Hornets Press Conference Regarding Attendance Benchmarks

This is the press conference with the Governor, Mayor, City and team leaders in which they announce that the Hornets have met attendance benchmarks.

6 responses to “Hornets Press Conference Regarding Attendance Benchmarks”

  1. Good that its official, but how does it work if theirs a lockout next year and for how much longer do the hornets have to meet these benchmarks?

  2. 2 year rolling average each January is part of the lease, so effectively we have to deal with it for 1/31/12 and 1/31/13. 1/31/14 is not an issue since the lease, if in effect, will be up that season anyway. So, doing well this season both on and off the court could boost sales to the point where the 2012 deadline is a non issue. The 2013 deadline will cover only the attendance between now and then, so if we fill things up next year like we did in 2008-2009 (after the 56 win season), it won’t be an issue.

    The 10,000 season ticket thing is doable, provided they mean by season ticket what they have meant by season ticket in the past, which is a full or partial season ticket. I’m not sure if they give partial season tickets the same weight as full season tickets, but once you sell a partial plan, you can’t sell a full season ticket in that seat, so there has to be some allowance for it.

    We did this before, and one good push could really set us up.

    However, are we really going to sell that many season tickets with the pending lockout? It seems to me that the same factors that the NBA cites for high-dollar folks not wanting to buy the team are the same reasons we low-dollar folks have for not wanting to buy season tickets (in March) for a season that won’t happen.

    I’ll be laying my cash down, for sure. Who else will? 10,000 seats worth of people? Including at least 3,000 who are not in the fold at the moment?

    And this is not a legal thing; this is a made-up goal that can just be jacked with on a whim. Be wary, Hornets nation.

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