Let Us Not Wallow in the Valley of Despair

The title here is from the oft-quoted I Have a Dream speech.  I feel this line gets too little play. Far too little. This is some of the best advice that has ever been given.

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

In honor of the day, I suggest that we use this tread to do just that.  Write something here that is going help you or someone do just that. 

It can be basketball related, such as, “We are on pace for 50 wins!”

It can be personal, such as “I don’t have to work today!” (I have to, but I’m using some vacation to go to the game.)

It can be a kind word to others, such as, “Sorry we got into that battle” (I’ve mended fences with some, for instance.  It’s nice.  Try it.)

It can be a bold prediction or hope or silly boast, such as “41-0 from here!”

Just get excited, get happy, and spread it around.

Don’t be shy or proud.  Honor everyone that’s ever fought for Freedom: King, Ghandi, Churchill, Eric Fletcher Waters, my grandfather who passed Thursday, and probably the family of people who will write here today. 

Put the “Ring” in “Let freedom ring!”

3 responses to “Let Us Not Wallow in the Valley of Despair”

  1. Ok.

    Doghouse. I’m sorry I have offended you so much here. I don’t try to make you angry with my posts, I just try to participate in a healthy debate.

    I hope you’ll accept my apology and we can be civil with one another and accept that we have differing opinions.

  2. i hope i can finish the semester and not die. i hope i can get an internship in sports management in the US. :))

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