Game On: Warriors @ Hornets

Hello all!  I’m back from my long vacation, having watched two dozen six-foot long nurse sharks feed on fish guts from three feet away, snorkeled multiple times in crystal clear water over fish-filled reefs, gone 100 feet underwater in a submarine, walked on two Volcano craters, clambered down into a pair of lava tubes, went to a Luau, saw what my boys insist are the “Best Fire Dancers the World has Ever Known”, ate Poy and cleared the Hoover Dam of Caeser’s Legion.  And only one of those isn’t true – and it’s probably not the one you think it is.

So, after my long Hiatus, I spent the past two days watching lots of the basketball I missed while away and tonight I get to see it live again.  Yay!  McNamara and I may even be able to get a new Podcast up for those of you who are waiting in the next day or so.  And you are all waiting, right?  Anyone?  Bueller?

Anyways, I was poking around on site I love) and found this and wanted to share.  I love Chris Paul, and he’s a genuinely nice guy off the court, but this is a perfect depiction of the way he plays basketball.  I thought about editing it and putting his face on the guy on the left, but decided to go with the original.

On to the game Preview!

Matchup: Warriors(13-21) @ Hornets(21-14)

Off Efficiency: Warriors 103.5(14th), Hornets 102.0(19th)
Def Efficiency: Warriors 108.6(28th), Hornets 99.1(5th)

Somehow, the Golden State Warriors have escaped my notice most of this season.  Usually when I write a game preview about a team I have a pretty good idea already about the team’s weaknesses or strengths, but I find myself starting out this preview without any clue about what is going on in the Bay Area except that Monta Ellis has scored a bunch of points and that David Lee missed some games with teeth stuck in his elbow.  I guess that’s what happens when a bad team has no notable rookies on the floor and continues to be a generally bad team.

Anyways, I’ve spent a while studying my favorite stats sites and perusing the GSW blogs, and here’s what I feel is a pretty solid take on their team:

The Warriors are a donut team as usual, with the vast majority of its scoring originating from its two guards, Ellis and Curry.  Both of those guards are only slightly better than average as scorers, however, as Ellis is only a middling shooter and doesn’t capitalize on his free throws and Curry capitalizes on his free throws, but almost never gets to take any.  In the end, neither player scores more points per shot than David West does and both are much more turnover prone than the Hornets forward.  Would any of you be comfortable with two David West’s as the Hornets top offensive options?

Still, unlike the Hornets, the Warriors do end up as a solid offensive team since none of their primary offensive options are outright terrible.(Hello Ariza!  ‘Lo Willie!  And, uh, Howdy Thornton?)

Where the Warriors break down, as has always been the case for the last few years, is defensively.  They allow a large number of shots within 10 feet of the basket and don’t contest them well, generating easy points for opponents.  They also force a very small number of shots in the 16-23 foot range compared to the rest of the league, allowing their opponents to avoid the least efficient shot in basketball.  To top it off, despite strong contributions from David Lee, the Warriors are the sixth worst rebounding team in basketball and despite forcing a good number of turnovers, don’t force enough to balance their own turnover woes.

In short, they can be scored on, and they aren’t so good offensively they can’t be stopped by the Hornets strong defense.  It seems to me the game will come down to wether the Hornets hit the open shots they will be bound to see.


Warriors: Both Biedrins and Lee have struggled with injuries recently, but it is likely they will play tonight.
Hornets: None

Positional Analysis

PG: Stephen Curry v Chris Paul
Advantage: Hornets
I still feel Stephen Curry is a shooting guard.  He’s an amazing shooter with a decent handle, but without much in the way of passing skills.  Paul will be able to run the team with little resistance from Curry, as well, so while I expect these two players to score at a roughly equal clip, Paul is going crush the Warriors and generate tons of open shots.

SG: Monta Ellis v Marco Belinelli
Advantage: Warriors
In past years, Ellis shot 20 times and got 20 points, which is awful.  Now he shoots 20 times and gets 25 points, which makes him no longer a liability.  I doubt Belinelli will have the footspeed to keep up with Ellis(few do) so Ellis will score a good bit.  However, on the other side, this is an undisciplined defensive team – the sort Belinelli usually shines against.  He may make this not as big of an advantage as you’d think.

SF: Dorell Wright v Trevor Ariza
Advantage: Warriors
Wright is a solid all-around player.  He’s not the most efficent scorer, but he gets nice numbers of blocks, steals, rebounds, and isn’t a bad passer.  He can also knock down a jumpshot.  Ariza will also knock down a couple jumpshots a game.  Too bad he has to take about eighty-four.

PF: Vladimir Radmonovic v David West
Advantage: Hornets
Radmonovic has rediscovered his shooting touch from three this year, but otherwise, he’s nearly useless.  I do worry that West won’t chase him out to the three point line enough and we’ll give up some easy shots, but West should make up for it on the other end abusing VladRad in the post.

C: David Lee v Emeka Okafor
Advantage: Hornets
Amundson has been filling in for the injured Biedrins and Lee.  It’s possible both Lee and Biedrins may start the game, but not likely.  Either way, Lee has been a disappointment so far for the Warriors after the first couple weeks as he’s struggled with injury.  While his rebounding numbers remain good, his efficiency has dropped off dramatically – probably because he’s playing with two combo guards who feel the pick and roll is a really a pick and shoot.  Lee was remarkable finishing the pick and roll, but he’s not getting much opportunity here.  If he wasn’t struggling with a bad back, this would probably be even, but for now Okafor has the advantage.

Reggie Williams, Andris Biedrens, Rodney Carney, Louis Amundson, Ekpe Udoh
Willie Green, Jason Smith, Jarret Jack, Marcus Thornton, Pondexter?
Advantage: Warriors
The Hornets bench has been slowly failing.  While Jack has picked up his game a little, Thornton, Green and Smith have not been making shots of late, and Monty doesn’t really trust anyone else yet.  Hell, we all know he barely trusts Thornton.  The Warriors on the other hand have a really solid sub in Reggie Williams, who is their most efficient scorer and second best shooter.  Biedrens can still control the boards and run the floor, and Amundson and Carney aren’t bad.  If the Hornets second unit let these guys get out and attack, they could be in trouble.  They have to hold the fort defensively.

Enjoy the Game!

163 responses to “Game On: Warriors @ Hornets”

  1. I can see the Warriors stealing this games, Despite their winning record, the hornets are not that consistent. I saw a game where they played the Sixers and their offensiive execution was terrible. It looked so sloppy. The warriors offense looks more in sync that the Hornets’

    • I saw one game against the Jazz where we played well. I wonder what that means.

      What does it all mean?

      There is no spork.

    • I see the Warriors having to forfeit this game due to not having enough players available to play. The only game I saw of them was last year where they only had six players activated. I’m sure playing half of last season and the first half of this season with only six people has really taken a toll. With Rodney Carney released yesterday, that leaves them with only five people. So if one gets injured or fouls out, the Hornets should run away with this one 13 vs 4 game.

    • How much Warriors ball do you watch? I’m sure you follow all their games to see how good they really are, right?

      • So then, what about the Sixers huh? Pretty bad team. Yet they put a few nervous fears in our home crowd because we let them hang around until the last minute. Golden State is a better team than that.

    • lol why does this dude hop on all the time just to say “i can see the hornets losing this game….”

  2. I predict a big game from Belinelli. One he’s playing against a team that plays some of the worst defense in the league, and will be guarded by a terrible defender. Secondly, I think he’ll be pumped to play against his old team. When he was with Toronto he didn’t really get a chance to play against the Warriors and I think he’d like to show them what they missed on. A home court familiarity, a terrible Warriors defense, and little bit of motivation should equate to a fairly big game. Hopefully I’m right because I’ll be there wearing my Belinelli jersey 🙂

    • It would be nice if he wanted seriously to beat his former team. But it seems like most of our guys play like they’re still playing for the other team when they meet. LOL. I was hoping Ariza would have a nice game against the Lakers. Willie sucked tremendously when the Hornets played in Philly but he did a better job in the game against them the other night. Either way, the Hornets need to win this game.

  3. Hornets had better not let Reggie Williams and Dorell Wright do what the heck they want to out there. Heck don’t let anyboby do what they want to out there but do not focus so much attention on Ellis and Curry and neglect these guys because they will burn the h*ll out of you.

    • He won’t be nice, but the rest of the Bees might be. They like showing character and a friendly, nice game. Sometimes, we get mean. Hopefully we’ll start seeing that a little more.

  4. Again this game is no gimme. Their offense is really much better than the preview suggests. Ellis may be inefficient here and there, but would any of you really bet against Ellis going off for 30-40 points tonight? Players have career nights against this team routinely, and Ellis can get his shot from ANYWHERE on the court. I wouldn’t doubt him having a field day.

    They scored 72 points in the first half against Miami. Sure, Miami came back to win, but that’s the Miami Cheat for ya. The Hornets really need to make sure they THEIR OWN game tonight. If they give close to 48 GOOD minutes of defense and make some good shots, Hornets will win. I expect them to win at the end, but there isn’t any guarantee it’ll be pretty.

  5. I’ll go ahead and say it…. the more I watch Quincy Pondexter, the more I like him. The kid just plays within himself, and is a solid defender already. On Monday night, whenever he was on the floor, he would inbound the ball from SLOB (sideline out-of-bounds) plays. Thats a huge responsibility for a rookie, and it shows that Williams is developing some trust in him. He’s been the Hornets’ 2nd best all-around bench player the last week or so. I can’t wait till he gets more comfortable in the offense, because he is already a solid defender. Granted, he doesn’t get the minutes that some of the other guys get, but when was the last time any of you saw Pondexter do something completely bone-headed? Now, ask yourself the same question about any other Hornet, Paul included…. thinking…. riiiiight.

  6. interesting stat i dug up a couple minutes ago, the hornets have only allowed 3 players to score 30 or more points so far this season (A’mare 34, Wade 32, and Beasley 30). i didn’t bother to look up any other teams but i’d be willing to bet that, that’s gotta be a league best or at least close to it. Hopefully the D will be able to lock down Curry and Ellis tonight but i’m almost more worried about Wright being able to shoot as many open 3s as he wants.
    Also CP3s gotta start trying to get to the line more often, with an anemic offense like the hornet’s have they need as many easy points as they can get. i’m assuming dwest will go off tonight and i’m predicting a good game from buckets if he gets at least 15 mins.

    • Yeah, CP should start getting to the line more but that can be said about the other players as well. CP is averaging more fta then any other Hornet player. Main difference is, CP is the best free throw shooter on the team. Other guys need to get there too but it doesn’t mean they’ll make the shots.

  7. Warriors analyst just gave CP3 props. Said..

    “Chris Paul to me is the most tremendous point guard because he gets to spots on the floor that nobody else can and control the ball inside the lane like that. I love that young man.”

  8. Here’s another thought……. Do you think the Lakers would take back Trevor Ariza in exchange for Ron Artest?

    -Do anyone here knows Gris-Gris

    • I was thinking the same thing, it’d be great if he got to the line more but the risk could be devastating if he came down wrong…

  9. like the offense so far, but the D needs to tighten up. also does anyone else cringe whenever ariza drives now as well as when he shoots?

  10. i wonder if the warriors would trade wright for ariza? would anyone pull the trigger on that? i guess wright is sorta undersized and i dunno if he plays good D at all, but i gotta say outside of the recent bench struggles the starting SF is the hornets biggest weakness.

  11. good 1st quarter, although i don’t want to see the hornets get in a scoring contest with the warriors.

  12. Come on Hornets. Allow Chris Paul to take a rest please. You guys can’t seem to hold onto a lead when he sits.

  13. They are telling Hornets fans to go to to vote but they need to tell them they can also vote by texting players last names to 69622.

      • I know right? It’s like we’re on a nice break and here he goes with a dumb turnover. I lose a few strands of hair everytime he does that. I just hope I’m not bald by seasons end. LOL!

  14. Now I just hope the Hornets come out of the lockerroom for the 2nd half.

    Ariza for 3!!!


    Hornets 58
    Warriors 47

  15. damn JuJu had a good game for the raptors tonight:15 pts 9 rebs 5 ast 1 stl 0 to and +32 +/-. he never did anything like that with the hornets.

  16. Wasn’t Ariza tripped just now? Why wasn’t that a Warriors foul? And Curry bumped Paul like that? CP’s gonna be mad now. He’s got a tech but he’s probably about to light into Curry now.

  17. I’m glad Wright missed both ft’s.

    Now look at Jason Smith traveling. Come on now. Refs like close games because then the game becomes about them.

  18. wow hornets have been playing awful all 4th quarter but the refs definitely haven’t done them any favors this is f’ing ridiculous

    • Right. You can’t just miss free throws like that and expect to win a game. And you can’t win a game when refs wanna be seen. Some truly bad calls down the stretch. Hornets need to guard the 3 ball better too.

  19. Looks like Coach Monty’s favorite player can get all the credit for this loss. Thanks for trying to be a hero in the 4th Willie Green. By the way…you suck. lol

    • Monty has his favorites. If MT5 makes the same mistakes Willie makes, he gets pulled out the game. I just dont understand why hes not consistent with everyone. For example, tonight there was a play either the 3rd or 4th, GSW missed a shot and Willie allowed an offensive rebound, not only that but he fouls the guy for an And 1. He also was ineffective guarding Monta Ellis. Then after that tough come back thanks to Ariza, guess who starts jacking up forced shots (including a long 3)? Willie Green…cost us the game IMO. If MT5 does any of those things hes out the game. Willie however gets special privileges and thats what I cant stand.

  20. seems like the majority of the hornets losses from close games have resulted from not guarding the 3 and missing loads of FTs. so far this has been the most frustrating season for me to watch the hornets, they look great and then the next game they look like crap. plus you add in we usually get shafted by the refs and the ownership situation, i just hope like everyone else everything starts clicking and the season will end on a high note.

  21. i will put this loss on monty and the refs. refs screwd us over but we have a coach who sat there and watched a 14-0 run, heres a novel idea…. call a timeout

  22. Terrible closing performance, what else is new…..
    Green shouldnt be the one taking the final shots, Dwest and CP3 two man game down the stretch, that should never change.
    I’m not one to blame it on refs, but they just screwed Mek over, if that was me I would’ve had a double tech, we need him against teams like GS.

  23. And Licht needs to stop talking about how the Hornets are the best defensive team in the West. They need to play like it. And when they do, the refs intervene. I hope a charlie horse keeps those refs up all night.

    • Monty did nothing wrong. Wanna who did? The PATHETIC GROUP WE CALL A BENCH.

      We were up ten points to start the 4th and we end up going down by 10?!?!?!?!?!

      I just can’t believe how time and time again our bench allows the opposing team to not only get back into the game, but to give them ALL THE RHYTHM!!!


      This is the angriest I’ve gotten watching a game all season.

    • talk about overreaction… we’re what, less than half a season into his FIRST SEASON and people seem to think that he’s a Popovich or someone special. People seem to forget that its his first year, and that he’s a long way towards a coaching career that i believe will be good. again first year head coach everybody. let’s talk about him getting fired if he doesn’t improve next year.

      • i like monty ,dont want him fired, but the loss is on him i think. poor rotation at the end and never stopped the action to slow down their 14-0 run.

  24. Yeah, Warriors=horrible ball club. The “horrible” as in, the type of team that the Hornets always lose to.

  25. the only thing i can take solace in is that the spurs lost and the jazz are down by double digits but knowing them they will come back to win. oh and hopefully ariza has learned how effective he can be when he cuts and drives to the hoop. oh yea turnovers also killed us tonight too!!!

    • I take no solace. It would be nice if the Hornets can win games to try to at least get within a few games of those teams but no, they go and lose too.

  26. We have what it takes to win, however the timing and management needs to be re-evaluated by Monty. He does the same thing everysingle freakin game and its so predictable. Why in shits name does he take out all the starters and stop our momentum against a team that keeps its hot streak starter Monta Ellis in? Why u ask? Ill tell you why, because “he wants to give CP and Dwest rest… Wtf! These guys don’t need the same amount of rest every freaking night! Every single time he takes out the starters in the beginning of the fourth I cringe to think that if we are leading the lead will be cut. If you guys all follow the Hornets like I know you do you will remember 1 game this season where he put the starters back in at 10:30 remaining mark… Can you name that game and did we win?

    • I agree Max. It’s that 4th quarter EVERY SINGLE TIME that is making me lose my mind.

      But I don’t mind that he subs out the starters. What I mind is the goddamn second unit coming in thinking we have the game won and playing COMPLACENT.

      THATS RIDICULOUS. It makes the starters jobs soooo much harder when they come back in and have NO MOMENTUM.

      • yeah. i give props to Monty for trusting our bench. I discredit him for not recognizing that our bench is not responding. I hate our bench right now for being so atrocious. Can’t believe it, i went to school with NO up 10, i said to myself “this looks like a blow out. Cp3/dx will win this. BUT MY GOD.

    • i’ve been saying this for awhile but monty is pretty much BScott 2.0. He plays pretty much his favorites and that’s it, relies too heavily on the bench when they aren’t getting it done, runs basically the same offense, and generally never seems to get in his players or the refs faces when calls aren’t going their way. the only positives i have to say about monty are that he has given the team a defensive identity somewhat, and he doesn’t overplay cp3 and dwest (although he can be accused of underplaying them as well). so pretty much the hornets fired byron for a clone of him.

      • i’m tired of defending Monty. and since i read in “stumbling on wins” that finding a transcendental coach is rare, just as much as a superstar is. We might as well fire Monty and hire another Assistant Coach from another team, and it won’t make a difference.

  27. Did you guys see that? Some Warriors fan bought a gris gris doll into the Hive? I hope his tires blow out tonight. No injury. I hope they blow out though and he has to buy a whole new set. LOL.

  28. Some of the people here are ridiculous with the blind Marucs love. I really like the guy, I have his jersey and his autograph. But for the love of God realize he’s not playing well and that last season is meaningless for the most part, especially since we have a new coach.

  29. Whered Thornton go? O wait Monty is a dumass and plays favorites and refused to pull green which cost us the game. Monty is really starin 2 piss me off

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