Hornets Sale?

Sending out Love for my Hornets all the way from Australia, Been a Hornets supporter since 1992. I was wondering if anybody out there has heard any rumors about George Shinn selling his part of the franchise to Garry Chouest, last I heard it could happen before the end of the year. With recent reports that the hornets could break their lease if the average attendance doesnt reach an average of 14,213 in the next 13 games. Does anybody have the same feeling as I do that any majority owner who buys George Shinn out will move the Franchise to another market like Seattle or Kanas City at the first chance they get?

Overall Financially are the Hornets running at a loss?

5 responses to “Hornets Sale?”

  1. No I don’t think the Hornets will move if the deal gets done since the man that is supposed to buy the team (Gary Chouset) is from Louisiana and had tried to bring a team to NOLA before the Hornets got here.

  2. My wife was saying she read that if Chouset bought the team he wanted to investigate changing the name to something more New Orleans specific. (sorry no link) For me its Jazz or Hornets or no thank you. Besides the Fleur de bee is the best logo in the NBA

    • I read Brass, like the hockey team. It may have just been hot air, poorly sourced.

      Krewe was my vote if a change was forced.

      • A Krewe is the group of people who put on a parade plus the parade itself. When we go see Endymion, we see the Krewe of Endymion. When I was in Endymion, I was in the Krewe of Endymion.

        Not all parades hold to this, as it goes back to the old Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the Mystic Krewe of Comus. Things diverge from their original purpose. Some Krewes now have functions all year, like Endymion, and others are explicitly social clubs, like Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club, if I’m remembering right. Zulu used to be a mockery of Rex, but has embraced some of its attributes to make it the most uncanny, in the unhelmlich sense for the Germans and Freudians out there.

        So, I sort of went off there, but yeah, like a crew but your work at fun, not work.

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