Chris Paul’s Where Amazing Happens Commercial

Hat tip to CP3’s twitter account – and Dime Magazine.

21 responses to “Chris Paul’s Where Amazing Happens Commercial”

  1. Ya gotta agree on that commercial being the weakest out of the other 3. all of the others had more interaction and response from the players, cp3 kinda just stood there the whole time like HURR!

  2. LOL it didn’t even look real when the dude crossed in front of CP….I was expecting a commercial maybe of CP overcoming his grandfather’s death and using it as motivation for his future

  3. Wow that was such a let down. No wonder we haven’t seen that one on the air yet. So bad. Production, concept, just about a fail in every way. You know they have tons of footage of him younger, and this is what they went with. I am going to want to poke my eyes out the remainder of the season when they play that garbage 9 times every Hornets game. UGH.

  4. Well that was disappointing…

    I rate the other type of Amazing commercials among my favorite ads ever. Don’t mess with a good thing quite yet. There are so many sick plays that they can really just keep doing them for a while longer

  5. The Kevin Durant one was REALLY good, I thought. In fact, it had me fooled. Thought it was real. lol

    Was hoping for better for CP3.

    • Yeah, the Durant one is the only one that’s any good, because it simulates Durant responding to the future person.

      CP’s is just as lame as the rest. Nothing against the players, just like other have said above, these commercials simply aren’t done well. Interesting concept, poor execution.

      • I personally like the Amare one the most. The joke about the J train and the guy who doesn’t get the joke until the end is what made that commercial.

        “They-ahs no J-Train to the Gaaden.” Priceless.

  6. Hopefully someone comes to their senses and buries these where no one can see them, just horrible, I was expecting much much better!

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