect he’s a ‘good person’ based on interviews and folks I talked to in Portland.

      • Plenty of “good people” hold grudges. Also, plenty of people who act “good” or say they are “good” hold grudges. Most are adults. I have no idea if Monty is that kind of person.

  2. This is just a conspiracy held by Joe to TELL us there was a chat about Thornton and then he doesn’t post it! That was his plan all along to show us all a lesson. hahaha

    • Thats pretty cool. I’m excited for the live chat tomorrow. Wasn’t able to stick around for this one very long.

  3. This doesn’t seem to matter really. Marcus is gone after this year. The fact that so many people are talking about this kid shows something about his potential talent level.

    Also, there is no way that his defense could have been worse than Jack’s last night. Considering that is Monty’s rationale for not playing Marcus, he comes off inconsistent as Marcus’ D really has been the best of our perimeter 2’s lately as Beli and Willie’s have gotten progressively worse as the season goes along. Belinelli especially has looked terrible lately.

    JCS, the only schizo around here is you. You have deluded yourself into thinking I have multiple accounts when in reality it’s just a ton of people pissed because one of their favorite NBA players is not playing in favor of crap.

    Yes, for fans like me it sucks. The Hornets are basically telling my favorite player in the league to go play with himself in a corner. Of course I’m pissed.

    It just looks like Monty can’t step out of his comfort zone as a control freak.

      • Ball Don’t Lie and Basketball Jones make fun of Monty constantly for not playing Marcus and all of the ESPN chats get questions about him. No, it’s not just me. Most have just given up by now that Monty has it in him to change anything.

    • Doghouse:

      If you bark twice in reply to this, I’ll remove the bit of your comment that conflicts with the mission statement.

      Or just ask me to do so. Either way.

    • I unapproved the entire comment with the personal attack since you mentioned it before he took up the offer to have just the sentence removed.

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