Game On: Hornets @ Rockets

Matchup: Hornets(23-16) @ Rockets(17-22)

Off Efficiency: Hornets 102.4(19th), Rockets 106.7(8th)
Def Efficiency: Hornets 99.7(4th), Rockets 107.0(24th)

The Rockets have a remarkable number of high efficiency players, headlined by Kevin Martin and his 1.55 points per shot and low turnover rates.  In fact, almost their entire team is fairly efficient offensively, with the only Aaron Brooks taking more shots than he should considering his production.(1.18 points per shot on a third-most 11 shots per game)  That ability to get good shots and points from almost every position on the team, including the bench, makes them a very difficult team to guard.

Their problems, however, are on the defensive side of the ball.  Their opponents rarely have to take the prime 16-23 foot shots, with Houston forcing the 4th least number of shots from that distance.  Instead, opposing teams are generally not run off the three point line, attempting a high number of threes – or, in the rare case they are forced to put the ball on the floor, penetration isn’t contained and opponents get a high number of pull up shots in the 4-10 foot range.  In other words, their perimeter defense is porous and results in good shots.

The Hornets may be able to take advantage of this if Paul is attacking and Thornton gets minutes, but it’ll be interesting to see which team’s nature asserts itself:  Will the Hornets settle for the mid-range jumpshots they love, ignoring Houston’s weaknesses, or will Houston’s open lanes and three-point shots prove enticing enough to make them modify their shot selection?


Hornets: Marco Belinelli is out.
Rockets: Yao Ming and Brad Miller are out.  Kevin Martin has a “good chance” he’ll play tonight according to the Houston Chronicle.  Chuck Hayes should also return for this game.

Positional Analysis

PG: Kyle Lowry v Chris Paul
Advantage: Hornets
Lowry is a bulldog, and plays better defense than any guard on the Rockets, and is moderately efficient in taking smart shots.  I fully expect to see Paul flopping all over tonight as Lowry tries to hump him.  Still, even if the whistles don’t go Paul’s way, Lowry isn’t going to outplay Paul.
SG: Kevon Brotin v Wille Green
Advantage: Rockets
I don’t know who will start here for the Rockets.  Martin may take back his starting spot, otherwise it will be Aaron Brooks.  Willie Green will start, which, in my opinion, makes there no way this position could be an advantage for the Hornets.

SF: Shane Battier v Trevor Ariza
Advantage: Hornets
Shane Battier isn’t the defender Ariza is, since his footspeed has declined dramatically despite his reputation, but he is a little more efficient offensively.  I almost made this even, but Ariza just does a bit more on the court than Battier, who has quietly become pretty inconsistent.

PF: Luis Scola v David West
Advantage: Even
These two have quietly become mirror images of one another.  Neither defend much, both are undersized and have developed an arsenal of fundamental moves to make up their size problems.  West is a little stronger and able to get into the paint, but Scola rebounds a bit better.  It’s also usually fun to watch them go at one another.

C: Jordan Hill v Emeka Okafor
Advantage: Hornets
Hill’s pretty poor, despite some hype coming out of Houston last year.  He’s got a bad rebound rate despite his energy and length, he turns the ball over a LOT, and he’s extremely inefficient(1.15 points per shot) for a big man standing next to the basket.  Okafor should outplay him fairly soundly.

Jared Jeffries, Courtney Lee, Chase Budinger, Patrick Patterson vs
Jason Smith, Thornton, Pondexter, Jack
Advantage: Rockets
Hayes and Brooks may join that bench, and if that’s the case, this is a runaway in favor of Houston, which has one of the best benches in the league.  Patrick Patterson has lived up to the hype he developed in the draft as a smart, efficient scorer, and Budinger and Lee do enough to keep the perimeter dangerous.  Oh and Jeffries energy and Hayes rhino-build can cause issues for teams with unathletic interiors(like the Hornets)  Again, I’m just hoping the Hornets second unit can apply defensive pressure and keep the team from digging a huge hole, and that Marcus is on target.

Enjoy the game!

Joe will be on the Daily Dime Chat throughout the game.

164 responses to “Game On: Hornets @ Rockets”

  1. I just want a W. That’s all I want from this game. I want to keep the win streak going as long as possible. And the stretch of games coming up, I think it’s very possible.

  2. I’m totally siked about the game tonight! I have a trade question to unload though….

    …since the Hornets have a glaring need for a (1) starting 2-guard & a (2) back-up Center … and they also have a logjam at the wing position with Belinelli, Ariza, Thornton, Green, & Pondexter … which one (or two / three) player(s) would you package for our needs?

    I personally have played around with the idea of trading the expiring contracts of Marco Belinelli & Willie Green, along with a portion of the ‘Trade Exception’ in order to make a deal work for Stephen Jackson.

    Then, using the necessary amount left over from the ‘Trade Exception’ to trade for Andris Biedrins who would in turn back-up Emeka Okafor at Center.

    I can see both trades as realistic scenarios from all sides. Golden State doesn’t use Biedrins after the first 6 minutes of both halves no matter if he is in foul trouble or not … they prefer David Lee at Center. Charlotte would jump at the opportunity to get two expiring contracts and some ‘Trade Exception’ flexibility for Captain Jack.

    The Hornets would utilize Stephen Jackson’s talents for two more seasons before he is off the books … giving the team a ‘TRUE’ 3rd-Option! In turn this will allow Ariza to flourish as a natural 4th or 5th Option, being that he is not capable of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Option responsibility. Biedrins would be awesome as a back-up Center, and is capable of starting!

    The Hornets would still have other expiring deals for this off-season, including Marcus Banks’ contract.

    F-West, F-Ariza, C-Okafor, G-Jackson, G-Paul

    F-Smith, F-Pondexter, C-Biedrins, G-Thornton, G-Jack


    • L_Reazy. Charlotte would want something more for their leading scorer, wouldn’t you think?

      Beindrins would be pretty nice. I just don’t think we want his contract.

  3. Really looking forward to the Luis Scola-David West match-up, it’s a battle of two of the most underrated power forwards in the league and should make the game interesting.

    Houston has been a bit of a dissapointment so this is a game the Hornets should be able to take.

  4. Just a little pointer, you spelled Kevin Martin’s name wrong as Kevon Brotin in the H2H analysis.

    I’m expecting Okafor to have a good night tonight.

  5. The Hornets had better come out firing tonight, because if we don’t Houston has the ability to clean our clocks. This game makes me nervous, but with everybody playing better as of late, I see the Hornets walking away with a road W.

    • It makes me nervous too Hog. But we shouldn’t come out firing. We HAVE to control the tempo of this game. If we come out firing, it will only give Houston more possessions to score with.

  6. Hornets will play to play stellar defense. And please, guard Chase Budinger. He’s a guy that can light it up quick.

    • They got a few of “those guys”, don’t they? Martin, Budinger, Brooks, Lowry, Lee. Hm. I have this weird gut feeling Martin is going to go crazy tonight. Really worried about that.

  7. If Marcus Thornton wants to earn more time, this is the perfect game for him to do it. All he has to do is attack the basket RELENTLESSLY.

    If Marcus comes out settling for jump shots, or getting suckered into taking them because that’s Houston’s game, then he might struggle. If he comes out and looks to attack the basket as much as possible under such a weak defense, he can have a big night. He’s just got to be CALM.

    This team moves SOOO much. It’s easier for their opponents to want to do the same. Slow it down tonight fellas. Make it a half court game and go to the basket.

    Aside from Ariza, Marco was actually best suited to guard Martin. His length on defense and ability to keep up with guys who run through constant screens would have helped tonight. Hopefully Martin has an off night.

    • ‘Ziko’

      He’s still not starting though … which is a shocker to me. Monty Williams just doesn’t seem to want this guy to get an opportunity in the starting line-up.

      Really, as good as the Hornets have been thus far they’re not an elite team yet. How much harm could Marcus do to this team if he started and played 25 – 30 minutes per game? Monty acts as if he will seriously disrupt the continuity or prevent them from winning the NBA Finals … or something like that.

      Damn, now I sound like all the MT5 supporters. Well, it makes sense, and its hard for anyone to vote against Marcus Thornton right now when he really seems to be the only realistic ‘3rd Option’ on this team.


      • Reazy. I don’t think he has to start to get those minutes. I honestly prefer Marcus off the bench too. It helps the team be more balanced.

        Remember “It doesn’t matter who starts, only who finishes”.

        Look at other teams. They all have a “SCORER” off the bench.

        Dallas has Terry
        Atlanta has Crawford
        Denver has JR Smith
        Lakers have Odom
        Philly has Young
        Detroit has Gordon
        Bucks have Maggette
        Orlando has Arenas
        San Antonio USED to bring Manu off the bench.

        It’s a strategy. Marcus is better suited as a 6th man. Yes he’s instant offense. But he’s offense that takes away from his teammates. Creating balance is part of a coaches job, not just to start the game, but to balance it throughout.

        Marcus will play A LOT tonight, I bet you he will. And tonight we can see how he would do in this role as 6th man because he doesn’t have someone else taking time from him (Green).

      • P.S. Terry is the 3rd option on Dallas behind Dirk and Butler, is he not? He doesn’t start, and he actually has said he prefers coming off the bench because he gets to face other teams second units rather then their first. Meaning, weaker defenders, and usually smaller shooting guards (Terry’s 6’3).

      • ‘Ziko’ … great point, but I’ll raise you one of your own about Manu in San Antonio ….

        … look how much better San Antonio is with him starting … who can argue against that?

        I’m starting to realize -potentially- where all the fan support was coming from in regards to Marcus not starting / struggling. Maybe he needs to start, and be an option over David West at times to create and score. I think Monty is focusing way too much on the fact that Thornton is undersized.

        It really is the ‘Ben Gordon affect’ here where coaches have constantly tried to find a taller 2-guard to replace the shorter guy … even though the shorter is just as productive once the coach takes the shackles off of his game, and allows him to play his game!

        After watching much of the season I really believe that Marco is a better ‘off-the-bench-guy’ than Marcus is. Marco, IMO, is more suited for the bench than Marcus is. The ‘bench’ seems to hold Marcus’ game back a little.

        I think the Hornets would be better with that switch!


      • Manu is playing good as a starter because their team has changed. Duncan has gotten REALLY old. He is no longer the 1st option. He’s really the 4th option on this team behind Manu, Parker, and Jefferson.

        And yes, San Antonio is playing great. But even though they are playing better, they aren’t a championship team the way the prior teams were. Also, Manu is a proven veteran now. He’s learned the ropes, the ins, the outs. He doesn’t make many mistakes on the court. It’s a little different to compare Manu now to Marcus now. Get what I mean?

        Marco is a better fit as the starter for the first unit. He allows the ball to stay in CP’s hands. Which is what we need for a majority of the game. Marcus is a ball stopper. He gets it, and 90% of the time, no one else touches it after he does. Instead of taking away from Chris Paul, DWest, and Okafor, it just makes more sense for Marcus to have free reign when he’s in.

        Plus he’s REALLY energetic, something we don’t have off the bench.

        I don’t think the bench holds Marcus back. I think Marcus has held Marcus back.

  8. I hope for the best tonight.
    West vs Scola imho it’s not even, West has an advantage because he’s the guy who can stop the otherone, i don’t see Scola turn up the D in the clucth moments because DW is stronger and has range and Scola rebounds better just because hasn’t a presence like Okafor. ‘Meka has always been a big factor against the frontcourt of the Yaoless Rockets, i hope he isn’t tired after going against Howard. If the Hornets play smartly we can win this one.

  9. Good rationale for Monty starting Green. It’s worth noting that Kevin Martin is a 6′ 9” 250 pound mammoth of a shooting guard with no speed at all. That’s why we have Willie Green’s 6′ 6” slow build in there.

    • Kevin Martin is 6’5 and 185 pounds soaking wet. LoL.

      Green isn’t that big himself. he’s like 6’4.

      It’s just for defense Doghouse. Marcus is going to get a lot of time tonight dude. Probably more than he’s had all season. I’m gonna guess and say 30+ (unless he comes in and just plays terrible).

      Tonight’s his night to shine. He better not blow it.

      • If there was ever a SG that Marcus physically matches up with, it’s Kevin Martin.

      • Give Willie 5 min. He’ll pick up 2 fouls chasing Martin around. The only question then will be if Monty goes with Marcus off the bat, or tries using Jack or Pondextor.

      • He’s not. Look at him next to Green, and Ariza tonight. Ariza’s 6’8. Green’s 6’4 (same size as Marcus).

      • Willie is, as Times Pic pointed out several times this morning, listed at 6’3″, and Thornton is listed at 6’4″. Their actual heights? Who knows.

  10. Just make Kevin Martin’s skinny arse work hard for his shots. Lots of times he seems to focus more on getting to the free throw line than making an actual shot so try hard not to foul him much.

  11. Hopefully Meka has a good game. Not just because he’s from Houston and probably has family and friends at the game but because we need his contributions.

  12. i really don’t like martin, he’s completely one dimensional and w/o all his FTs he would be an average scorer. someone needs to foul him super hard to make him quit pulling that garbage.

  13. i hope the hornets tighten up their D from here on out, the first quarter was porous defense at best. also please start shooting the ball before there is 3 seconds left on the shot clock, its getting really frustrating. maybe monty should call some actual plays beside a pick and roll with david and mek maybe.

  14. You already know how I feel.

    Michael, if you don’t think that Marcus is in Monty’s Doghouse now you are crazy.

    He will find any way possible to not let him get consistent minutes with our starters.

    At least double J is in the building tonight.

  15. I can’t believe Hayes had the nerve to make one of those ugly ass free throws. LOL!

    Jack hitting shots so far tonight.

  16. I think the Rockets broadcasters are the worst!
    Always biased, stuff up names calling Gray, Green? Marcus, Al? Complain against obvious calls.

  17. Jack is hot tonight. I hope we are not going to start the third with that Willie-Green-nonsense. Paul-CP3-Marcus can fill all the Backcourt minutes. Marcus can be very effective in the starting lineup because he makes Martin defend!

  18. I must say, thank goodness for the bench tonight in the first half. Mainly Jack. Because our starters (except Emeka) act like they had a party last night.

  19. Hornets better come out in the 2nd half ready to win this game. Stop playing around Hornets. The Rockets are serious.

  20. Come on Hornets. Don’t get outplayed by 42 year old Shane Battier!

    There’s another clanked floater by West.

    There’s Martin to the ft line again.


  21. Houston fans are probably talking about how glad they are to get rid of Trevor right about now. LOL!!

    Shoot the damn ball Chris!

  22. Fourth foul and he’s still on the court. Why Monty? He can’t guard Martin. So why? No disrispect but i can’t stand this.

  23. Paul wake the fuck up. Green get out. Ariza… you aren’t doing anything so that’s okay I guess. West make a shot. Emeka, keep it up! Bench, good job.

  24. ugh the starters seem to not even care, put back in jack and the subs they actually played like they wanted to be out there.

  25. Oh god……. If marcus would have been doing as terrible as green is on defense, Monty would have pulled him and we wouldnt have seen him for a while….. I know Monty has the soft spot for Green due to their time in Philly, but enough is enough.

  26. Next time CP gets in the paint he needs to take the shot.

    Yall got Kyle freaking Lowry out there playing playground ball on you and ish. Come on now!

  27. Is Chris Paul throwing this game? LOL!

    Kevin Martin doesn’t get called for slapping the hand away but CP gets called for it. OK.

  28. HOLY F’ING @#@$@#!!!!! learn to play baskteball for crying out loud. how can you play good teams so well and then play a not very good team like houston like complete crap!!!!

  29. One of the most inconsistent teams in the NBA. It’s just so frustrating knowing that this team has the potential to be good, but they don’t bring it every game.

  30. Lord have mercy. Sloppy ass passing. Dumb turnovers. Careless play. And not doing anything to stop the 3 ball.

  31. Hornets being outplayed and outhustled. They’re slapping the ball away from the Hornets every chance they get. Hornets playing too stupid.

  32. hornets need to channel the utah jazz for a comeback in the 4th. hopefully cp3 realizes who he is and starts playing like it. oh yeah someone should back hand kevin martin’s ugly ass.

  33. This coach is worse than B Scott. He has no idea what he is doing. I guess Thornton must have killed Monty’s family pet or something. He is treated differently than every other player on this team.

  34. Kevin Martin just lets the ball fly. He don’t care who’s guarding him. He figures he’ll either make it or he won’t. And how West let a bum like Hayes get that? Get out. I need to go finish my oyster po boy and beer. Get out Hornets.

  35. Sorry guys I leave again and see if they can get this one without me, they did the exact same thing for the Kings

  36. I’m convinced West and Paul are trying to throw this game. Ariza had to clean up West’s mess just now. They’re trying to throw it and the rest of the team don’t know it. LMAO!

  37. You see? You see that weak ish CP3 just went in there with? He can finish that. That was bull.

    Charlotte is going to beat their arses tomorrow.

    • Yeah I ain’t never seen that before. The way CP played tonight though I think just about anyone would’ve owned him tonight.

    • Lowry has been guarded by Jack. And CP3 was limping all night long but hit the game dagger in the OT and played big D on Martin, he couldn’t get the ball so he went out of “the zone”

  38. WOWWWW! I came out the bathroom just in time to see West throw down that jackhammer!! DAMMNNN WEST!!! I like it baby!

    • I’ll take it too. I know they all can’t be pretty but I’ll take it. These Hornets are going to cause my heart to fail.

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