Belated Holiday Post

I’m an altruistic guy, so instead of wishing for things for me, I would prefer to wish for things that will benefit all the New Orleans Hornets fans. That includes wishing that every player gained certain skills because of whatever December holiday they acknowledge.

The magical idea of Santa Clause/Flying Spaghetti Monster is in no uncertain terms, awesome. Just awesome. It turns out that my nephews did not receive the dog they wanted, nor the space shuttle. Is it their fault? I’m not sure. What I do know is that I didn’t openly wish that they got it, so I can’t discount my potential for influencing the supernatural.

This year I’ve been a good boy.  The Save Our Hornets Foundation has sent over 100 kids to games so far (and we need more donations to continue), positively influencing the Hornets potential to extend their lease via attendance, and thusly increasing the likelihood that the Hornets remain in New Orleans. Because of that I feel like I might be rewarded with some awesome presents from Santa. Since I’m completely content with what I have (and my mom is awesome at filling in the unseen cracks), it seems like the world would be better off if I passed along my good fortune to those more needy (aka the Hornets players).

[Insert laughs/condescending comments here]

For David Anderson I wish that he gets the same popularity that Sean Marks received. Everyone knows that fans can influence the way a player performs, and if Anderson can get the fan support that Marks had, I’m convinced he can play a bigger role going forward.

For Trevor Ariza I wish that he receives a three point shot. There is nothing that would impact the Hornets starting five more than him being able to hit open three pointer at a 40% clip. I realize that is a fairly high percentage, but the dude is a pro basketball player with a fundamentally solid shot. If he wants to spread the floor, improve his game, and provide Chris Paul with a reliable option from behind the arc, then that’s what he needs from tardy Santa.

For Marcus Banks I wish that he finds a team that thinks he’s as good as Marc Gasol, so that in return the Hornets can acquire a player of the caliber of Pau Gasol by attaching a 9-10 million dollar trade exception and a draft pick or two.

For Marco Belinelli I ask that he figures out how to perform against good teams the way that he performs against those that are bad.

For Aaron Gray I ask that he gets some playing time to prove that his offseason impacted his performance as much as I initially expected it to.

For Willie Green I ask that he continues to ball like he has so far. I’m thrilled with what I’ve seen so far.

For DJ Mbenga I wish that he develops some sort of offensive game. I didn’t say these would all be realistic. MBENGA!!!

For Jarret Jack I ask that he continues to familiarize his play to the system that Monty Williams runs at the rate that he has so far. That way, by the playoffs he will be the best backup point guard in the league.

For Pops I hope that he develops into the player that “rm” knows he can be, if that is even possible.

For Emeka I wish that he continues his workouts so that he can keep being the 82 ganes a year rock that the team needs him to be. As strange as it sounds, I think the team would be worse off losing Okafor than Paul. Does that make him the MVP so far? Possibly. We will have that conversation on another day.

For Chris Paul I ask for the re-gift of crunch time domination. I know that he has it in him, so all I am really asking is that he utilizes what’s inside like he did against Atlanta. Oh, and that his knee never has a problem again. Also that he invites me to the preview of the CP3.V. And that he signs a contract extension after this year. There are more things, but I feel like people ask enough of him as it is. Three more wishes than everyone else seems like enough.

For Quincy Pondexter I hope that his defense will soon reach his potential. I don’t think it’s too far away. BOOM. Said it. That guy is going to be an ace sooner rather than later. It’s going to be huge for the team.

For Jason Smith I ask that the team finds a third big man via trade so he can start being considered for the best fourth big man in the league. I love the hustle. LOVE IT. I’ve said it before, but when he’s playing well he’s like a combo of the best parts of Darius Songaila and Ryan Bowen.

For Buckets I hope that he continues to listen to Monty Williams and not get frustrated by the decrease in playing time. There is nobody who has benefited more from Monty coming aboard, and I don’t care what the traditional stats say. Anyone who thinks that last year’s Marcus is better than this year’s hasn’t been paying attention to anything except scoring.

For David West I ask two things. First of all I want him to stay loyal and resign with the Hornets without testing free agency. I realize that requires the Hornets to make a nice offer to him. Secondly, I hope that he gets the opportunity to show up in some playoff games. I know he would love that opportunity more than anyone (besides maybe Paul) on the team.

For the announcers, I hope that they somehow are able to incorporate the phrase “boomshakalaka” because it is awesome and reminds me a of being an 11 year old boyplaying NBA Jam.

And for every single Hornets fan, I hope that the team scores huge in a trade or two and somehow manages to make the Western Conference Finals. If that happens I promise to attend every single Hornets game next season, both home and away. I will literally grab my dog and road trip the entire thing. Cross my heart.

P.S. Michael took over this last week and a half and made my Holiday road trip much much easier. I hope that he is able to make it to the next Hornets247 watch party (details coming soon). This is my public thank you to him.

P.P.S. Thanks to everyone for making this site what it is today. Check this out. Apparently we are one of the best basketball blogs on the net. You all deserve the credit for that, seriously. Without you we are nothing. Thanks so much. I really mean that. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please let me know.

9 responses to “Belated Holiday Post”

  1. Get your finances ready for next year ’cause the Bees are going all the way this season!

    And oh, how about that live chat during games so that we don’t have to refresh the browser every now and then? 😀

  2. I agree with every sentiment, especially the one about Thornton. Right now his entire game has been cooking. Monty took the raw ingredients, put them in the pot with a sprinkle of discipline and defensive awareness, and he’s letting the pot simmer. By the all-star break, I think we’re gonna see that Monty’s got a good dish cookin’.

    Thank you, Gerrity, and Ryan, Mike, 42, and everyone else who makes this site what it is. I’m not a big poster here but I’m certainly a big reader, and this is the first place I come for every bit of news I can get on my favorite team. So thanks to everyone here for making it an entertaining and friendly place.

  3. david anderson will never reach the fan favoritism of Mbenga. something about that goofy bastard that makes all the fans of the teams to goes to go crazy when he preforms. BENGA!

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